The steemit campaign on twitter is still ongoing and Friday marked the fifth day of the campaign. The results of the campaign so far has been impressive and a huge success. The atlas force is growing at an exponented rate as more steemians are joining the campaign through the force to promote steemit on social media. The campaign results has experienced a significant increase as more participants are poised to exceed the 10million potential impacts mark. 91 atlas force members signed up for the Friday campaign which lasted for 24hours with hashtags #steemitlife and #fridaycam.
The following results were obtained.
- Potential Impacts = 3,713,127
- Potential reach = 1,656,609
- Total tweets = 511
- Followers per contributor = 18,204
- Text tweets = 147
- Retweets = 338
- links/images= 25
potential impacts = 5,338,964 +3,713,117 = 9,052,081
Potential reach = 1,514,796 + 1,656,609 = 3,171,405
The above result can be confirmed from tweet binder.
The result of Friday campaign is so impressive. This is an evidence that atlas force is growing to be the largest promotional crowdforce on steemit.
Support Atlas
Recent campaign Reports
Tuesday analysis of the steemit life Twitter campaign 900k plus impacts
Monday analysis of the steemit life twitter campaign 400 plus impacts
Reference of analysis by @marshalllife
POST WRITTEN BY @Sammynathaniels EDITED BY @marshalllife
Crédits- @Sammynathaniels