by, Paul Collin
LOS ANGELES - September 25, 2019 - Archeo-archaic ancient alien civilizations, addressing several types of alien races, warring factions agendas influencing nations and leadership throughout history was presented by Revolution Radio host Brian Ruhe interviewing Project Camelot host Kerry Cassidy.
Audience Cruxt Of Truth Comfort Level -
Amongst many arenas within this topic, mentions secret meetings with international leaderships and pursuit fixations involving alien agendas affairs within international affairs, foreign wars, ancient artifact destructions throughout the Middle East.
Uniquely mentioned are U.S. Presidential and Vice-Presidential successor pursuit fixation on alien agendas within the scope of secret wars.
Research -
Additional mentions include, but are not limited to, various types of alien race beings, e.g. alien Insectoid beings, plus the rarest of all ever discussed, considered to be 'the first' ( 1st, Secret-Sensitive ); an Octopus-like alien race of beings - fast-forward video ( below ), to: 1 hour, 8 minutes and 54 seconds - for the latter.
The Secret Space Program point of origin and its first ( 1st ) WhistleBlower ( Howard Deacon ) interviewed by Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot.
ET UFO Public-Private Partnershipping Billionaire's Club -
Yes, it's true, government wants people to believe that their fair-haired high net worth ball playing federally contracted tycoons 'Want To Believe' however the incestuous business relationships from as far back as Robert Bigelow Aerospace with Bob Lazar UNITED NUCLEAR was only the beginning, whereupon United States Senator Harry Reid was also involved with Bob Bigelow and the U.S. Department of Defense ( DoD ) Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program ( AATIP ); a secret Defense Intelligence Agency ( D.I.A. ) investigative research on 'wormholes', 'invisibility cloaking', and “the manipulation of extra dimensions” funded by the United States government studying Unidentified Flying Objects ( UFO ).
Curiously figured-in was the Tom Delonge organization 'To The Stars Academy Of Arts & Science' ( TTSAA&S ); a company name that rings for some, calling-up some type of embryonic 'Alien UFO Historical National Museum' that might also come to pass 20-years from now if people are still alive and not too 'dumbed-down' to see straight through it for what it was actually created to do for the government military industrial Intelligence Community ensuring space being missioned perhaps, as a Joint Planetary Dimensional Space Portal Earth Defense Force.
Even Eric W. Davis, of the so-called Admiral Thomas Wilson meeting at The Pentagon, is not left out of this same mix; as proven within the references of this report currently under your review.
'Anything the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve'. - Napoleon Hill
References -
F.O.I.A. D.I.A. AATIP ( Adobe Acrobat .pdf file download ):
Davis, et. al.:
Davis, et. al.:
The rich and famous, tarrying-about with their rise to fame, fortune and power, believe that they're so deeply read-in on space programs that they're somehow entitled to a golden 'E-Ticket' issued by NASA Goddard Disneyland theme park promising to make them all figments of their own imaginations and machinations within their own minds hearing, "Sleep ... Sleeeep ... Sleeeeeeeep, And So, They Did ..." but for these particular billionaires it won't be in a meadow of opium poppies where they fell asleep as did 'Dorothy' - alongside her friends - within the American classic motion picture film, 'The Wizard Of Oz'.
Interestingly, these gems - as most good ole boys are patriotically trusting - all fell asleep at the switch of a government secret nightlight, and right alongside most of the population, who were all invariably led to believe 'The Big Lie', that:
Only E.T. aliens can fly UFOs' because human bodies can not withstand gravitational pressures generated by tremendously high-speed propulsion systems in-conjunction with planetary gravitational forces ( 'G Force' )" however, 'that particular government storyline' is incredibly untrue today.
The TicTac Principle -
The partial secret fact is, 'any 'biological being' can be flown at Mach 25 + or more, as long as you do it technologically correct.
Incorporating such already existent technologies for a 'TicTac' oval / cylindrical ( submarine / torpedo ) or any shaped craft for that matter can be flown fully-autonomously by remote piloted directionals or piloted in-person using Magneto-Hydro-Dynamic ( MHD ) High Field Strength Elemental properties exhibiting extra superconducting gravitic wave strength field lines allowing travel providing enough electromagnetic auxiliary powered vacuum walled cabin chamber (s) within the transport craft itself.
Without initially being able to extract the proper elemental properties and without the ability to even form a seamless craft, let alone utilize existing technologies for combinatoric application developments, members of the general public are never going to travel anytime soon in a U.S. military TicTac much less anything else with such performance capabilities recently documented.
And while there 'are' guys whom limitedly know TicTac combined technologicals far better than I, the only problem with 'them', is:
They are silenced by either government business Non-Disclosure Agreements ( NDA ), or corporate mouthpiece government propaganda storyliners, or straight-out disinformation shill deceivers of truth continue to say anything in an effort to convince public audiences.that the 'TicTac' is a 'real' "UFO," which is definitively 'untrue' issuances by 'all' such lackey stooges; a few of whom know full-well that 'TicTac' and 'other crafts' indeed belong to America's military industrial complex and 'not' flown by 'alien beings' however, and please allow me to be clearer, this is 'not' to say that 'alien beings' to us and 'alien crafts' to us do not exist because such 'does exist' and is 'very real', which is simply 'not the case instance for the nicknamed "TicTac" 'H-E ( High-Energy ) surveillance drone'.
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Comprehending Civilizations, Secret Technologies, Spies And Stooges -
I confess to being a stooge and spy while all technologies, no matter old or emerging, are there are more secrets carried within all civilizations captivating my attention since I was 16 so, it comes as no surprise I was performing in-depth.research in 1968 long before civilians had access to computers and the internet, and bringing hidden knowledge nuggets from the past and present means 'carefully selecting certain secret truths' out of a myriad of disinformation treachery where decyphering it all continues as my passion over the past 51-years.
My 'not being a journalist' catches me at a great disadvantage to reaching more of an audience because of having selectively focused on sciences, sociology, economics, case law research, intelligence and politics where these combined often times sees certain difficulties for most audiences navigating my complex reports that should otherwise e simple. Perhaps, because of having written forensic reports, case law briefs and drafted Bills submitted to Congress sees my creative and technical writings saddled with a deep-seated aversion to carry up-to as many as eight ( 8 ) trains-of-thought within one ( 1 ) terribly lengthy paragraph where this ( alone ) makes reading me no fan of general public audience reviews.
Although trying to whittle-down on conveying academic incessencies, i.e. rambling on with too many details, except when it comes to certain complex topics influenced by hidden truths within histories, technologies, secrets and spying, I simply do not exercise simplicity nor do I know how to convey 'simple-speak' on matters requiring multi-tasking analytics. I could take the easy way out of intelligence by saying, "The 'TicTac' aerial craft is a fully-autonomous surveillance drone using a combination of existing technologies crammed into a squashed-down version of a 10,000 gallon propane tank," and then people wouldn't have to read between the lines of what they read coming from my tiny platform, which might net the monkey-man a coin in his street cup, however that is not what I work hard to accomplish with audiences.
I'm a handicapped writer who was taught at a very early age how-to instill thoughts within people by conveying information not by words ( alone ) but by 'arranging combinations of words placed in such a pattern so-as to publicly convey information that I am forbidden to release because of not just what I know to be the truth, but from where and whom that second-hand knowledge originated. What began being taught to me in 'private schools', was 'how-to read between the lines of text you see' and then learn 'how-to convey thoughts from hidden knowledge by arranging written word combinations', all of which I call 'creative awkward conveyance writing'. And, if one can apply the same within 'technical writings' it becomes challenging to hide and extract hidden information, which is something not focused on within the public education systems of today.
Nevertheless, people need to be apprised of a variety of information, for life on planet Earth is not as simple as punching a clock, computer, smartphone, microwave, television remote controller or microwave oven for popcorn, because changes are occurring more frequently leaving most of us in a state of constant flux with confusion; and, it's a clandestine concerted effort necessary for the wanton dumbing-down of populations - driven madly to mindless entertainment past-time activities. Whatever happened to the saying, "A good mind is a terrible thing to lose!"
I am however, simplifying some of my reports, just 'not this one' ( smile ).
Did unidentified flying objects ( UFO ), such as the 'TicTac' object of much U..S. Department of Defense consternation, spring from re-engineered ExtraTerrestrial or SubTerrestrial civilization spacecraft?
My aerospace high-technology intelligence contacts say, "Absolutely, No," and after asking them 'how', I found myself replying too many times to myself saying, "Wow! I didn't know 'that' could establish a physiological countering effect on all lifeform embodiments undergoing extreme G-Force maneuvers," which happens to make perfect sense if people are thinking outside the box of traditional higher schools of learning. And in appreciation for having been enlightened by the wizards, I shared a few things back where portions of what they conveyed to me was modified to enhance nautical speeds on certain select maritime vessels ( including, at-least 1 aircraft carrier too ) now capable of never before imagined waterway surface speeds, and a particular 'submersible' built in Germany for the U.S. Navy that exercises even greater subsurface speeds believed on board the U.S.S. Texas so, for a U.S. military highly classified surveillance drone or aerial vehicle to demonstrate the performance of the 'TicTac', people need not be misled into thinking its an extraterrestial UFO because it quite simply isn't.
Was TicTac built out-of 75-years of collective scholastic knowledgeability?
Or was TicTac developed because a nation obtained archeo-archaic instructions?
Ancient entombed writings tamponed down by hand-held tools forming symbolic impressions of expressioms on-to metallic tablets?
Interestingly enough, the now-late L. Ron Hubbard - founder of the Church of Scientology - did precisely this type of preservation on all his in-depth research notes stored inside elaborate subterranean bunkered vaults geographically positioned throughout several different states in America prior to the end of his Earthly time. Egyptians were not the only ones who did the same.
Foremost however, and predominantly so, ancient oriental civilizations were the 'chosen ones' assigned with this quiet and methodic tasks of recordkeeping whose facial for more than 400,000 years as such was passed down from the first ( 1st ) commissar / gatekeeper through today where those dynastic families existed within kingdoms of China.
Did another form of ancient technology for conveyances exist? What if that conveyance required a high-degree of stealth for security measures to be assured? How could secret symbols be embedded within parchment or construction paper? And, how might such even be discovered? How would it appear? What if it was incorporated 'before the end of World War II? And, what if it contained symbols of reptilian alien beings plus more? Impossible?
I came to understand details of the 400,000 + year old archeo-archaic civilization during 2010, which initially I laughed-off as being totally preposterous.
In 2013, I was asked to be a house guest of a Mormon family whose parent was the commissar / gatekeeper of the now-late Howard Hughes property subterranean vaults and files therein.
I was directed to a remote oasis ranch near Area 51 in Nevada where I was invited to comb through a 53-foot long shipping container where specific files and been transferred off the Howard Hughes property from out-of those vaults.
I was given permission to take extremely high-resolution ( 4,000 dpi ) photographs of each item, including color photographs of the Howard Hughes property, building, its interior as well as its subterranean held multiple vaults in multiple vault rooms, and the numerous files containing correspondence, documents, financial records of the now-late Conrad Hilton, foreign casino business investment papers, foreign financial instruments, gold mining development, maps, stockholder investments, business enterprise holdings, shipping invoices, courier invoices, a former federal special agent's overseas clandestine mission operational reports, and a former military general's involvements from Washington, D.C. with both Joseph Summa and Frank Summa of the SUMMA CORPORATION, Howard Hughes tookover to send the famous 'GloMar Explorer' ship that recovered nuclear submarines for the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency ( C.I.A. ) many years ago. In short, what I was thumbing through was a giant treasure trove chest of secrets few knew existed.
The Alien Technology Embedded Book Page Images -
There amongst tens of thousands of documents spanning private world affair secrets, all of which governments, businesses and public individuals knew nothing about, was one ( 1 ) custom-made book bearing what appeared to be a very small number of Chinese inscriptions on the opposite side of its cover however, contained therein were unusual pages depicting 220 financial instruments indicating an arranged agreement involving gold bullion between the nation of China and an early American financial institution identified as the 'Washington Bank'. The book was accompanied by only a few sheets of ordinary paper providing unusual instructions that made no logical sense as how-to determine the legitimacy of all 220 instruments. In short, instructed to stack 10 sheets and subject them to a high-intensity light.
I wondered where the actual financial instruments ( themselves ) were because all I was holding was a book and some ridiculous instructions making no common sense however, there were a plethora of other documents pertaining to this particular one (1 ) vault packaged so, I began reading everything therein to determine how I should proceed with my research thereiN, but before doing that I humored the notion of those instructions and took out my roadside spotlight and pointed it downward on one page bearing what I thought was only a photograph page of one ( 1 ) of the depicted financial instruments, the results of which only temporarily blinded my eyes from reflecting light so, I decided to read what I considered to be the 'support file pages'; hundreds of them.Some were image document photocopies of eight ( 8 ) individual's foreign passports and foreign national identification cards, loads of correspondence, a couple of which bore the letterhead stationary of an attorney ( located within the Korea peninsula ) indicating he represented a female client in China.
The identities of 7 of 8.individuals were from the Korea peninsula plus, 1 from Washington. What I was able to extrapolate was all 8 men were performing as private-party couriers who flew from their respective countries to the Nevada vault building to only deposit: 1 custom-made book, 2 sets of instruction sheets plus 220 financial instruments packaged in-to sets and stuffed in-to 'dark brown burlap envelopes whereupon each of the four ( 4 ) folds found red color wax seals stamped with some type of Chinese dynasty insignia.
These packaged-up financial instruments were later removed by all but 1 of the same private couriers. That 1 newly assigned courier was however, a blood relative of the courier who had not returned, and the replacement courier was instructed to not remove the book or instructions Hence, only the book and instruction sheet sets remained and were it not for those items remaining, I would never have discovered, that:
Somehow, the photograph depictions on each page were 'not ordinary photographs', in-fact each image hid to the naked eye and magnifying glasses, several different types of unusual embedded symbolic depictions, in addition to depictions of micro-fine gold linen inlays embedded within the parchment of the financial instruments. Now, amongst all the hidden symbols were what appeared to be reptilian alien beings featured with long-head skull structures, all of which I was able to discover after placing each page of the book on top of the high-grade commercial laser photocopy machine I adjusted the computer software imaging resolution capabilities up to 4,000 pixel dots per square inch for each page within that custom-made book.
It was upon later viewing each image normally that I spied what I initially thought was a tiny imperfection or smudge dot on the obverse face of the financial instruments so, I zoomed-in to 4,000 dpi at which point I realized 'these' were a part of what the instructions meant by applying a 'high-intensity light' to display certain verifying symbols and materials as secretly hidden indicators crafted by an ancient alien technology passed down by a civilization more advanced than our own modern-man 3M branded high security paper document technology I was uniquely familiar with 3M security paper I was familiar with as far back as 1991. What was even more surprising to me was, these financial instruments bore the date '1945'.
The fact is, these civilizations of yore were extremely serious about preserving knowledge gained by certain forefather civilizations of their's and the power and control that came from knowing. And in certain tightly-knit circles of the global Intelligence Community, there are those who are knowledgeable about these and other relative facts, including America, England, Australia, China, Korea, Japan, Russia, Iran and Syria for amidst them all there rests certain historical and bloodline secrets where quests to obtain ancient technological artifacts still remain their highest priorities unknown to most of the general public.
Reference -
It is not all that surprising to comprehend why so many secrets rest not only within and just above the Nevada desert where TicTac-like aerospace technologies compare America's enemy offense and defense capabilities of fully-autonomous Hypersonic glide vehicles with extended loiter times as-to those being akin to horse-drawn chariots, carriages and covered wagon technologies today. And so long as enemies don't know what they are truly up-against, they'd be greatly underestimating the consequences of committing any serious aggressive overtures toward America or any of its allies.
And while this may be a perfect fantasy for many, those in the trenches of national technological, developmental and applications of all that rest beneath secret national labyrinths, time grows short for the continued existence of humankind knowing nightflights shall be approached, regardless of fearful trepidations, one shall strike the other.
Private sector, are not obliged to comply with any F.O.I.A. public inquiries, sees commercial business stockholder investment space program ( e.g. Robert Bigelow, Elon Musk, Chris Mellon, Jeff Bezos, et. al. ) protections quite smartly co-mingling Public ( government and institutions ) and Private ( independent study groups and students ) research 'Teaming Divisions' handling experiments, development and application Programs accompanying adjunct Sub-Programs, Projects and Sub-Projects purposely obscured by and large with the help of such company alignments.
We're not just talking large business enterprises of BOEING, LOCKHEED, GENERAL ATOMICS, DRAPER, and that lot, but obscure small businesses holding other compartmented importance too.
References -
Alternative Media Infiltrated By Government-Embedded Warfighters Against Truth -
Latter-day seedlings of government-embedded Alternative Media broadcast so-called 'Disclosure Projects' and 'Academies', e.g. To The Stars Academy Of Arts And Science / TTSA-A&S, INTERNASA, SIRIUS, et. al. ) broadcasting their own - believed 'secretly-approved' by former government employees and contractors - 'WhistleBlowing internet platforms' including some rather curious individuals, i.e. Tom DeLonge, Richard Dolan, Corey Goode, Steven Greer, et. al., relatively recently whom began ratcheting up broadcasts where their public appearances were spotlighted; although believed-designed as government disavowals encouraged to be as charismatically convincing so-as dramatize publicly but clandestinely misleading confusion to muddy while clouding over decades of UFO community traditional information principle guidelines documented by foundational Alternative Media conveyances.
Government Supported Fraudulent Information Terrorist Embeds Now Within The UFO Community -
Facts prove Chris Mellon was found speaking before a To The Stars Academy of Arts And Science ( TTSA-A&S ) public presentation whereupon a big screen, both DeLonge and Mellon were caught publicly displaying a cleverly designed computer-generated graphic art rendering, which they both fraudulently presented as a 'genuine official government photograph of the 'TicTac' flying and submersible object they additionally passed-off before an entire public audience as a 'UFO' while simultaneously claiming it was "definitely not one of our military craft."
It is important, that dishonest individuals not be allowed to infiltrate our UFO community understandings by seeing good information subverted by unscrupulous people 'seeding false information' interalia 'fake news propaganda' injected gradually and clandestinely designed in such a way so-as to distort and eventually destroy truth-based in-depth research trying to raise humankind's knowledgeability rather than stunting by stoning people's understandings back in-to The Dark Ages of dunderheads wantonly spreading unfounded rumor mill news.
Reference ( Archive ) -
Simply applying clandestine subversive 'disinformation' and 'counter-information' campaign platform journalism broadcasts delivering cleverly-subtle government-directed storylines, such platforms are funded in whole or part by, what is more commonly referred to as 'financial angels'.
These case instances witness clandestine pressure exercised throughout a pyramid of government 'private interests' whom ( by chance or circumstance ) were strongly advised, encouraged by a loved one and / or intimidated.
In essence, 'extorsively used' primarily within cloaked government-concerted efforts reshaping the way large segments of global populations, whose reactionary force globally across social media, unwittingly feeds personal information collected-up by data fusion centers sharing intelligence while simultaneously moving financial participation of social media vendor-advertisers suck peer groups financially dry, and last but not east, globally steer public audience attentions away-from being counter-entrained by alienating - in every sense of that phraseology - away-from 'traditional non-government-influenced ( NGI ) broadcast platforms'; such as, Project Camelot, Project Avalon, and only but a very few numbers of whose legacy WhistleBlower foundational information releases over several decades will become long forgotten about, and whose historical understandings; will, most certainly evaporate.
Research -
Additional mentions include, but are not limited to, various types of alien race beings, e.g. alien Insectoid beings, plus the rarest of all ever discussed, considered to be 'the first' ( 1st, Secret-Sensitive ); an Octopus-like alien race of beings - fast-forward video ( below ), to: 1 hour, 8 minutes and 54 seconds - for the latter.
Research -
VIDEO ( Full Interview of Project Camelot host Kerry Cassidy ):
VIDEO CLIP ( 'The Arrival' film, as referenced in aforementioned interview ):
Research References -
1958 era VIDEO CLIPS ( 'The Crawling Eye' also known as 'The Trollenberg Terror' ):
1958 era VIDEO Full Movie ( 'The Crawling Eye' also known as 'The Trollenberg Terror' ):
The W-I-P ( Work In Progress ) Bringing Enlightenment -
During this current time period, I can 'not yet' provide first-hand personal detailed information on ExtraTerrestrial ( E.T. type ) 'alien beings' until donations ( see, e.g. how-to near conclusion of this report, further below ) are received for me to travel and undergo a very special in-person hypno-regression sessions ( 1 or more ) so-as to document the details of my 2011 'close encounter abduction' to better determine and discern to public audiences of Project Camelot a recording of whether - at that time - I had been engaged by, alien beings, a Non-Official Cover government sanctioned Program or Project, something else or a combination of all three (3).
In The Not Too Distant Future, What Can And Will Be Publicly Provided -
John and Jane Q. Public have a lot to look forward-to where the only questions left to ask, is: "For how much longer; until government assigns and corporate contractors run all truthers and lightworkers off the internet?"
I 'could' provide information surrounding both Low Earth Orbit ( LEO) 'spaceborne' and 'atmospheric' variations of Biosynthetic Lifeform Anomalies' ( BLA ), which were obtained both from NASA in addition to private sources, which respectively includes an enhanced magnified photographic 'still image' extracted from a film footage, plus other BLA film footage anomalies, which is another research project underway.
Just after the start of 2019, I began yet another research project, which saw me deliver that preliminary research report, 'NEW UFO USAP Documents And Claims Now Under Investigation' surrounding the U.S. Navy Admiral Tom Wilson UFO report circulated by an American astronaut, regurgitated by Steven Greer and Richard Dolan.
Reference -
Even further, I have been immersed in research surrounding having uncovered detailed information totally contravening the highly controversial stories carried publicly by 'all mainstream news media' in addition to 'certain select alternative media platforms' regurgitated mainstream media broadcasts and so-called interviews of military personnel surrounding the government storyline nicknamed "TicTac," storyline.
References -
Research -
The Unidentified Aerial Phenomena ( UAP ) known as the 'TicTac' object, in all actuality, was nothing more than 'one of our own atmospheric crafts, which my 'follow-up report' - to the aforereferenced - will eventually detail on Project Camelot.
The aforementioned however, does 'not' dispute any 'other' types of irreferenceable objects ( IRO ), nonreferenceables ( NRO ), unidentified aerial phenomena ( UAP ), unidentified submersible object ( USO ), and / or unidentified flying object ( UFO ) combinatoric crafts.
While other media platforms are quick to regurgitate 'official storylines', the Project Camelot Team has indeed stood the test of time by very capably discerning the cruxt of truth and endured critics of whom most are incapable of providing for one reason or another what we do best for everyone.
For those loyal members, of traditional Alternative Media platform audiences, whom are unwilling to capitulate reputations for the sake of funding disinformation campaigns of wholly manufactured or templated counter-information reports played on people getting sucked up into the 'fake news vacuum', I can say with a high degree of professional integrity of nearly 50-years includes my government intelligence operations global specialty work experiences and training, it is by-far more important to remain loyal to those having worked a lifetime to enlighten people for ascending out-of the depths of darkness, and out-of the invariable multitude of crash landing zones where disloyalists end-up.
The Project Camelot Team, will not let good people down, and has stood the test of time by never standing-down in the many faces of adversity it has come to easily recognize over the decades.
Author Outreach -
If you liked this report, please provide your feedback, and please know that, no matter how big or small, your donation matters very-very much to me ( click links to chose how-to donate - immediately below ):
Please be sure to stay tuned in-to 'The UPI Guy' guest column exclusively on Project Camelot.
Thank you for reviewing this report.
Cordially submitted for review and commentary by,
Paul Collin
The Unwanted Publicity Intelligence Guy at Project Camelot
E-MAIL: [email protected]
WWW ( Project Camelot ):
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