See a video report on this here while working or doing chores. Make sure to skim to the bottom of this written report as there is more updated on Stanley Kubrick and NASA.
The FBI Vault states,
Majestic 12
Majestic 12 In 1988, two FBI offices received similar versions of a memo titled “Operation Majestic-12…” claiming to be highly classified government document. The memo appeared to be a briefing for newly-elected President Eisenhower on a secret committee created to exploit a recovery of an extra-terrestrial aircraft and cover-up this work from public examination. An Air Force investigation determined the document to be a fake.
NOTE please scroll down to see an Important Update with a video report at the bottom of this directly above sources.
This was declassified in '91 through a FOIA request,
See an UPDATE below above sources.
Also if you prefer listening while doing chores or working in the workshop a video link is also provided.
I'm going to guess the radio show was Coast to Coast a.m. I used to fall asleep listening to them. Pretty sure the "powers that be" Didn't like the stuff coming out unless they were controlling What came out and How it came out as in movies like Total Recall and Contact.
Interesting how they put on this BOGUS in big black letters,
Interesting. . .on whose authority was it considered BOGUS. ..just asking.
And just like that. . .
So this classified info (9 page doc from 1952) given by secure telcalls between the Supervisory Special Agent and someone whose name has been redacted.
9 page Document from 1952
So basically we don't know who he was an employee of. . .but he found this on his lobby floor.
Why the dismissal when these projects Did indeed exist?
So they admitted these aircraft existed.
According to Bibliotecapleyades
Project Sign was the first official, formal investigative body concerned with the mystery of unidentified flying objects.
It was a United States Air Force (USAF) intelligence activity located at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio. Its bureaucratic location was in Air Materiel Command’s (AMC) Intelligence Division, referred to on the base as T-2. It operated formally for about one year, the calendar year of 1948.
During that year Project Sign collected reports on a large number of cases, conducted some on-site investigations and many interviews, and attempted to analyze the UFO phenomenon in any way available. By the fall of 1948 the lead personnel of Sign decided that their investigations pointed to a conclusion. As was usually done for any intelligence analysis, they then composed what the military called an “Estimate of the Situation” which they sent to their superiors in the Pentagon. Their conclusion: The flying-disk phenomenon was caused by extraterrestrial agencies.
This created a great stir in the Pentagon. Authorities there were unwilling to accept it. The fallout of this consternation resulted in a quashing of the document, and a denial to the public that it had ever existed.
This paper will attempt to detail the origins, nature, and functioning of Project Sign, as well as the reasons for the creation, quashing, and denial of the now-famous Estimate.
At first, the military did not take these reports too seriously, but they changed their minds considerably in about one week’s time. This change of attitude was due to the continued stream of disk reports, many by their own pilots and personnel. In fact, the first week of July 1947 had created considerable excitement within the offices of the Pentagon, with the Air Force Directorate of Intelligence scrambling to make sense of these mysterious overflights and enlisting the aid of their bases, other services, and the FBI (Fitch, 1947).
See a source of archived unclassified docs for Project Sign in sources below.
Claims of mainstream,
They did admit this. . .makes me wonder back in the day at the FBI Headquarters whether there was personal bias for the one who wrote BOGUS in big black letters over the entire Doc for Majestic 12.
Hear a report in sources of Charles L. Brown (Charlie Brown) a
This retired Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Air Force, spent over 20 years in military service and 7 years as a Senior Foreign Service Officer. Spent 15 years abroad. Been in since the 30's.
The combat was very severe.
He was a pilot and every time they went into the air they had 235 casualties during those 31 missions.
He had counterintelligence expertise, so he was involved in unusual aircraft accidents in inspections and investigations.
Worked with the air technical intelligence center on Project Grudge
At that time Office of Special Investigations (OCI) was a world wide investigative unit in the Air Force.
They became responsible for investigating what became known as Unidentified Flying Objects.
Brown had to hand cary world wide reports over to the technical center. Did this for about 2 years.
Hear what he has to say about the unidentified spacecrafts' capabilities and what happened when he left project Grunge. This is being brought in right where he starts talking about it including what happened with the investigations.
Wow! This is KEY. ..hear him talk about What Makes THEM experts and what usually happens with eye witness accounts on other topics. . .but something Else is going on if someone spots something Unidentified in the heavens.
Your Not talking about someone's imagination
Listen carefully starting hear for just a few minutes.
We send people to prison. We send people to their Deaths because of Eye Witness Accounts. The legal system is based on that to a large degree, yet in my following of Unusual Aerial phenomenon...for the past 50 years, there seems to be Some Reason to discredit very Viable, very Reputable Witnesses when they say something is Unidentified.
He says You show me the individual that can identify Everything in the heavens and I'll show you the 2nd coming!
He goes on. . .I don't care how technically qualified You Are and for someone who is Not There to voice an opinion. . .oh they saw such in such and such and such.
Every time I see a special on UFO's or Unidentified flying phenonema, you Always have Experts. ..and My Question is. ..Where, When did they get Off? What was the Stop that Dropped them? That Qualified them to be Experts?
I truly believe Phenomena have been visiting this planet Long Before Grudge! I think there's adequate evidence of it. And the more we learn about the planet, the more we learn how really truly little we know!
He talks about them being "know it alls" and All they're Really doing is expressing Their Ignorance!
He also states that a police inspector, who went from London to the Hong Kong police to work for them said the UK agency investing UFO's was just one floor above Brown in the building where he had worked for over 3 years, yet they did Not admit it's existence.
He talks about that being just the tip of. the iceberg because some of the very unusual sightings were in the. UK.
Starting here,
Original Members of Majestic 12 a Group of Scientific Advisors who worked for the Committee of the Majority
an American engineer, inventor and science administrator, who during World War II headed the U.S. Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD), through which almost all wartime military R&D was carried out, including important developments in radar and the initiation and early administration of the Manhattan Project.
Bush was appointed to the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), the predecessor of NASA in 1938.
Influenced Douglas Engelbart. . .from Mother of all Demos, see sources below.
NEXT article,
As seen from Beverly on RubyRayMedia in Project Looking Glass group,
"if anyone has not watched the movie 'NEXT'...listen to this video, then to get a much clearer understanding of what he is talking about with the 'LOOKING GLASS'. A luciferian reveal in that movie ...
Thank you Beverly! Guess what my fam movie choice will be next?
Here is the description on IMBD,
A Las Vegas magician who can see into the future is pursued by FBI agents seeking to use his abilities to prevent a nuclear terrorist attack.
Key interview of Don Deppler on the channel The World According To Pleiades
Where he talks about the Majestic 12 being a
- Masonic approved agency
- the Capstone at the top of the pyramid constructed for the National Security of the United Staes established in 1947 following Roswell, the use of the bomb and the recovering of the craft.
- Tasked by President Trump with getting to the bottom of the Alien/Extraterrestial issue.
Who were these beings?
Where did they come from?
What enables them to fly around in the atmosphere so fast?
How could Truman and the US get their hands on that technology?
This is why Majestic 12 was put into place.
A group of 12 people originally headed up by the first MJ-1
Headed up by Admiral Hillenkoetter
and even included Donald Menzel, one of the first theoretical astronomers and astrophysicists in the United States.
He discovered the physical properties of the solar chromosphere, the chemistry of stars, the atmosphere of Mars, and the nature of gaseous nebulae.
A Donald Howard Menzel wrote several books which can be found on Amazon
Fundamental Formulas of Physics, Vol. 2
Ethics Moments in Government: Cases and Controversies (ASPA Series in Public Administration and Public Policy)
A Field Guide to the Stars and Planets
Speaking of which. ..when I was poking around on Amazon under this title. ..I found this and I Already know there are No Coincidences. You all know I have written about the song and correlations to what we are seeing now from It's the End of the World As We KNOW it!
How to Survive the End of the World as We Know It: Tactics, Techniques and Technologies for Uncertain Things
by James Wesley Rawles, Dick Hill, et al.
Interesting is all, but back to Menzel.
He had written End of the World Before he was discovered and asked to be part of Majestic.
Now there is This Menzel mentioned in World of Strange. . .
So Donald C. Menzel or Donald Howard Menzel?
Let's check it out.
Date wise, this appears to be the match for the time period of the launch for Majestic
Donald Howard Menzel prepared what was called a Statement, UFO: Fact or Fiction
See here,
Hear the following interview for information on an important letter DonDep received on in 2007.
Here the interview here,
Hear a video report on this here,
What if Everything you thought you knew about where you exist wasn't real?
What were you told since birth? What were your parents told and their parents before them told?
What did their movie The Truman Show try to tell us? Have you seen it? Just for fun or was it a Poke in the Eye?
Have you Poked around yourself? Check this out here
The Faux Documentary That 'Proves' Kubrick Faked the Moon Landing
But it. . .it Has to be photoshopped!
Guess who started Blue Origin?
Note his New Shepard vehicle and how it seems to play off of and be an anti-spelling the One True Shepherd. Yes. . .I know about Alan Shepard, it's called New Shepard and that is Not Coincidence!
For example. you know Jeff Bezos history? He was Highly connected into elitist, controlling, mega money sources. Check it out!
Corona Satellites
Have you listened to the lyrics from rapper B.o.B.
Not for little ears, but zero in on What the message is. What is he telling people and WHY?
Does it add up to justifying further study and further researching?
Research for Yourself. Don't just take what they spoon feed you at face value!
Not for little ears or eyes due to language and inappropriate content for children.
YES, adults can allow themselves to Think and use disCERNment.
B.O.B FlatLine Pt.1 With Lyrics
Interesting they got this group to state they couldn't fake the moon landing when Kubrick stated this. ..
Stanley Kubrick Moon Landing Conspiracy
ROOM 237 Trailer | New Release 2013
For the 18th-century period film Barry Lyndon (1975), Kubrick obtained lenses developed by Zeiss for NASA, to film scenes under natural candlelight. With The Shining (1980), he became one of the first directors to make use of a Steadicam for stabilized and fluid tracking shots.
Eyes Wide Shut, was completed shortly before his death in 1999 at the age of 70.
Kubrick was born on July 26, 1928, in the Lying-In Hospital at 307 Second Avenue in Manhattan, New York City to a Jewish family.
He was the first of two children of Jacob Leonard Kubrick (May 21, 1902 – October 19, 1985), known as Jack or Jacques, and his wife Sadie Gertrude Kubrick (née Perveler; October 28, 1903 – April 23, 1985), known as Gert. His sister Barbara Mary Kubrick was born in May 1934.[3] Jack Kubrick, whose parents and paternal grandparents were of Polish-Jewish, Austrian-Jewish, and Romanian-Jewish origin, was a homeopathic doctor, graduating from the New York Homeopathic Medical College in 1927.
His parents had been married in a Jewish ceremony, but Kubrick did not have a religious upbringing and would later profess an atheistic view of the universe. His father earned a good income as a physician and by the standards of the West Bronx the family was fairly wealthy.
The elitist Praise This when it happens to one of Their heroes, but they Mock those they deem beneath them if they don't want to be tied to their Programmed Curriculum which discourages Independent thought!
Stanley Kubrick was a mediocre student, with a meager 67/D+ grade average. Introverted and shy, Kubrick had a low attendance record and often skipped school to watch double-feature films.
Later in life Kubrick spoke disdainfully of his education and of contemporary American schooling as a whole, maintaining that schools were ineffective in stimulating critical thinking and student interest.
In 1948, he was sent to Portugal to document a travel piece, and covered the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus in Sarasota, Florida.
On April 2, 1949, he published a photo essay, named "Chicago-City of Extremes" in Look, which displayed his talent early on for creating atmosphere with imagery, including a photograph taken above a congested Chicago street at night.
So Kubrick had the skill set to recreate anything that needed to be "created!"
Sergei Eisenstein's theoretical writings had a profound impact on Kubrick, and he took a great number of notes from books in the library of Arthur Rothstein, the photographic technical director of Look magazine.
Vincent Cartier, Walter's brother and manager, later reflected on his observations of Kubrick during the filming. He said, "Stanley was a very stoic, impassive but imaginative type person with strong, imaginative thoughts. He commanded respect in a quiet, shy way. Whatever he wanted, you complied, he just captivated you. Anybody who worked with Stanley did just what Stanley wanted".
he later declared that the "best education in film is to make one".
He began making Flying Padre (1951), a film which documents Reverend Fred Stadtmueller, who travels some 4,000 miles to visit his 11 churches. The film was originally going to be called "Sky Pilot", a pun on the slang term for a priest.
Several of the views from and of the plane in Flying Padre are later echoed in 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) with the footage of the spacecraft, and a series of close-ups on the faces of people attending the funeral were most likely inspired by Sergei Eisenstein's Battleship Potemkin (1925) and Ivan the Terrible (1944/1958).
The Trap, written by his friend Howard Sackler. Kubrick's uncle, Martin Perveler, a Los Angeles pharmacy owner, invested a further $9000 on condition that he be credited as executive producer of the film.
While playing chess in Washington Square, Kubrick met producer James B. Harris, who considered Kubrick "the most intelligent, most creative person I have ever come in contact with." The two formed the Harris-Kubrick Pictures Corporation in 1955.
The Union in Hollywood stated that Kubrick would not be permitted to be both the director and the cinematographer of the movie, so veteran cinematographer Lucien Ballard was hired for the shooting.
Kubrick and Lolita
Kubrick and Harris made a decision to film Kubrick's next movie Lolita (1962) in England.
Lolita, Kubrick's first attempt at black comedy, was an adaptation of the novel of the same name by Vladimir Nabokov, the story of a middle-aged college professor becoming infatuated with a 12-year-old girl. Stylistically, Lolita, starring Peter Sellers, James Mason, Shelley Winters, and Sue Lyon, was a transitional film for Kubrick, "marking the turning point from a naturalistic cinema ... to the surrealism of the later films."
Lolita was shot over 88 days on a budget of $2 million at Elstree Studios, between October 1960 and March 1961.
Because of its provocative story, Lolita was Kubrick's first film to generate controversy; he was ultimately forced to comply with censors and remove much of the erotic element of the relationship between Mason's Humbert and Lyon's Lolita which had been evident in Nabokov's novel.
Kubrick speaks of some of the critics stating Sue Lyon was too young (she was 13 years old).
In the book the movie was based on Lolita was 12 years old.
Kubrick disagreed she was too old. Why would one make a movie about this?
There are photo prints sold of Lyon's touting 1964 in provocative poses.
So we're talking about a girl in her teens and of course Hollywood and counter culture suggest this is okay, because they want to get rid of barriers, lines and protection for some of the most vulnerable in our population.
Interesting they call Pedo fantasy's "sexual hangups."
Social historian Stephen E. Kercher documented that the film "demonstrated that its director possessed a keen, satiric insight into the social landscape and sexual hang-ups of cold war America."
Interesting. . .the pedo problem seems to be a theme among plenty of these Hollywood elites!
And of course
Kubrick spent a great deal of time researching for the film, paying particular attention to accuracy and detail in what the future might look like. He was granted permission by NASA to observe the spacecraft being used in the Ranger 9 mission for accuracy. Filming commenced on December 29, 1965, with the excavation of the monolith on the moon, and footage was shot in Namib Desert in early 1967, with the ape scenes completed later that year. The special effects team continued working diligently until the end of the year to complete the film, taking the cost to $10.5 million.
Rather Interesting and useful for Other cons wouldn't you say?
2001: A Space Odyssey was conceived as a Cinerama spectacle and was photographed in Super Panavision 70, giving the viewer a "dazzling mix of imagination and science" through ground-breaking effects, which earned Kubrick his only personal Oscar, an Academy Award for Visual Effects.
Louise Sweeney of The Christian Science Monitor called the film the "ultimate trip" while praising one of the scenes where the viewer moves through space while witnessing a vibrant mix of lighting, color, and patterns.
Interesting wording don't you think?
Kubrick said of the concept of the film in an interview with Rolling Stone: "On the deepest psychological level, the film's plot symbolized the search for God, and finally postulates what is little less than a scientific definition of God. The film revolves around this metaphysical conception, and the realistic hardware and the documentary feelings about everything were necessary in order to undermine your built-in resistance to the poetical concept".
Again. . .
It IS photoshopped, but it, IT HAS to be! Why is that do you suppose?
I Noticed they Removed this.
Why do you suppose that is?
Why did they Not Want you seeing this?
Too many truths!
Why do They get to Decide what you SEE?
Don't worry, it went over This evidence.
**(Robert Simmon, "Mr. Blue Marble" himself said: ("It is photoshopped because it has to be.") **
The one they removed!
Who has been "Augmenting" Your Reality since Birth?
You know who if you Let yourself Think About It!
Find this and More Connections in here in under 13 min. Fully Sourced!
According to the Telegraph,
Purportedly shot ahead of the director’s death in 1999, and suppressed for 15 years, the online "documentary" was made and released by a man named T Patrick Murray.
Interesting! If you're going to throw shade on a vid and prove how False it is, then why are you afraid to leave it Up?
In it, Murray claims that he had been trying to interview Kubrick for years – only to be astounded by the director’s deathbed revelation.
A trailer for the film appeared on YouTube in August 2015, but it wasn't until later in the year, when more footage arrived, that “Shooting Stanley Kubrick” really started attracting attention.
It is interesting that Kubrick also did Dr. Strangelove,
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, more commonly known simply as Dr. Strangelove, is a 1964 black comedy film that satirizes the Cold War fears of a nuclear conflict between the Soviet Union and the United States. The film was directed, produced, and co-written by Stanley Kubrick and stars Peter Sellers, George C. Scott, Sterling Hayden, and Slim Pickens. The film was made in the United Kingdom. The film is loosely based on Peter George's thriller novel Red Alert (1958).
The story concerns an unhinged United States Air Force general who orders a first strike nuclear attack on the Soviet Union. It separately follows the President of the United States, his advisors, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and a Royal Air Force (RAF) exchange officer as they attempt to prevent the crew of a B-52 plane (who were following orders from the general) from bombing the Soviets and starting a nuclear war.
The film is often considered one of the best comedies ever made, as well as one of the greatest films of all time. In 1998, the American Film Institute ranked it twenty-sixth in its list of the best American movies (in the 2007 edition, the film ranked thirty-ninth), and in 2000, it was listed as number three on its list of the funniest American films. In 1989, the United States Library of Congress included Dr. Strangelove as one of the first twenty-five films selected for preservation in the National Film Registry for being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant."
Some of the people who played parts are interesting. Take for example Peter Sellers, who had multiple roles and had also played in Kubrick's Lolita which fully exposes some of the MK ultra and predatory practices concerning children which occur throughout the world.
Also Slim Pickens who was born Louis Burton Lindley Jr.
- He joined the rodeo, billed as Slim Pickens, and eventually became a well-known rodeo clown.
- During World War II, he enlisted in the United States Army Air Forces. Reportedly when the recruiter asked him his profession, he responded "Rodeo".
- This was misread on a form as "radio", and he spent his entire enlistment at a radio station in the American Midwest.
After nearly 20 years' rodeo work, Pickens's wide eyes, moon face, strong physical presence, and distinctive country drawl gained him a role in the Western Rocky Mountain (1950), which starred Errol Flynn. He appeared in many more Westerns, playing both villains and comic sidekicks to actors such as Rex Allen.
Hollywood made good use of Pickens' rodeo background. He did not need a stand-in for horseback scenes, and he was able to gallop his own Appaloosa horses across the desert, or drive a stagecoach pulled by a six-horse team. In a large number of films and TV shows, he wore his own hats and boots, and rode his own horses and mules.
Pickens after Peter Sellers, who played three other roles in the film, sprained his ankle and was unable to perform in the role due to having to work in the cramped cockpit set. Pickens was chosen because his accent and comic sense were perfect for the role of Kong, a cartoonishly patriotic and gung-ho B-52 commander. He was not given the script for the entire film, but only those portions in which he played a part.
Three memorable scenes featuring Pickens were:
Slim Pickens as Major "King" Kong riding a nuclear bomb to oblivion in Dr. Strangelove
A monologue meant to steel the crew for their duty after he receives the definitive inflight order to bomb a strategic target in the USSR.Reading aloud to his crew the contents of their survival kits (possibly the first mention of condoms in a Hollywood film). After listing the contents usable for barter with Russian women (prophylactics, nylons, lipstick, etc.), as well as a .45 automatic pistol, Major Kong said, "Shoot, a fella could have a pretty good time in Big D [Dallas] with all this stuff." This line had to be looped (the reference to Dallas changed to "weekend in Vegas") after the scheduled November 22, 1963 screening for critics was canceled due to President John F. Kennedy's assassination.
Best known of all, and an enduring historical film image of the American-Soviet Cold War era, Pickens riding a dropped H-bomb to a certain death, whooping and waving his cowboy hat (in the manner of a rodeo performer bronc riding or bull riding), not knowing its detonation will trigger a Soviet doomsday device.
Pickens credited Dr. Strangelove as a turning point in his career. Previously he had been "Hey you" on sets, and afterward he was addressed as "Mr. Pickens". He once said, "After Dr. Strangelove, the roles, the dressing rooms, and the checks all started gettin' bigger." Pickens said he was amazed at the difference a single movie could make.
However, he also said that working with Stanley Kubrick proved too difficult due to Kubrick's perfectionist style of directing with multiple takes for nearly every shot, especially with the climactic H-bomb riding scene, which was done in just over 100 takes. In the late 1970s, Pickens was offered the part of Dick Hallorann in Kubrick's adaptation of Stephen King's The Shining, but Pickens stipulated that he would appear in the film only if Kubrick was required to shoot Pickens' scenes in fewer than 100 takes.[6] Instead, Pickens' agent showed the script to Don Schwartz, the agent of Scatman Crothers, and Crothers accepted the role.
In 1977, he released the self-titled country album, Slim Pickens, on Blue Canyon Records. The LP contained twelve selections (including Kinky Friedman's "Carryin' the Torch", which was issued as a single) and two songs written by Pickens himself.
In 1961, he had a recurring role as Johnson in the 17-episode NBC series The Americans, the story of how the American Civil War divided families.
Fun.: Some Nights [OFFICIAL VIDEO]
See a Facebook Frames thread here which is Fully sourced!
In order to go Forward, we must go BACK.
Facebook Frames How slim are the pickin's to the asleep? Who in the world was Slim Pickens and the tie in to JFK?
Do the elitists attempt to better their odds by using humanity and enslaving them while creating certain events?
Is much of what they put out littered with lies? You decide!
Would you CHOOSE the truth if it were offered to you?
In 1961, Slim Pickens, who was born. . .Louis Burton Lindley Jr. had a recurring role as Johnson in the 17-episode NBC series The Americans, the story of how the American Civil War divided families.
Interesting how he also played in Dr. Strangelove. . .
Another going back in time tidbit is. . .The IBM 7094 is The First Computer to Sing 1961
First computer to sing - Daisy Bell. The 7094 was portrayed in the movie #DrStrangelove
Now that song is of interest because it was played in a movie diorama scene created by Mark Ryden, who is part of the counter culture movement involving what are predatory themes and collected by people like Mark Parker, former CEO of Nike and board member of Disney.
A 1964 black comedy film that satirizes the Cold War fears of a nuclear conflict between the Soviet Union and the United States. The film was directed, produced, and co-written by Stanley Kubrick. [Remember Sellers also played in Kubrick's Lolita I heard and when you read the script. ..many reveals of the predatory practices and #whatliesbeneath]
Lindley graduated from Hanford High School, Hanford, California, and was a member of the FFA ( Future Farmers of America). He joined the rodeo, billed as Slim Pickens, and eventually became a well-known rodeo clown. During World War II, he enlisted in the United States Army Air Forces. Reportedly when the recruiter asked him his profession, he responded "Rodeo". This was misread on a form as "radio", and he spent his entire enlistment at a radio station in the American Midwest.
Hollywood made good use of Pickens' rodeo background. He did not need a stand-in for horseback scenes, and he was able to gallop his own Appaloosa horses across the desert, or drive a stagecoach pulled by a six-horse team. In a large number of films and TV shows, he wore his own hats and boots, and rode his own horses and mules.
Pickens played B-52 pilot Major T. J. "King" Kong in 1964's Dr. Strangelove. Stanley Kubrick cast Pickens after Peter Sellers, who played three other roles in the film, sprained his ankle and was unable to perform in the role due to having to work in the cramped cockpit set. Pickens was chosen because his accent and comic sense were perfect for the role of Kong, a cartoonishly patriotic and gung-ho B-52 commander. He was not given the script for the entire film, but only those portions in which he played a part.
A little known fact. . .in one of the memorable scenes featuring Pickens. . .CHECK it out. . .
Reading aloud to his crew the contents of their survival kits (possibly the first mention of condoms in a Hollywood film). After listing the contents usable for barter with Russian women (prophylactics, nylons, lipstick, etc.), as well as a .45 automatic pistol, Major Kong said, "Shoot, a fella could have a pretty good time in Big D [Dallas] with all this stuff." This line had to be looped (the reference to Dallas changed to "weekend in Vegas") after the scheduled November 22, 1963 screening for critics was canceled due to President John F. Kennedy's assassination.
How much surrounds not only that fateful day, but also other shooting that occurred along with the ultimatum of an iconic report JFK requested from NASA just 10 days prior to the shooting? #UFO or #UAP, #UnidentifiedArielPhenomena #JDTippit
Does it indeed start with an Aeroplane as It's the End of the World AS WE KNOW IT By R.E.M. stated waaaay back in the 1980's?
You decide!
As you think of the many ways they have attempted to divide in war, through war whether it be a physical or #InformationWar. . .remember,
- JFK's Executive order 11110
- World War I ended on the 11th day of the 11th Month at the 11th hour of 1918
- The recent shooting in Uvalde, Texas occurred in room 111 that was adjoined to room 112 in which the teacher "happened to leave a door ajar?"
11 students were shot.
Now why would someone at the helm of protecting children prop a door open when gunshots are heard and then call 911?
Is the children's first line of protection keeping the danger OUT rather than giving an open access point? Is there something we are missing in the story? You decide!
Was it just coincidence when NOW you find that according to CBS. . .
The Republican Party of Texas over the weekend adopted a resolution at its state convention that rejects President Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 election.
“We reject the certified results of the 2020 Presidential election, and we hold that acting President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. was not legitimately elected by the people of the United States."
How about Kubrick's alleged death bed confession about the part he played in the con of the moon landings and the fact he put in a tell to the room the filming occurred in, in The Shining? Any thoughts? C'mon you all have been around the internet on a late night hunt and have come across that info, not to mention that gut wrenching footage of the "astronauts/astroNOTS," and those sideways glances along with uncomfortable looks?
Apollo 11 so yet another 11. Remember what 11 stands for in their realm.
Did you know Melinda French Gate's father worked on the Apollo 11 launches?
It was in an interview I did a report on a few years ago And it is on her instagram.
#ThereAreNoCoincidences, #HoustonWeHaveAProblem ? INDEED!
Speaking of Space. . .Keep in mind, Clarke was so impressed that he used it in one of the climactic scenes of his novel and screenplay for 2001: A Space Odyssey, when the HAL 9000 computer sings the same song as it is being disabled by astronaut Dave Bowman.
Also note. . .in the HAL sequence each is only one letter off from IBM. Do you find that interesting or telling in any way?
M=13 Total is 24, encodes 6
L=12 Total is 21, encodes 3
You have to neutralize the 3 and 6 based on emotion and logic in order to access the divine 9 in physics.
It's interesting to note. . .or at least I think it is as my Physics teachers who also worked at the lab liked to relay computer history with cool reminders that. . . yet another model the 5100 was IBM's second transportable computer.
Previously, a truck-based IBM 1401 configured in 1960 for military use was designated a portable computer, and nicknamed a DataMobile.
As you think of all the inconsistencies of corporate owned mainstream media's stories along with all of the #Synchronicitie s also consider. . .those of us who tried to warn the others and the division it caused both among family and friends, some of them former due to their hate and arrogance.
Is it reminiscent of this song and video listed in the First Comment of this post on my page and in the first photo frame?
The difference being all of you Warriors out there know and have known now some of you for many years Exactly What you STAND for and oh how the others who are under the mind numbing brain control despise us for it!
Click through the Photo Frames to see sources throughout this thread.
Take heart. . .the flip is coming and the Veil will be lifted #OperationTorsionField, #DarkToLight, #ContinueToStand, #HoldTheLine, #NeverGiveUpTerritory, #GodSPEED
Frames thread found here,
Archiving some photos and you know Why I have to do this. . .
If not familiar go here,
Apollo 11 news conference
John Larry Kelly Jr. (December 26, 1923 – March 18, 1965)
a scientist who worked at Bell Labs. From a "system he'd developed to analyze information transmitted over networks," from Claude Shannon's earlier work on information theory, he is best known for his 1956 work in creating the Kelly criterion formula. With notable volatility in its sequence of outcomes, the Kelly criterion can be used to estimate what proportion of wealth to risk in a sequence of positive expected value bets to maximize the rate of return.
March 18, 1965 (aged 41)
Manhattan, New York City, New York, U.S.
Las Vegas Connection? #LasVegas, #GameTheory
John Kelly was an associate of Claude Shannon at Bell Labs. Together they developed a Game theory type method based on the principles of information theory developed by Shannon. It is reported that Shannon and his wife Betty went to Las Vegas with M.I.T. mathematician Ed Thorp, and made very successful forays in roulette and blackjack using this method, later called the Kelly criterion, making a fortune as detailed in the book Fortune's Formula by William Poundstone and corroborated by the writings of Elwyn Berlekamp, Kelly's research assistant in 1960 and 1962. Shannon and Thorp also applied the same theory to the stock market with even better results.
In 1961, Kelly and colleagues Carol Lochbaum and Lou Gerstman created one of the most famous moments in the history of Bell Telephone Laboratories by using an IBM 7094 computer to synthesize speech. A demonstration by Kelly and Gerstman took place on May 10, 1961, at a meeting in Philadelphia of the Acoustical Society of America where a reporter noted that "A machine that talks— and sings— stole the show today as the old Bellevue Stratford vibrated with the speed of sound.
Their voice recorder synthesizer vocoder recreated the song Daisy Bell, with musical accompaniment from Max Mathews. Arthur C. Clarke of 2001: A Space Odyssey fame visited his friend and colleague John Pierce at the Bell Labs Murray Hill facility and heard this remarkable speech synthesis demonstration. Clarke was so impressed that he used it in one of the climactic scenes of his novel and screenplay for 2001: A Space Odyssey, when the HAL 9000 computer sings the same song as it is being disabled by astronaut Dave Bowman.
Facebook Post 3.30.2021
Who out there Gets it?
Do you know Where you Really reside?
Did JFK know?
Do you remember when BBC reported. . .
"You are not watching a live feed from space" in 2016? See comments in Original Post for verification.
Keep in mind what Stanley Kubrick stated about the moon landing and the Reveals in the Shining.
Do you really think there was Zero Significance?
Research for yourself!
See and ye shall find. . .knock and the Door shall be opened unto you!
See more here including connections in comment section,
The disconnect from ancient civilizations and what many have been taught to disregard purposely. Why is that?
Ancient Civilizations of the Past, Easter Island, Atlantis, Pre-Inca, Emerald Tablets of Thoth
Randall Carlson expert in geology
Randall Carlson is an Architect, his academic background is in geology and astronomy. Carlson founded Sacred Geometry International, an organization from which he participates in cutting edge research into Earth's cyclical history.
Brien Foerster
UPDATE: Found some interesting links on a Fine Patriot/Warrior's page
Thank you Tom Tran for sharing these out! Very Informative and shows you The LIE they are Always willing to put out there!
SpaceX: NASA Sent a MOUSE on SpaceX Falcon 9 Flight???
One of my all time Faves!
The NASA footage is photoshopped? But it, it's Has to be!
Helps understand the secret space program and possibly what happened to that money Donald Rumsfeld said went missing.
KERRY CASSIDY – SECRET SPACE PROGRAM, 5G, JFK JR., QUANTUM FINANCIAL RESET, CALIFORNIA FIRES, ET BATTLES I preface this with I don't always agree with Everyone on Everything, but through discernment and checking my own research, continuing the search and seeking God's guidance, a great deal can be garnered.
NOTE 2.3 is Also 5
5 for the cabal is death and defense to their enemies.
They Lead you to believe they are "Defending" against foreign countries, but all who threaten Their control are Foreign to them. You all being informed is what will unseat them and they Know it!
This is why they censor so heavily!
#ProjectLookingGlass, #ProjectGrudge, #ProjectSign, #StanleyKubrick, #TheShining, #DrStrangelove, #SlimPickens, #LouisBurtonLindleyJr, #Lolita, #Pedogate, #JFK
Sources .
These documents from the FBI Vault in a slide share
Qanon Background History for those connected to Sergey Brin in Industries, Academia and Government agencies that would have an interest in furthering a globalist agenda
#MarkParker, #MarkRyden, #InformationWar #Nike, #SergeyBrin, #Google, #Qanon, #AnneWojcicki, #DaisyBell, #HAL, #IBM7090
Abduction of Brian Scott in the Superstition Mountains of Arizona
The Argon Port.
From Project Avalon, taken from Project Camelot,
The following images were created by Dan Burisch
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The specifics of the Corona Satellite program,
used for photographic surveillance of the Soviet Union (USSR), the People's Republic of China, and other areas beginning in June 1959 and ending in May 1972.
produced and operated by the Central ***** Agency Directorate of Science & Technology with substantial assistance from the U.S. Air Force.
CORONA started under the name "DISCOVERER" as part of the WS-117L satellite reconnaissance and protection program of the US Air Force in 1956.
The WS-117L was based on recommendations and designs from the RAND Corporation.
The United States Air Force credits the Onizuka Air Force Station (then called Sunnyvale Air Force Station) as being the "birthplace of the CORONA program"
In May 1958, the Department of Defense directed the transfer of the WS-117L program to Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA).
In FY1958, WS-117L was funded by the USAF at a level of US$108.2 million (inflation adjusted US$0.96 billion in 2020).
According to John N. McMahon, the total cost of the CORONA program amounted to $US 850 million.
The CORONA project was pushed forward rapidly following the shooting down of a U-2 spy plane over the Soviet Union on 1 May 1960.
Film was retrieved from orbit via a reentry capsule (nicknamed "film bucket"), designed by General Electric, which separated from the satellite and fell to Earth. After the fierce heat of reentry was over, the heat shield surrounding the vehicle was jettisoned at 60,000 feet (18 km) and parachutes deployed. The capsule was intended to be caught in mid-air by a passing airplane towing an airborne claw which would then winch it aboard, or it could land at sea.
A salt plug in the base would dissolve after two days, allowing the capsule to sink if it was not picked up by the United States Navy.
After Reuters reported on a reentry vehicle's accidental landing and discovery by Venezuelan farmers in mid-1964, capsules were no longer labeled "SECRET" but offered a reward in eight languages for their return to the United States.
Beginning with flight number 69, a two-capsule system was employed.[24] This also allowed the satellite to go into passive (or "zombie") mode, shutting down for as many as 21 days before taking images again.
Beginning in 1963, another improvement was "Lifeboat", a battery-powered system that allowed for ejection and recovery of the capsule in case power failed.
The film was processed at Eastman Kodak's Hawkeye facility in Rochester, New York.
The Corona satellites were designated KH-1, KH-2, KH-3, KH-4, KH-4A and KH-4B. KH stood for "Key Hole" or "Keyhole" (Code number 1010), with the name being an analogy to the act of spying into a person's room by peering through their door's keyhole.
Were you aware Google Maps came from THIS?
Check it out!
November 2004 when Google acquired a tiny and little-known 3-D mapping startup called Keyhole Inc. Google paid an undisclosed sum for the company, immediately absorbed it, and began turning its tech into what we now know as Google Earth.
Fortunes for the company changed in early 2003 when CNN received a discount for the software in exchange for placing the Keyhole logo on-air whenever the map was used.
Keyhole did not expect it would amount to more than brief 5- or 10-second prerecorded animation clips, but it was used extensively by Miles O'Brien live during the 2003 invasion of Iraq, allowing CNN and millions of viewers to follow the progress of the war in a way that had never been seen before.
Public interest in the software exploded and Keyhole servers were not able to keep up with demand.
Keyhole was soon contacted by the Central Intelligence Agency's venture capital firm, In-Q-Tel and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency for use with defense mapping databases, which gave Keyhole a much-needed cash infusion..
But go Even further back! Recently you have heard the Clinton Foundation talking about Contact Tracing. What is their justification? A Health Pandemic? How do you create fear and the need to be traced?
Health! Have you heard of In the Name of Public Health- a Nazi Racial Hygiene? Guess who was part of the American Eugenics Society which endorsed this? You guessed it. . .friend of Epstein and Clintons. . .Bill Gates. Just as Epstein wanted to run his baby farm with young girls with what he considered superior dna. . .the nazis and friend's to Clinton's like former KKK member Senator Byrd also wanted their Own kind of Sick weeding out!
Take a look at how far back Google and those connected to Epstein. Ghisliane Maxwell's (friend, procurer of children to Epstein) twin sisters. ..
Did you know one of her twin sister's has worked closely with the Clinton Global Initiative and an internet security tech company in which Google is major client?
Do you Really trust them to use contact tracers on you?
How about their base system they set up ahead of time for Spying to be turned on you? Who are the real enemies of the C_a and shadow government? Who are their True Foreign Enemies?
Have you seen their government document from 2009?
U.S. Government Counterinsurgency Guide
See more inside of here,
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As stated at
The images were originally used for reconnaissance and to produce maps for U.S. intelligence agencies. In 1992, an Environmental Task Force evaluated the application of early satellite data for environmental studies. Since the CORONA, ARGON, and LANYARD data were no longer critical to national security and could be of historical value for global change research, the images were declassified by Executive Order 12951 in 1995.
The first successful CORONA mission was launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base in 1960. The satellite acquired photographs with a telescopic camera system and loaded the exposed film into recovery capsules. The capsules or buckets were de-orbited and retrieved by aircraft while the capsules parachuted to earth. The exposed film was developed and the images were analyzed for a range of military applications.
The intelligence community used Keyhole (KH) designators to describe system characteristics and accomplishments. The CORONA systems were designated KH-1, KH-2, KH-3, KH-4, KH-4A, and KH-4B. The ARGON systems used the designator KH-5 and the LANYARD systems used KH-6. Mission numbers were a means for indexing the imagery and associated collateral data.
A variety of camera systems were used with the satellites. Early systems (KH-1, KH-2, KH-3, and KH-6) carried a single panoramic camera or a single frame camera (KH-5). The later systems (KH-4, KH-4A, and KH-4B) carried two panoramic cameras with a separation angle of 30° with one camera looking forward and the other looking aft.
The original film and technical mission-related documents are maintained by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). Duplicate film sources held in the USGS EROS Center archive are used to produce digital copies of the imagery.
Mathematical calculations based on camera operation and satellite path were used to approximate image coordinates. Since the accuracy of the coordinates varies according to the precision of information used for the derivation, users should inspect the preview image to verify that the area of interest is contained in the selected frame. Users should also note that the images have not been georeferenced.
Facebook Frames The Corona Satellites and Contact Tracers
Image evidence as they tend to scrub.
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Bill Hamilton's website,
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Have you noticed on this particular time line continuum the resistant to truth are extremely hateful and arrogant?
There is a REASON for that.
The veil Will be lifted, but until then. . .many of you have already experienced what our family has in trying to be a voice for those without one. . .the elderly and children.
We have literally had people get furious, irate, then mock, laugh and even cuss out those of us who try to help the elderly not be victims of experimentation.
As per Matthew 10:21-22
King James Version
21 And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death.
22 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.
Those of us committed to #DivineHealing vs. pharmakia have received a great deal of slamming if we try to help those who ask us for help, but then those who gained control wouldn't allow any help to come unless it came from an Agenda!
Rest assured we KNOW where we stand, but it is understandable why some feel very much how and what this song depicts.
Beware, not for little eyes. . .one word of inappropriate language so protect little eyes and ears by using headphones.
War. ..that is how they pit us against one another and attempt to destroy families.
It has truly been an #InformationWar on a large Scale and sadly, far too many succumbed to the brainwashing.
Their hate and arrogance is on them.
All of you Warriors. ..just keep on Shinin' a Bright Light!
Is What we have been experiencing very much like a #CivilWar as lines have been drawn? You decide!
Fun.: Some Nights [OFFICIAL VIDEO]
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Dr. Strangelove (1964) Trailer #1 | Movieclips Classic Trailers
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Thank you Great Warrior Teresa Riels Akin for this telling link where #StanleyKubrick talks about shooting the #MoonLanding.
Find more verification in an Updated Post from 7.24.2022 in this Facebook Frames thread that is fully sourced. Also check out comments.
What was JFK trying to tell us before their scheme to take him out was Played out?
Are you watching a literal show?
How about God's footstool and what He says about the Vastness of Space?
#space, #spaceisntwhatyouthinkitis, #USSpaceForce, #wewillprevail, #goodbyeswamp ? You decide!
What has Really been happening at the White House on live cam?
#armycorpsofengineers ?
UAP's around the Washington Monument?
Today IS 7.24.2022 on the #Timeline, #TimeContinuum, #timeisacuriousthing
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UPDATE 10.9.2022 #Majestic12 documentation,
Thank you to a Great Anon Warrior for these Key info!
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Are their "secrets" also known by Good men?
Remember infiltrate the infiltrators/infiltraitors #InfiltrateTheInfiltrators
Uncle John Trump had Vannevar Bush as a mentor and of course John Trump was said to have worked with Tesla.
Uncle John is who they called in to Tesla's hotel when he was said to have died [vanished]?
Check it out,[]=%2A&op[]=&field[]=title&from_year[]=&to_year[]=&limit=resource&filter_fields[]=published_agents&filter_values[]=United+States.+Office+of+Scientific+Research+and+Development.+National+Defense+Research+Committee&sort=title_sort%20asc&filter_fields[]=subjects&filter_values[]=Patents.
Oh look. ..I made it to the Nutbox lol.
Thank you for Archiving!
#NikolaTesla, #Tesla, #JohnTrump, #VannevarBush, #Secrets, #Electromagnetism,#Vibration
The Forgotten Secrets of the New Yorker Hotel, Nikola Tesla's rooms 3327 and purported lab 3328. The tunnel, vault and power plant underneath that could have powered a small city!
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UPDATE 10.9.2022
Thank you Great Warrior Zoli Meszaros for this incredible link,
A Must Watch and under a minute!
Very interesting JFK's background in the Navy!
Also interesting how the Navy was involved in Jr.'s crash and the fact that Clinton had the bodies cremated when most catholics do not believe in cremation.
In The Called, the Makings of a Perfect Day was interesting at the end as Juan named his dog ONI!
Clearly the upper echelon of the Office of Military Intelligence would have been involved in saving the day! #wwg1wga
I always found the Floating White House interesting as the inscription on the bell of the Honey Fitz!
Also interesting how Peter Lawford [who was married to JFK's sister] his mother hated the Kennedy's!
Note his fam was connected to the English Aristocracy! Interesting?
The above found in here with many connections in under 7 min.
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Very interesting here,
The post would have meant 1995 as opposed to 1955 or did he? #TimeTravel much? JK
Also note the date of the expo of 1995 so 922 is 91111 and 1995 encodes two 9's and a 6 or as above so below~ three 9's or three 6's.
Note the numbers for the length of this vid and the Expo Sign!
As seen on the YT channel JasonKiln's Patriot Movement Archives
Thank you Jason!
Phil Schneider on UFOs at the Preparedness Expo '95 - September 1995
Isn't that interesting?
Connecting sources,
Thank you to all who #FightTheGoodFight
Reminds me of the time when Commander and Chief Trump said, Nothing worth doing ever, Ever, EVER came easy. Remember?
Check it out~
Silent Running Can you Hear me? #Trump
Found inside of here,
Chosen Years ago in the 1990's heeded the call and signaled it on #LarryKingLive a #PresidentialExploratoryCommittee talked about when Larry King read a letter to Trump from #JFKjr after he went "missing."
Footage found inside of here archived,
#PatriotsYouAreTheStorm inside of here just give it a chance in order to #ExpandYourThinking
Tunnel footage found in here too if you catch it!
Who IS the #TimeLord? What IF time and space are NOT what humanity thinks it is?
Timey Wimey, Wibbly Wobbly, Topsy Turvy. Recent Solar Flares, UAP's Dr. Who first aired 11.23.1963
This Time History Will NOT Repeat Itself! Who is a Survivor? Are you?
#History, His story!
Find more here,
#JFK, What IF it's about #TheJourney?
Who all out there got #JourneyTraining?
#SonOfTheStorm #JFK, #PatrickBouvierKennedy, #JaCQUElineKennedy

What IS the United States Space Force? #USSpaceForce
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