[ProjectSteemCar] - THE TRAVELING ELECTRIC STEEM CAR is officially unveiled in public!

in projectsteemcar •  9 years ago  (edited)

Hey Steemers!

Today is the official grand unveil of ProjectSteemCar and it's first public appearance :)

ProjectSteemCar http://projectsteemcar.com has made its first debut in Santa Monica Beach California! It's been such an exciting week for us to go from concept, designs and then to actually having our own real life steemcar!

And now we present: The worlds first steemcar!

Starting with the installation process

Tom (our installer) was really great at applying the designs we mocked up. It seems easy but it takes the right type of pressure and tools to get it just right. The main issue that comes up is bubbling from applying incorrectly.


Here's a quick recap of our first major stop on the tour. Our steemcar map will keep growing as we add new locations and major events to attend.

The reactions we've been getting in public have been awesome in just one day! The steemcar seems to make people stop and turn their heads whenever we drive by!

It's going to be incredible as we get to visit more places, conferences, events and share steemit with the world!

Visit http://projectsteemcar.com !


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Hell yea man! I can't wait to see this baby up close!

cool project @originate

Lol making me laugh hard.

Gambate @originate


Awesome man! Steem is going to get a healthy amount of eyes for sure.

Consider Checking out our MinnowsUnite Group(130+ Steemers Strong!)



Sweet! Steemit RV coming soon!

@originate i like this project, good job

Amazing work with getting this all together so quickly, let us call forth millions of minnows! ;)

Looking real good! I was waiting for this. The color matches the Steemit colors perfectly.

California is a good place to start, then you take on the United States... and the World. :)

Cool! I do think you could've put a sneaky little www.steemit.com sticker on there too. Oh well, still perfectly awesome! And at least this way only smart people who see it will think , "what is steemit" and do a google search. Good stuff!

@originate, nice work on the West coast. Looking forward to seeing you on the East coast soon. There are many Steem fans in mid-Atlantic states so Power Up and come to Philly!

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Very cool way to spread the word about steemit! I love a good road trip, Great job!

This is some hot shit. Seriously. Cya on the front page soon lolol

Full steem ahead!

Google better watch out all steem ahead

@originate so exciting!!!

wow this cool project, I salute @originate

nice car..when to bali?can i?

Brilliant!! We have Steemcar now
Very original @originate
WOOHOO!!!! Go go
Lov it ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️👍👍👍👍👍👍

Awesome project, if you head to the midwest I'll get a couple hundred Steemers together in Indianapolis!

I take that back from previous comment on your previous posts if people are able to still see the logo but nice to see there are white outlines to help make it easier to see. That blue logo does look awesome on a blue car. Now I see why you went with that.

Great idea... Starting the conversation is more than half of it. Nice way to bring them in easier

Wow, that looks rad as. Incredible work Steemers!

cool project!

Now that the move from other social media sites has taken place, I'd like to know when the move to steam powered cars will occur so I don't miss it.

Great work @projectsteemcar! this will be a great project to follow. I was just thinking on how we can get other drivers in other cities around the world join the project in their local community. Did you think we can organize it as the @steemdrive billboard project? Will like to share some ideas.

The car looks just great. Congrats!

excelent post

@originate Awesome man! Steem is going to get a healthy amount of eyes for sure.