[ProjectSteemCar] - THE TRAVELING ELECTRIC STEEM CAR touring the Country!

in projectsteemcar •  9 years ago  (edited)


Hey Steemers!  I'm happy to announce ProjectSteemCar.   


ProjectSteemCar was started by two passionate steemers @originate @comealong - While working on our steem projects full time an idea was born to further help spread the steem community as we travel.    ProjectSteemCar is kicking off tonight, and our 2016 Electric Volt will be officially transformed this Friday!

This Friday (July 29th) our 2016 Volt will be transformed into an official steem powered car!   Here's a picture how our Volt currently looks like...missing something huh?   

Here are the official designs, which are currently being printed by a professional local fabricator. After Friday it will be transformed to this!  

We look forward to many updates as we travel and share our stories from meeting other steemers and SteemCar in the wild! 

Visit ProjectSteemCar.com !! - Join the mailing list to get email alerts on new posts!

Thanks for your support! 


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This is so epic!! Steemit is so awesome! And is Seattle under the billboard where we are to take our selfies?? Toss me on the list for spots to come visit for sure!

And we should arm you with a mass of printed collateral, stickers, shirts, etc for your travels :)

You guys have my jaw dropping daily.

Signed up for the updates by email and I can't wait to see what happens with this!

@thedashguy get ready for us to stop by soon! We'll take some selfies under the billboard. SteemCar and SteemBoard unite!

i would have loved to help you guys out with promo material or a bunch of my free stickers from my last post... also maybe a polished design for your car, not saying its bad but it surely could have been improved :o

That is so amazing! @thedashguy
Great idea! :D

Couple of questions here for you guys.

  • Can you guys elaborate on why you're doing this roadtrip?
  • Is the sole intent to promote steemit?
  • Are there specific conferences you are attending and representing steemit?
  • Are you going cross-country with this?
  • Is this whole thing funded by steemit or by yourselves (with the help of the community upvotes, obviously)?

Looking forward to possibly seeing #ProjectSteemCar roll through my town one of these days :)

@stoner19 Sure thing. We're doing this to help spread the word on steem as we are so passionate on the community. During the time we'll also be working on our other steem projects full time. Yep, we'll be attending difference conferences and big events! For example in 2 weeks for San Francisco the car will be at OutSide Lands Musical Festival (http://www.sfoutsidelands.com/). Thanks for your support! #ProjectSteemCar

I really, REALLY want to drool on that car...it beats drooling on my chest looking at it and thinking of the great things and thoughts it'll create! Gosh. I'm gonna go change my underwear now. Good luck, and gratz! Have a safe first trip, and to many more!

Wpw , wishing you guys all this best ! Tell the world about steemit , bring along steemit flyer too if possible :)

Awesome idea and sure wish you could to the same out here in Canada while at it!?! Safe travels, thrive on and namaste :)

You must come to Montreal, Canada. you come crash at my place.

This Steemcar must make it's way to Denver I want a picture with it! Steemit love all the way.

@kellywin21 you got it! We'll be updating all the cities in advance to meet up with other steemers

Yes I love it! I most definitely will be following and you can count on this STEEMER to be there! OH man I cannot wait. Looking forward to updates to throw into my calendar! Thank you @originate

Hey, are you coming to Kansas City Missouri? We have a giant pool......

Rich people in San Francisco selling poor people images of things that rich people get to do.

Great initiative! Any form of publicity which will help take Steemit mainstream is definitely a good thing. Keeping aimming for the frontiers... this reminds me of the Bitshares Peer 2 Peer tour.

All the best at your endeavours and more steem as you hit the road. You got our full support!

Wow...just wow. I'm going to wait for you to hit somewhere near me on the east coast. Running on steem power.

Good luck! Take lots of video so you can be in some of the upcoming steem movies!

Great Idea! I've been spreading the word myself by providing a Steem Category on my Video Sharing website BTCUpload.com. Where Steemers can upload their Steemit videos to help spread the word about Steemit online. You can find all about it on my Steemit post: https://steemit.com/post/@btcupload/get-more-viewers-to-your-steemit-post-and-videos
Feel free to upload your videos about your trip on our site to get more viewers and traffic back to your post! It's 100% free to use! Best of luck @originate

You need


To Upvote you !

👍great idea, success for u..

Great idea Thank you !

nice project! @originate

nice car

Another interesting idea, linked to the steemit!
Im afraid that our lovely devs will need to put some money into servers, because it looks like we may have a shitton of users,which is great!

Steemit is becoming second Skynet ( or Google ) haha :D

Keep up the good works guys,i will visit it every day, because it is so interesting :)

Awesome! You can join mailing list at: http://www.projectsteemcar.com/ for updates! :)

Lol, "Steem Powered". This is a good idea, we should look into more ways like this to spread the word about steemit! Great job!

@originate @comealong

Get jiggy wid it! Can't believe they didn't return for the reunion episode on Netflix!! Not cool! lol

Way to get the word out there!

Get that car steemin, want to hear about your adventures. It will be real, drive safe.

Great idea

Billboards, promo campaigns with balloons and now cars - just great!

I wish you success with your trip. I am sure you'll have lots of fun :)

wow! nice post , cool photo
thank you @originate

Whoa! That is Epic! Go travel and spread the word about STEEMIT !

wait. if it's too blue, wouldn't it blend to the car and makes it hard to see the logo? maybe place white around it? be happy to get alerts when you hit CA and Los Angeles

@cybercodetwins Thanks! We've added the white border for print. Will be updating with final result photos tomorrow :D

Awesome! So what's your route like?

I hope more steemers join in and transform their cars into SteemCars. Personally, I gave up my car for Uber, but I feel I'm missing out here. :)

Looks like it will be alot of fun, wish I had the time.

@pheonike Always lots of work and will continue to whilst on the road :)

Terrific. We look forward to other cities and countries.

very good project ideas..

I would appreciate if you would read this Post https://steemit.com/steemit/@minion/the-steemit-qr-code-making-this-world-a-better-place

I think it's a great idea and that It could be REVOLUTIONARY!

Thank you for reading and please comment!

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

'originate nah imitate' - UK Apache

Big it up @originate

next step : leave the asphalt , use an electric autogyro!

Nice idea! But way the line is short?

Good luck with the project. It really looks like fun!

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

If you are looking for some cool Steemit gear to bring along (shirts, graphics, etc.), you should check out this post :)


when are they goin to have a stop in atlanta ga?

I have a very similar project I started 2 days ago. Check it out here. Looking forward on the update of your project @originate


Im sure glad I found this from #upvotelinksonly :)

Im on the mailing list for the SteemCar!

What company are you having do your stickers? I am going to do something similar with my Solar powered - RV and could maybe do a double order if they also have a office in the Seattle area?

Blueee! I'm starting to love the color blue thanks to Steemit! xD

Blue is a nice color. You don't need excuses to like it :P

Это хорошая идея я бы тоже так сделал только вот машины нету))

Why can't the logo cover the front and back doors and the entire bonnet?

  ·  9 years ago Reveal Comment