Project W - How to create a liquidity Pool on JustSwap

in projectw •  4 years ago 

Thanks to the community the first PWT's are minted and farmed from the community.

You can find the contract address for your PWT token here.

If you can't find your PWT in your Tronlink wallet, please add the following address manually to see your token.

  • PWT address: TCt5d9JWwztVd5BiuYBQpQtdyv1PHjzz6P

The Project W foundation will not interfere with the creation and making value for the PWT token. To be able to swap PWT tokens on Justswap, it is needed to create a liquidity pool for a PWT-TRX pair. The next steps will show how this can be achieved.


Create a Liquidity Pool

If you are the first one creating liquidity for a specific token, you have the possibility to fix the price for this token. This is giving on the one hand chances to the creator but also risks.


First of all, move over to and move to SWAP>POOL. Here you need to click the button ADD LIQUIDITY.


Find the text "Select a token" and press it to see a new popup screen coming up with all the tokens available. If you have a new token, the chance that you will see it directly or able to search it based on a ticker is relatively small.

Please enter the contract address for your token into the search bar, in this case for PWT.

  • PWT address: TCt5d9JWwztVd5BiuYBQpQtdyv1PHjzz6P


Click the PWT token to choose it for creating a liquidity pool.


The amount needed for TRX is at least 10. If you are the first creating the LP, you can set up the price as you want. As an example in the image above 10 PWT was set for 100 TRX, which would place PWT at a price of 10 TRX per PWT.

You have to make sure that you have enough TRX and PWT to create the Liquidity Pool and also will need some TRX left for the transaction itself.

Risk and Chance analysis

Without looking into the strategy to create a liquidity pool for mining PWT itself, which is going to open on a later status, you can create a liquidity pool to actually sell or buy PWT with a liquidity pool. Due to the fact when creating and participating as one of the first on a liquidity pool, the price setpoint should be slightly higher than where you would be ready to buy it yourself.

Chance would be with creating a liquidity pool, that you would be able to sell your PWT into the market when you set the price point at a level where other investors would be interested in buying it. Vice versa would it be a risk when you actually would like to buy PWT and your liquidity pool would be losing PWT's because the current price for PWT is too low.



Project W is in beta and should be used at your own risk.

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Great Project!

I am excited.
I wrote a post today after investing and I am promoting the pool.


My Tweet

Incidentally we just got a Steem-Tron trading pair on JustSwap 3 days ago and the liquidity pool value is already over 50,000 dollars USD !
If we could get our Community behind this project it could really pump the price making all rewards here more valuable and bring more new members to the platform.

Here’s my tweet and a link:
This could really move the price of Steem and bring us a lot of attention. Please review and promote.
Thank you!


no one make liqudity pool pwt. hahaha

it is over??

It is just starting. The liquidity pool will increase as soon as the PWT-TRX LP mining will start, but we wanted to introduce the way how to start an LP even before. The risks are mentioned in the posting, as there is no real value determined for PWT despite TRX or WST.

Do liquidity providers just earn fees from the pool? Is that the only way they can make money? So, if there is no activity, no rewards? Is that correct?

In general yes. It is 0.3% of the fees coming from the swap pool. But for some LP's you can also yield farm on other pools, like for Sun they change every 2 weeks what kind of LP are able to yield farm Sun.

For PWT-TRX there is also a mining pool planned to mine more PWT in a later stage.

pwt is not maximum 15000??
i think that projectW team provide liqudity more and more ...
because market participant hesitate .... projectw is dead???? or what is the situation???
no one know tron yield famer...projectW ..

  1. marketing require
  2. wst/trx, pwt/trx liqudity provide inicial time
  3. more information in homepage..
  4. famer hate date..long duration,.. but pwt/trx pair date is not there???

huhu i think project W is dead now..
(but you think is start...!! so it is ok!~.. but defi is hottest in starting)

All needed information is supplied in our postings. PWT has a max supply of 100,000 PWT.

ok....projectW DEAD!!!! SOON.

The WST-TRX pool is in the moment 130K WST strong. You are using the service yourself and providing liquidity with over 15K Steem. If you think that this project does not make sense, it would be recommended for you to pull your stakeout and stop mining PWT, as otherwise, it is just creating the suspicion that you are creating fake news to stop others to be able to farm their PWT early.

ok... bye remove now. 개노답이네.
pwt를 사고 팔지도 못하는 상황에서
시장 개입 없이 시작을 하라니..
그리고 pwt를 팔지도 사지도 못하는 상황에서 lp풀을 연다고?????? 이 정도 수준의 프로젝트를 믿고 유동성을 제공한 내가 바보지...ㅉㅉ 잘있어라..

Still, thanks for participating in Project W. We are not interested in a fast pump and dump scheme, which a lot of DeFi projects have seen after a short period of time. If the community thinks that there is no value in PWT, reverse vaults, and sustainable token architecture that can provide a long run on a stable income, then you did the right decision for yourself.

i remove now!!ok bye my friends remove soon too...sum about 40k

I think as people come to JustSwap just as I just did, they bring Tron to buy WST via swapping TRX for WST and then deposit WST-TRX into the pool. This swap is a transaction and creates fees for the pool. It is possible that most DeFi investors will Come from outside Steemit and need to perform this swap to invest in the Liquifity Pool.