#promo-uk #promoleeds Aerial Advertisement

in promo-steem •  8 years ago  (edited)

So after mine and @stephenkedal's chat about ideas for promoting Steemit. Matt @starkerz showed enthusiasm about the idea of having a plane fly over Leeds trailing a Steemit banner. So I thought Id look into it, price it up, and gauge others interest to if it's something we can move forward with.

Aearial Advertising for Steemit.jpg

We want as many people as humanly possible to see this to make it worth the investment. So my suggestion is Mint Festival in Leeds on the 23rd September. If you guys have suggestions of bigger open air events that could have a better turnout. Please comment below!

It charged by the hour including take off and landing which gives around 20 minutes of "useful" visible time.

Prices for a five feet high letter display, up to 32 characters (including spaces) £595 + VAT. Example;


The second option is a high-resolution digital banner approximately 15' - 20' high and 55' - 65' wide which comes in between £750-£995 + V.A.T An example;


Ive contacted one of the old event managers from Mint Fest to ask exactly what the crowd numbers for Mint Festival will likely be so we can calculated cost per view. Ill update the post with his response when I get one.

I appreciate this is one of the more expensive ideas out there, and cost / view wont be as good as @Jerrybanfield's £2000 ad spend which netted 1m views. But since there was interest and it is pretty special I thought Id put it out there and see what the general consesus was on it?

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I personally feel like advertising online is going to be far more effective. The problem is that people who are at a festival will not be in the position to easily sign up for it then and there, as well as the fact that it offers no explanation of what Steemit actually is. Put yourself in that position, if you were at a festival and saw a plane fly over with a banner would you really take the time to get your phone out, google the name and sign up for it? Personally I wouldn't

Thank you for the comment. Though I appreciate the benefits of Digital Online Marketing, you are heavily reliant on a third party entity to push through your message. This is something I have talked about in great depth after seeing other Social Media sites reign in any promotional advertisements promoting Steemit. For me the success of promoting Steemit is to get out on the streets and connect with our market whether than is a plane flying a banner, handing out leaflets, putting up a banner..... etc. This cannot be controlled/conditioned/dictated by anyone other than ourselves. Hope this helps. Stephen

This would work well if someone was in the crowd giving out Steem promo flyers

Hi @captaincanery I do 100% agree with you. However since a few novel ideas have come up such as the lazer and people have quite liked them, I thought this would be worth putting out just to gauge interest, as the media do like stuff like this if we were to push things in that direction at a later date. :)

Great initiative Ashley. Keep us posted on how it develops. Stephen

I am well up for trying this out! lets get on a call in the not too distant future (I think stephen will arrange) and hash this out. I am happy to put a decent amount of the money up to make this happen! certainly agree that the flyer can change. a massive QR code that directs people to a welcome blog or maybe some other online address that is more controversial for example, a web address, and slogan will all be improvements on the design

I had the same idea, smaller scale. I fly my flag from my car and drone!

Check out my flag here:

Also, I have a friend that has a small plane. I'm sure he'd be game to fly a big flag!

You're giving me ideas for upgrading my licence. That would be a great job for me.