Hello Ladies and Gentlemen of steem peace be with you all.
Last year by this time the news of the world was crypto. Crypto moon to a higher price there by making it very attractive. The news was a very good one and this also had a greater influence on steem too making the steemit platform very active all the time ......where are you now.
Those days i used to see people posting as many us they can in a day, but the question is why have you stopped.
Facts to know about money
Money must be scarce.
value of money changes with time.
Note this :
In the world of business, it is very good to get a marketable item at a lower price to get more income .... I stand to be corrected. If yes then the time is now. Let us invest in steem at this time for a bitter future tomorrow .
Do you belief in steem...? Then why are you are you now my steem brother. Steem is real and will soon moon.
There is a saying the witch bewitching you is not us painful us bewitching yourself. The set time is now.......!!!