The Typical Cases Of Dropout Newbie Steemians And How To Overcome Them.

in promo-steem •  7 years ago 

When you compare the number of active accounts to the number of all accounts created on Steemit since the program was founded, you will be shocked. The hard reality is that the number of active steemians is not even upto 10% of the number of created accounts. And someone is somewhere shouting 1milliom users! when we are yet to hit 100,000 users in terms of activeness. Many factors are responsible for this wide discrepancy. In this article, I will like us to take a look at various wrong approaches most newbies adopt that usually lead to their premature exit, and how to overcome them.


Eyeing fat accounts And Spamming them to earn like them

One common mistakes newbies make after their accounts are approved is moving from one blog page to another to get the idea of the earnings of other Steemians, usually those who are fairly successful. Armed with this information, they would hurriedly make up a low quality post (most times) and then keep staring at the computer screen, expecting magic. Hahahahaha😂. And when it doesn't work, they would ask questions as to why their articles have been doing poorly in terms of earnings and would likely be told to embrace the art of commenting.

Oh commenting!? That's no big deal; they'd conclude and then devise a generalized text comment model and begin to spam other people's blog in the guise of marketing themselves. Their targets with this desperate approach are mostly accounts with sizeable steem power. Even when advised against this approach, most would continue until they find themselves inside the lion's den and then are slaughtered without mercy.


With significantly battered reputation score as a result of being flagged, they would lose hope and give up, dropingout of what would have been a successful steemit career when properly managed.

The above is a typical account of how most newbies' steemit careers are prematurely terminated, adding to ever increasing number of inactive accounts on Steemit.

Overcoming the allures of fat accounts: don't covet them but be inspired by to them

covetousness is the shortest route to premature exit

A covetous person will do anything possible, even at the detriment of others, to possess what belongs to others or be measured up to them within the shortest possible time. In this case, the newbie Steemians are driven by blind ambition so much that they don't want to enquire if there is an existing etiquette as to how things are done in the community. According to, to covet means...

to desire wrongfully, inordinately, or without due regard for the rights of others

to wish for, especially eagerly

A covetous newbie Steemian only sees the account balance of a more established steemian while paying blind attention to the activity stats of the established Steemian. He doesn't see things like the number of comments and resteems, article quality, projects, etc. All he sees is account balance of the established Steemian and his posts payout. Nothing more! And would do anything to produce such results. Unfortunately, steemit does not work like that.

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Be inspired by their successes instead...

Instead of being unreasonably desirous of another person's achievements to the extent of not minding to violate their comfort by sending unsolicited links to them, be inspired to aspire to attain their levels using a mutually beneficial approach. I am not saying desiring to be successful is wrong. But the manner of approach matters.

While a covetous person wouldn't mind violating the rights of others to achieve his aims, an inspired person is carefully desirous. An inspired person is a good follower. Good followers are careful not to misbehave against their leaders. This means they must have red, digested and mastered the community etiquettes in order not to displease their rolemodels.

A newbie Steemian inspired by the works of an established Steemian must have red it to be so inspired. And then comment meaningfully and objectively based on the context of the article so read.


An inspired Steemian isn't just seeing the account balance and posts payout, he is marveled at the activity stats of an established Steemian and maybe inspired by them. *He sees the number of comments the established Steemian has achieved, and he is inspired to achieve it within a defined period of time. And by so doing, he attracts attention to himself and earn more. And because he earns whenever he writes, he will continue to be active for as long as he is capable.

Are you a newbie Steemian? What approach are you adopting? The-make-it-now approach that will lead you to get flagged and dropout of the program prematurely? Or getting inspired by the activities of a successful Steemian and carefully trying to act in the like manner to achieve success? Choose wisely. Thanks for reading.

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woww..! every minnow needs to see this, resteemed

Thanks for the resteem

An inspired Steemian isn't just seeing the account balance and posts payout, he is marveled at the activity stats of an established Steemian and maybe inspired by them.

I am one of those sir @eurogee being inspired by the people like you to continue and always remember that "patience is a virtue" have a great day sir 😘😘😘😊❤️

Thanks you very much


Cool.. It's true fact.

Nice post
.very educative

Good point of view @eurogee ! Some has to do with this that you mention here and some in how in the way the system works to make people upvote each other or give self upvotes.

By the way, have you checked the 2nd activity I posted as an example for steemit users on how they can promote steem and apply to earn rewards with steem ambassador:

Regards, @gold84