Q- What is the cost of resource credits for claiming a discounted account in Steem Blockchain?
The procedure for creating a discounted account using resource credits involves two steps: claiming a discounted account and then creating a discounted account.
In Steem blockchain, there is a pool of spots for discounted accounts. So claiming a discounted account means claiming a spot in that pool. If you have claimed a spot earlier, you can create a discounted account at any point of time. This process does not cost STEEM, but claiming a spot consumes resource credits and you would require a large amount of SP. You can check the cost of resource credits for calming a discounted account using this tool: https://beempy.com/resource_costs
Go to: https://beempy.com/resource_costs. In the last row(of Key Vs Value of RCs), you can see the resource credits cost for claiming an account is 9454.631775140 G RC. This figure is actually self-adjusting depending upon the availability of spots and many other factors.