in promo-steem •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hello guys, it's@pasaift.
Today, I happen to be present at the prestigious Nnamdi Azikiwe University in Anambra state Nigeria, doing a little promotion of this our most valued platform (steemit). Screenshot_2018-04-25-20-51-48-1.png

I have been in Anambra state for a while and I've been forming a a steem community here, trying to put Anambra on the map of active steeming states here in Nigeria. With respect to that, an account @steem-anambra has been created to guide and support the incoming steemians.

Why did I choose to do this promotion in a school? We all know that students always dig the idea of social media, and they would definitely be interested in one that gives them value for the time spent on it compared to the likes of Facebook and others. Its also a way of giving them a source of income to reduce dependency on parents and wards. steemit can be likened to an entrepreneurship platform, where one would get in and start earning and focus his earnings on other things of value or even decide to go into crypto investing and learn lots more from posts by other steemians.

For this promotion event, I happened to call on members of the steem-anambra community to join me, too bad that only a few could come. But alteast, better few than none. Steemians who were available include @perkyoung, @ibezim, @mannyz, @nnoye and my humble self @pasaift.

We did distribute some fliers that was gotten courtesy of @steemcamp and @michaelcj. We also had talks with different groups of people since we couldn't really get them all in one location at once.

This promotion was a success, as those we talked to about steemit were eager to sign up and enthusiastic about it.

Hopefully, we would be doing a bigger promotion soon in this same location and also to some other places. It was the first time that students here were hearing about steemit. Having brought steemit into this environment, the good news is sure to spread like wildfire because everyone would also want to tell his friends about the platform that gives him/her value for time spent.
Promotion of steemit is our job description as steemians, and its not something we should shy away from. I use this opportunity to urge other steemians to promote in their various locations, as many are still in the dark about steemit.

Keep Steeming, Remain Blessed. DQmNuF3L71zzxAyJB7Lk37yBqjBRo2uafTAudFDLzsoRV5L.gif @pasaift

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Hello! I find your post valuable for the wafrica community! Thanks for the great post! @wafrica is now following you! ALWAYs follow @wafrica and use the wafrica tag!

Good job MA. I never knew you still had some of the @promo-steem flyers I printed talking about Steemit @dlive and other steem platform. I think we need to print more. The information in that flyer is gold and bless be the man who receives it. So bless you the man who shares it.

Yeah, that flier is way valuable. Thanks

Wow, great Job man! Thanks for sharing this life changing experience with the communities there. Jah bless. Following you from Uganda Kampala

Thanks bro. We all should play our part in moving steemit foward

Nice one there my guy, good to know that this students are really interested on steemit.

Yeah, they were. Thanks for attending

I love how there is so much support in your country for Steemit. I'm always talking about it to people at work and in my Social Circles, but no one is as eager to join it seems. I did get one of my co-workers to join this week, and I'm waiting for her first post! Good luck and congratulations to all of you!

Good to know that there are steemians out there pushing for the growth of the community. are really doing a great job in this community. Thanks a lot.

I try as much as I can