I am pleased to announce that the Sponsorship with the PromoSteem Community has been accepted and I encourage others to follow suit and Sponsor those Communities you would like to support.

in promo-steem •  4 years ago 

#Promo-Steem - Helping to Support and Promote the Promotion of #Steem around the World - Sponsorship with the #PromoSteem Community

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Helping to Support and Promote the #PromoSteem Community

Following on from the recent Open Offer to the #PromoSteem Community I am pleased to announce that the Sponsorship with the #PromoSteem Community has been accepted and I encourage others to follow suit and Sponsor those Communities you would like to support.

Sponsorship Payment Agreement

A 100 #Steem per month Sponsorship Payment will be paid to the @promosteem.com account.

This Sponsorship Payment will be made each and every month on or around the 1st of the month for the duration of the Sponsorship.

Sponsorship Payments will be made to the @promosteem.com account and the money can be spent as the #PromoSteem Community agrees.

Whether it is on Promotional Merchandising, Events or Contests it is entirely up to the #PromoSteem Community how these Sponsorship Payments are spent.

1st Sponsorship Payment

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Sponsorship Payment - 1st May 2021. Keep up the great work. Stephen

Sponsoring the #PromoSteem Community

As Official Sponsor to the #PromoSteem Community the community is free to use the SK logo on all Promotional Merchandise, Promotional Events and Promotional Contests.

Simply copy / paste the Free-to-Use SK Logo.png on to your Promotions.

Free-to-Use SK Logo.png

SK logo (static round) transparent edge.png

Supporting and Promoting the #PromoSteem Community

Looking forward to Supporting and Promoting the #PromoSteem Community as much as I can and I once again encourage others to follow suit and Sponsor those Communities you would like to support.

Thanks again for reading.


Helping to Support and Promote the #PromoSteem Community

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we are proud of this sponsorship

  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment

Excellent decision made by the PromoSteem community to accept the sponsorship of @stephenkendal. I have realized that @stephenkendal is a person with a very good heart and his goal is for Steem to be accepted and known in all countries of the world.

Congratulations @stephenkendal

Congratulations @stephenkendal on PromoSteem community sponsorship approval. Now you are going to be able to run the best promo campaign to Steem with this great team.


I shared this post on my Twitter, to support this great news.


Congratulations @promosteem.com for having support from sir @stephenkendal 100 steem means a lot to us for #PromoSteem it can be a great support. I also would love to ask for this support for my newborn community Bangladesh-বাংলাদেশ

let's promote # promo-steem to friends or on social media ,, Thank you @steephenkendal

the more that support promo-steem, the faster steem advances ,, greetings # promo-steem

spirit, sir @stephenkendal, we are both promo-steem

We are more than proud to have you

Thanks for your support @stephenkendal.
@promosteem.com you need a website with this name.

Your support inspires us to stay active on promoting #steem . Thank you @stephenkendal

Your support and sponsorship will make steemit the number one blockchain platform . You are doing a lot to promote #steem. Thank you.

Congratulations on the promotion-steem and sponsorship and hopefully we can work together, in terms of steem promos and can help all steem users around the world @stephenkendal

Congratulations promo steem and also sir stephenkendal.thank you for sharing this great news.

Sir , You are really doing the great job to promote #steem and #support promoter. Thanks for your sponsorship.

Really it’s a good news, congratulations to promo Steem and also congratulations to stephenkendal . Hope all Steem user will be helpful by this.

Thank you so much for your #sponsorship . But it is difficult to do any work alone. So we need more sponsors to promote #steem rapidly. It is very important to promote #steem, what you are doing. So please keep continue this great work.

This is great news. Congrats man.

wow it is great news sir all steemian.

Shared on twitter.

Please help to support the promotion of #Steem and #Steemit by sharing your Blogs to twitter.



I have added the Steem logo to my Lamborghini to Promote Steemit....


  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment