RE: New Tool - How much should I promote my post for ? []

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New Tool - How much should I promote my post for ? []

in promotion •  7 years ago 

hell yeah man i wanted to ask @ausbitbank if it is still up to date?

seems like amazing that #1 post making like $1000 would onlky cost 102 sbd? or is that just how much that post had to pay? did they just get lucky?

sorry for the super late reply ausbitbank i love teh work u do for stem and apreciate eveyrthing you do

i believe eitehr i am confused on how thsi woprks (Maybe these are posts from 7 days ago thata re onlky 103 sbd) or maybe the prices are off now since its 8 montsh old?

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This tool is for native promotion using sbd, it's not looking at post payouts or bidbots. It should still work but I don't think this type of promotion is worth the cost anymore