My opinon on mind control Fear POrn Media

in propaganda •  7 years ago  (edited)

This is not scary cnn wants u to be scared.. why because there ran by the orion alliance and beings who feed of your fear energy energticlly.... so if u want 2 keep feeding them PLEASE BE SCARED PLEASE DONT THINK FOR YOURSELF ! PLEASE DONT LOVE YOURSELF AND EACH OTHER! PLEASE DONT ENJOY YOUR LIFE!

Oh yea and i forgot to mention another reason they keep rentlnessly putting out fear stories so u dont explore caves is literally almost all of the larger one's are all tunnels that lead to deep underground bases ran by extra-terrestials that run companies like cnn OPEN UR THIRD EYE U KNOW ITS FUCKING TRUE!
so yea please don't go cave exploring u might find the entrance to our base then we might have to abduct you....
or rape you or make you our sex slave....
or maybe well just hangout cause not all of them are what u say there is negative and positive in every group...
even the pleadians have murders and rapist
the pleadians star cluster is way more then 7 .........
predomantally they are service to others and of course themselfs and love themselfs...

OH yea and on top of that they want you 2 think u only have 1 life and please go to the world religion heavens /hell so u all can be recycled in the annuaki astral soul recyling program and be convinced earth is the only place u can reincarnate so we can stilll play this co-creative manipulation game of u are fucking asking for and agreeing 2 well least the majority of u are and have been i would know i fucking did to! its okay we wanted and needed it.
sure perhaps it lasted abit longer perhaps then it needed 2 but thats okay! that makes us even more powerful light warriors now by experiance such extreme dark realties for so long!
Even beings like our spirt guides like pleadians ,essassani etc. have said we will be looking up to you in the future how fucking amasing is that shit!

OMG YEA IM SO FUCKING SCARED REPITLIANS IM JERKING MY FEAR COCK 4 UR SO HARD DADDY! PLEASE EAT OUR FEAR SO GOOD WE WANT 2 FEED U ARE FEAR! all lower light beings here it comes u ready sexy fuckin we are comming so much fear FUCK YEA OOOOOOOO!

i swear if there where global troll awards cnn would probably be in the top 10 in the fucking world i mean ive seen deicated trolls BUT HOLY SHIT MAN U GUYS REALLY DESERVE A TROLL AWARD!

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