Let me say first of all, that I do not claim to know ANY truths, and that the only thing I know I know is basically NOTHING... and so by virtue of that tremendous absence of certainty, things have to be shown to me, if I am to understand and accept them. Short of that, I just remain skeptical... try to enjoy my life and be an OK person.
So it was today, that I found myself reflecting on America’s colossal collapse of reason, lo' these past four+ years, and on how many people I know to be smart & good-hearted have fallen victim to thinking that they must be “right” and so those who do not think as they do, must of necessity be “wrong.”
This pretty much explains why every passing day seems to find us more and more tied to the bondage devices of “MANUFACTURED POLARIZATION"… which is the primary AIM of all propaganda.
Any public information initiative that does NOT require acceptance of an "US vs. THEM" duality, may NOT in fact be propaganda. Think about it. Without an US vs. THEM directive at the core of the narrative, propaganda’s noxious fumes, turn into a judgment-free breeze free that wafts with the scent of gardenias.
So, that then got me thinking about how in the hell we still survive, love our kids, do our jobs and carry on even while being slaves to propaganda - and I came to the conclusion that the part of us that propaganda actually attacks is only certain lower spectrum bands of sight and sound, and that BELOW such superficial levels of perception - down in our second brain, (i.e. the brain in the belly) there still THRIVES the full range of sensibly sensory PRECOGNITIVE capacities, that thankfully keep us rooted and connected to this exquisite life and to each other.
I put a list together a while ago of these biological "gifts," so here they are… my unsung and powerful allies of the unstructured human imagination.
Now I know you might say… but doesn’t propaganda leverage those same darker deeper feelings like fear, disgust and betrayal?
Of course it does. The ONE big difference though is that propaganda relies upon juvenile cartoons to do its nasty work… and if as a so-called adult you can’t differentiate between juvenile cartoons and this one “precious” life of yours, then what hope? There will no quick fix… not until that reactive block of deferred trauma is finally dissolved… and your imagination is ready to be released back into the wild.
In any case, here are my picks. Can you think of any more?
• altered states • amusement • anger • awe • betrayal
• dancing • delight • disgust • dreams • ecstasy
• empathy • family • fear • forgiveness • friendship
• gratitude • grieving • guilt • hatred • inspiration
• intuition • laughter • love • pain • pleasure
• shame • sleep • song • sorrow • stories • touch
• tragic sense • weeping • whimsy