Girls just wanna have sun."

Who's in for a summer holiday? Well, don't forget your sun protection dearies for it's more fun in enjoyment with no regrets at the end. It's a good time to accumulate friends and even prospect new ones to accompany with for more travel experience in a summer season. I loved to use this photo for today as it serves as a reminder for me that this year would be a "no-no" summer adventure for me due to my heavy workloads and certain ailment. Well, I may haven't kept a lot of pictures from my past summer adventures but every time I'm trying to remember those days, the feeling of delight and happiness will always be the same as it's well-saved in my heart's memory for a keep safe.
Image Dimension: 1080x1107
Resolution: 96 dpi
Bit Depth: 24
Location: Lakawon Island
Enhancement: no filter
May the force be with us.