Are Your Actions Getting You Broke Or Prosper?

in prosperity •  7 years ago 

There are many behaviors in many of us that are actually making us poor or wealthy. With the examples below, you can see that getting money is all about paying attention to what we do everyday and the way we are behaving.


A lot of people I have seen, just don't really want to pay the price to have a better life. It's like waiting for blessings just to fall from the sky without doing anything at all. It is great to visualize and attract things, but you are the one who has to do something different in order to get different results.

I'm not saying you have to be a millionarie or go for that (I really don't see why not), but you can start and behave differently to have more prosperity in you life. It all starts with you and no one else. Take resposability and do your own very best for yourself and you love ones.

"Your kindness will always return to you in any way, shape or form"
"If you want to get an education, just travel the world"
"Beautiful things in life are beautiful, because they were hard to achieve"
"Love everybody the same way you love yourself. If you don't love yourself, you have no one to love".
"You change the world by changing yourself and providing a little bit of kindness everyday".
"Never look down on someone, unless you are helping them up"
"Take care of your body, so your body takes care of you".
"You can't give others what you don't have; If you do, your're giving part of yourself".

Stay blessed.

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Wow what an amazing though which is really truth and fact too..People thought are making real difference in this world like you gave the example and if very rich by money not by mind and heart and help to others then what is the meaning of becoming rich..Thanks for sharing it with us..@javybar

You are right all depends on us. We ourselves grow ourselves. A person without a personal potential (with a low potential) is a dummy. A person with a high personal potential is a promising person, a person who is rich in wealth. A spirit's spirit and passion for business are important components of a person's potential. Thanks for the good post @javybar

we definitely get more potential by focusing and working on ourselves. Many look outside of themselves, wasting time, but I'm glad we are aware of that in this post :)

Excellent post friend and no doubt taking responsibilities will allow one to work hard and make the way forward in life and responsibility and load will make person more stronger than before, thanks for sharing your thoughts regarding life with us, Stay blessed

Very true my friend. Time to check on our habits and make changes. Thank you :)

We all know peoples need financial freedom. If not very difficulties happen stay live. If build up financial freedom better find to succeed theories and after study do practically. You gave details better to follow up. Watching tv is very bad attitude and wasted our life time.

Very true my friend. We have to do, what we have to in order to move on in life. Thanks

For financially in life we ​​try as much as possible so that we change this hifup becomes brighter, as you say "waiting for the blessing of heaven" such a person until doom will never progress, so we must try, because the effort will never betray the results

very true my friend :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I agree with you, lot of people in this world Broke Or Prosper, who don't care, what he do right or wrong, well peoples should try to understand and lack of value of others humanity. we should have responsibilities to make good works and do hard. its all depends our hard working and positive thoughts.
First we should believe in yourself and than do the good deeds..

Believing in yourself is the first step in anything y friend. Thank you :)


Life is dynamic. It is always a routine work in a life of progress. Those who follow the rules and keep their goals in mind, they can only improve. People of lazy nature spend their days sitting alone @javybar

You do have good points, thanks :)

Great post..Loved the amazing post..It is really great that you posted the difference thought of poor and reach..People mind is capable of doing different thing which are impossible but we have to believe in ourself and not fear of failure and passing all difficulties by smiling..The though is really what really makes differences not the money..Thanks for sharing it with us..@javybar

Believing in ourselves is key my friend, thank you.

Oh yeah, you are absolutely right, you can not expect prosperity without putting any effort to it and only that person who sets a goal in front of him can achieve prosperity! I wish everyone to set a high goal in their lives and achieve it! Thank you @javybar

I totally agree with you. I wish we could just have it all and appreciate it already. We still need to work on many thing and everything at this point begins with all of us together.

The word for the poor and the rich, it has a very profound meaning. Because of the poor and rich a person is determined by each of us. Sometimes people say that the poor and the rich are already determined by god or it is all our destiny. But I am a little confused about it, because in my opinion, if we keep trying and never give up, surely we can succeed. Because God also tells us to think how we can create our own life well. Because life is our own that determines.

I'm sure if we want to try and never give up we all get a good life and can get happiness. Because in this day and age we have many opportunities to make money on the internet. On the internet we can also make money and very many places for us to make money on the internet. But most importantly we keep learning, keep trying and never give up. Thank you for sharing and hopefully you will be more successful to work ... :)

thank you for your contribution my friend. I don't think anything is completely written on a stone about our lives. I think we develop it as we go along. Still many things to learn. Keep it up my friend !

Again a wonderful post. We are rich or poor, our appraisal is completely dependent on us.We all can change ourselves from our own position. It requires our positive attitude. . But many of us feel disappointed in our position. We all have to change ourselves from our own position, we have to think ourselves happy from our position. . . Stay blessed dear @javybar

change yourself and change the world around you my friend. Keep it up!

behavior greatly affects the life of a person, because if we have good behavior must be many people who love us and this will have a good chance to be able to change our lives for the better, because with good behavior will easily get help from others and will many people can we help

I really agree with your post I think this post is very interesting because some people justify any means to get the money either in the right way or the wrong, they are only concerned with the money that generated a lot. indeed needed is needed, inevitably must be produced from the right way and hard work

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

For fiscally in life we ​​try however much as could reasonably be expected with the goal that we change this hifup winds up brighter, as you say "sitting tight for the gift of paradise" such a man until the point when fate will never advance.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

People should change their selves before they change anything else like their status to a millionaire,which is not possible without changing ourselves.i have all the habit of a millionaire.i am young now and hopefully i will become rich in the future. Like your post.upvoted.

Thank @javybar for the awesome words, These all point are 100% true and the thing a notice the most is that "BROKEN PEOPLE TALK ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE AND MILLIONAIRE ABOUT NEW IDEAS". . . . This is because Rich people stay rich by living like they are poor and Poor people stay poor by living the life like they are Rich

this post is very interesting, money is needed but how to get it is very important to be reviewed, sometimes people justify everything in order to get money, but that is not the true nature. hard work and effort is very supportive to the rich and poor someone

very true my friend. Some Rich people don't really work that hard to be honest, but as we are trying to build something good for us, it may take some hard work at the beginning. ipr-job

I totally agree with you friend i think everyone want to rich but we should focus on just our aim of life. Everyone in this world have different nature, different thoughts, who make folks diffrent from others. We are not millionaries but we should work hard to achieve our life goals and survive in this world. Your thoughts define your life, being honest and truthful is the only way your life will lead to path of success.

Very well said. Pretty inspiring words my friend. You sound very mature and wise. Looking for someone with those thoughts, let me know when you visit USA, haha thanks

Haha thank you friend I wish to visit, but when i have make plan i'll sure inform you 😊

Sounds good to me :)

Very good post, I always like your posts. For always sharing about life and can be a motivation for the crowd. Talking about poor and rich is indeed very difficult, because in general everyone in this world would want to get rich and luxurious life. But it all depends on our own, how we can create a great opportunity for us to earn a lot of money. If we keep trying and never give up and always focus on one of our goals, I'm sure we can get what we want. thank you

this system is not that easy to deal with. Not everyone can have everything, but there are many exceptions., we just have to be one of those exceptions my friend. Thank you.

One of my sweet uncle said, u boy! Looking straight to me in my eyes he stated if you want to be great in life and to be remembered in people hearts and minds then you must love what you do in life, you should be passionate about every single activity which you are going to face in future, you become a barber but be remember try to reach the peak of it.. from that day i realised and made a promise, whatever happens in future, good or bad i won’t blame others for it.. i dream big and i try hard to achieve what i want from my life.. i don’t do hopelessness ever... and i prefer others to do the same.. thanks for your post @javybar i really enjoy everyone of yours..

Your uncle seem to be a brave wise man. Being passionate about anything take you to the next level of blessings received. Passion will take you anywhere you want to be honest. I try to work on that everyday because if you are not passionate about anything, you are like a dead body walking without any purpose.

yes you are damn true as always...

There are many people in front of us who change their money when they get lost. It is just one of the worst aspects of a human being.your creativity quality always good.a mam when not should changed chcracter.thank u very much fir your amazing post sharing my dear friend.good job...

I totally agree with your it’s said “great minds discuss ideas,average mind discuss events,small mind discuss people” we are not born millionaire or poor but we can change that if we change ourselves for the better even a millionaire can become poor if he changes his habits for the bad.thanks for sharing yet another amazing post.

I strongly agree with you because if we think today for tomaarrow then every day is good and we are the best because we think as millioners
keep sharing great thoughts

many people who stop trying because they fail many times, but for me it doesn't matter, because I believe failure is pending. success.
keep trying to change this life, everything will be beautiful in time ...

very well said! :)

I absolutely concur with your it's said "awesome personalities examine ideas,average mind talk about events,small mind talk about individuals" we are not conceived tycoon or poor but rather we can change that on the off chance that we improve ourselves even a mogul can end up poor on the off chance that he changes his propensities for the bad.thanks for sharing yet another stunning post.

We might select where should we go! I hope we all will select path #1 to be a millionaire and I think with STEEM we already selected that path! Great article bro!


I AM crossing my fingers to that my friend. We shall see. Wishing you best, you know that :)

Wish you the same bro, we just started our walking to be millionaires! It's not an easy way, but I think we can do!


2017 was the worst year for me because I took many wrong decisions so I couldn't survive well. But I'm Ready Freddy to give myself good actions to become prosper in my life by the end of 2018 which is going good. :)

Agree with you . Some people are very lazy and thats reason they lost their personality . We must think about this and change behave . Do hard work and cash some respect . Thank you @javybar for reminding us a great lesson.
Stay blessed!

Your mind should be present when you set goals so that you can took good actions against your set goals. Then all things will go smooth and steady and you never feel broken feeling at any time. This is our choice to become prosper or broke- this all happens due to our selection. Nice point you choose ❤️

in the end only our action will define the way there will be no magic only our hard work will come handy :)

I work in my own way. Think about it before doing anything. How much can I go ahead? There are many people who benefit according to their plans.Those millionaires who continue to pursue their efforts and through hard persistence.

Our goals can start with dreams or wishes, but without an action plan behind them, they don't go too far. You need to have a workable plan and a regular investment of money and effort over a long period of time.

Very true. Action is really important for things to happen. You just have to know when to apply action and go with the flow. Most of the time we know, but we don't act. thank you :)

Indeed, if you know and don't act is a waste of brain power.

@javybar, You given serious things to community. Nice compared millionaire and broke peoples. Our goals create via thoughts and dreams. Lot of peoples I have saw take lotteries daily wise and much money wasted. They find immediate method for be success. But if they do succeed methods daily wise as you given today sure..they can find success.

many ways to move on in life financially. The moment we focus on ourselves, it's when miracles happen.

Buenos dias javybar ,en cuanto al dinero tengo un decir y es este , en la vida no te queda sino lo que te comas y lo que te pongas , no hay entierro con trasteo .
Me explico , guardo dinero por si en cualquier momento tengo que salir rapidamente al medico , por que si no haces esto , en ese momento buscas prestado y lamentablemente nadie tiene .
Gasto en lo que me gusta , que es vestirme bien y comer lo que a mi edad todavia puedo .
Guardo para el futuro , por que tu no sabes que se te presentara , total no sere millonaria , pero si organizada .
Feliz dia :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Feliz dia, todos hacemos lo que podemos con las propias capacidades. Algunas cosas son prioridades de tener y otras no. Depende de la prioridades que nosotros le damos a las cosas. Tan pronto tengamos la libertad de ocuparnos de unos mismos sin dañar a naide, pues se esta haciendo lo que se puede. Gracias :)

Well done, my friend , These are the major differences between successful and unsuccessful people ,In addition to what you said

Yesterday I posted a topic about 10 Chrome extensions that can save you several dollars
It's a beautiful subject , you can see it in my blog if you want

great guide for all of us. Thank you my friend

you welcome

You're exactly right @javybar. Lot of peoples very lazy to working and don't like hard working. Firstly want to be strong brain and mind. If do mind control easily can search success way you told here and finally can be millionaire. That's excellent encouraging post.

Thank you my friend :)

Yes dear poor and wealthy is about our behavior when we attention our work then we earn money and when we do not attention our work so we do not earn money

rally good thoughts and i am the first one ...

Awesome post..

Right Our long term success depend on our daily routain

very impressive post ..i like your every post ..thanku for the sharing..@javybar

If I were to try and continue to strive for the prosperity of menacapai in this life, so that I can help many people ....

Very interesting @javybar..Among the point of broke people I only followcis watch tv when I get time ☺...otherwise I follow most the points of Millionaire...I guess One day I will be millionaire 😀...Its all about hardworking and patience and learning from all the mistakes and respect others,love to everyone and living happily with family time is real millionaire for me☺ @javybar

Exactly ..long term success depend upon our daily routine.

Late to the party i know. Just found your profile. Nice post:)

very impressive post @javybar...

I've some of the qualities of millionaires and some of broke people. :(

You always come up with nice thoughts man... I really admire u in that.... I have always manifest truth and wisdom in your thoughts... I Like the way u said "your kindness will always return to you in some form".. May God bless you

it depends on the situations i think.☺👍

ahan its very true friend <3
there is a lot of difference in millionaires and yes in broken people..

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

A very good post is about two-class people. Those who work ahead can improve their lives. To be rich in life, there is a need for proper planning @javybar And try to implement the plan.

Good toughts and awesome post thanks

Your are right dear in the world when we achieve success because of our attention nice post thanks for sharing

i prosper in my life with steemit,so i action to prosper steemit

you can start and behave differently to have more prosperity in you life

I think I'm starting now! Thank you for this impressive post.

we have to set our goals and work accordingly. Knowing our passions is the very first thing we should do. And yes, when your post says "reading books", it just feels the thought of my mind.

Great post.thanks@ javybar

Very well spoken! Behind any success lies the hard work. It is necessary to make efforts every day to achieve the goal. And generally you must first set a goal, understand what you want and begin to act and not sit idly by.

I loveeeee it, for real. :)

wow this is really amazing

We need to set goals and try to achieve them regularly that's the way we could be achieving new heights

really awesome post javybar.

our actions lead our life even if we fail we have the chance to overcome it but if we don't do it then its our mistake

You are right ....
everything is depends on us......
i just want to say .....
life isn't static.....

and it was a good post....
thanks # @javybar

always try my action to construct me in a great way and go beyond :)

we have to set a target daily and try to achieve that only by that we could make our life interesting :)

Well yes I do have some qualities of both the sides but sure will leave the right side qualities as early as possible !

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I did not sign up for this order of possession we humans are forced to live in. Your view on prosperity is clearly not mine .
Your picture with the list's is just a small box , not at all accurate or complete . Most people on this planet are broke true war and suppression .
Broke by the action's of other's .

A bit more peace would help ;-)

Beautiful things in life are beautiful, because they were hard to achieve..
i like that one...