Prostate massage for health and pleasure

in prostate-massage •  7 years ago  (edited)

Note that I am not a doctor. Please read this entire post before following any of the suggested practices offered. If you have any doubts at all, consult your doctor after reading this guide, to ensure nothing in it might be contra-indicated by your current health status or any existing medical condition.
During s exual arousal the prostate fills up with prostate fluid. After mixing with the sperm from the testicles, the final ejaculate is called 'semen'. What many people call ‘cum’? And associate with orgams, or ‘cumming’. Note that prostate orgasms can be much more intense than ‘normal’orgasms. They can also continue much longer. And the man can enjoy ‘multiple’ ‘dry’ orgasms.
Before beginning any session of prostate massage, perform urination and/or a bowel movement to maximise the relaxation of the area we will be working with. Clean the area well. Then clean your hands and fingers. Check for any sharpish finger nail edges. Wear gloves if you wish. Now we are ready.
These are the best diagrams I could find for easy location of the prostate.The first clearly shows the pubic bone. This is the best ‘orientation point’ for ‘locating’ your prostate. The second shows the man stading up, and provides details the first omits. The third depicts the man on all fours. This is the most likely position you will use if you perform prostate massage on another person.
Remember you will be massaging the prostate gland INDIRECTLY, by massaging it through the anal wall.
Your aim is NOT to travel up and into the colon. So tools that men and women may use for ‘anal sex’ are not really designed for this purpose. Luckily you were born with all the tools you will need.

Make sure you trim your finger nails, to keep them short, and free of any sharpish edges.
Usually the first and second fingers are longest, and ideal tools for prostate massage, as they are for vaginal, clitoral, and G spot massage. They are soft, warm, and infinitely manipulatable.
Keep in mind that if you use vibrating tools, you are likely to experience what most drug users, and pleasure-thrill seekers of all kind tend to suffer from, namely, ‘habituation’. It soon takes greater doses, greater exposure to danger, and ever greater stimulation, to achieve the original ‘high’ and ‘satisfaction’.
If you start with a vibrating tool, you may find your nerves becoming less sensitive over time, requiring ever greater stimulation to achieve what first literally ‘came’ easy.
Specialists in sexual awakening, sensitivity training, and sexual therapy, will have you re-awaken your original sensitivity by returning to the more basic methods. Such as inserting a simply dildo or ‘sex beads’ or ‘jade egg’ into your vagina, and moving your vaginal muscles actively, to ‘feel’ the object, and re-learn to respond to the most simple of touch and pressue. To ‘get back to the start’.
Remember when you achieved full body orgasms from the slightest of ‘sexual’ stimulation? THAT is probably one explanation for the desire many people have to have sexual interactions with children. They associate ‘childhood’ with extreme sexual arousal and sexual satisfaction / fulfillment. They are seeking to recapture that level of arousal and sexual pleasure. What they SHOULD be doing is the sort of sensate therapy I just describe. Learning to re-awaken their own sexual responses. By getting back to basics. Mental fantasy. Reducing the stimulation required to become aroused and ‘cum hard’. Until they can, once more, become rock hard from the slightest of ‘sexual’ provocations, and ‘cum hard’ from the slightest of pressure, or stimulation, of their penis. Most of this is MENTAL. Regaining the ability to vividly imagine sexual encounters. To full awaken their lust. After years of boredom. Of over-stimulation. Just like any drug addict. First they must ‘go cold turkey’ until their natural, original, sensitivities return. This is the ONLY way to overcome habituation.
I suggest you begin using your own fingers, or a passive object. Your aim is to teach your brain to respond sexually to the simplest of pressures and stimulations. You are engaging in a form of ‘sensate therapy’. Focus on the simplest of stimuli. Associate them with sexual pleasure, rock hard cocks, and you whining and moaing in uncontrollable pleasure, maybe imagining a partner of your hottest sexual fantasy massing your prostate, and waking your cock, maybe while sucking it, as you come in a continuous stream, your body wracked with mindblowing, uncontrollable pleasure. Remember to always associate this stimulation with something sexual, with sexual pleasure. Get your brain setting up new neural pathways, increasing the number of receptors available to the prostate nerves, in the brain, and the number of activated nerve cells in the prostate, to send the right nerve impulses, in the greatest quantity.
Soon just thinking about prostate massage will send you over the edge. Giving you a stinging, rock-hard erection, and sending you over the edge into orgasmic bliss.
And I personally believe activating other parts of your dormant mind and body and spirit. Remember that many ‘spiritual’ masters were labelled as ‘sodomites’ by the dominant hegemonic slave masters of their day’s a.k.a ‘Priests’ and ‘Established religious authorities’. The Templars were defined as ‘sodomites’ by the Catholic Church. But what were they REALLY doing? I believe they were RELEASING their full potential. Literally ‘unclenching’. Consider the perjorative ‘anal’ and ‘uptight’ and ‘anally retentive’, words NEVER used to describe the most creative, happy, warm, generous, open-minded, enlightened, caring, and ‘spiritual’ of people.
So even if you have ZERO interest in mind-blowingly powerful prostate orgasms, consider the health benefits. And the other, less known benefits, of prostate massage.
Sodomy itself was demonised by the ‘authorities’ simply as anal sex does NOT increase the human capital of the slave owner, land-owner with serfs, Kings and Queens with taxpaying subjects, and their Generals who require soldiers. Anal sex, like masturbation, or homo-sexuality, does not increase the population. It is that simple.
And like I say, many spiritual practices involved forms of ‘sodomy’ like prostate massage, to ‘open up the chakras’, the ‘energy vortexes’ that make up our physical bodies and/or our ‘electrical bodies’ and/or our ‘spiritual bodies’ and/or our ‘astral bodies’. Religion is typically about controlling a large population, using limiting beliefs, fear, and other ‘mind prisoning’ methods. All explained in my TROONATNOOR books.

A vibrating toy like the one depicted above will stimulate your prostate both externally and internally, and stimulate the area between the anus and scrotum that many men find arousing and pleasurable. However it may lead to habituation, and desentisation, if you rely on this method , and over use it, just like any other recreational ‘high’, whether from ‘extreme sports’ or ‘recreational’ drugs.
You have two sphincters. An exterior one you can control, consciously opening and closing, tightening and loosening. And just inside this you have another wall of muscle, an INTERNAL sphincter over which you have no conscious control. This is the one that might initially prevent ‘penetration’. As the anus is usually an exit, rather than an entrance. However you can condition your unconscious to ‘relax’ these muscles, to allow easy, pleasurable, penetration. Simply by relaxing, breathing deeply, and giving the anus a chance to ‘learn’ that this particular penetration is ‘good’.
You won’t need to penetrate your anus more than the distance between the tip of your finger, and the second joint. If you are going deeper, you are not following these instructions properly.
The colon does not ‘sweat’ like the vagina, according to experts, and thus has no natural lubrication, according to experts. So you will need to provide some lubrication.But fear not, you already have what you’ll need, without incurring additional expense or embarrassment. Simply place a tiny amount of liquid body / hand soap on your finger tip. Whatever you usually use in the shower or bath. Add a few drops of water to this, or simply dip your finger is a small container of water. Now rub this mixture around your external sphincter. Get both your finger and external sphincter nicely lubed.
Relax, breathe deeply, and simply ‘rim’ your anus for a while to get used to the sensation, and get comfortable. Condition your unconscious to get used to these actions. Like anything new, they can be threatening. Or thrilling.
You may like to take it slow. The first few times you might limit yourself to simply ‘rimming’ the anus, until it gets used to it, and learns to ‘relax’ when touched. Then the next times you might just insert the tip of your finger, and move it around a little. Until you feel comfortable inserting your finger, to about the second joint.
If sitting on the toilet rim, you can slip your hand down between your legs, with your palm facing up. Then when you insert your finger into your anus, you can bend the finger at the second joint, until you feel the pubic bone.
Gently insert your finger further, maintaining contact with the pubic bone.
Your finger will be in a ‘come hither’ position. Pointing towards your scrotum and penis.
If you were standing, the length of your inserted finger, from tip to second joint, would be parallel to the floor.
Now simply follow your pubic bone until you hit an almost 90 degree bend in the colon. Behind the anal wall you will feel a round protusion. Or a change in texture. You will be able to push your finger alone either side of it.
The size and feel of the prostate gland through the anal wall will be different for each man, depending on age, condition of the prostate, and the level or absence of sexual arousal.
Remember that you are inside your colon, and any contact you make with the pubic bone and prostate gland will be felt THROUGH the anal wall.
The Prostate is made up of tissue similar to the penis and vaginal walls. It swells with blood, and expands, when you are sexually aroused. This makes it easier to find, and more sensitive.
It is often called the male ‘G’ spot. Like the female G spot, in most people, it takes time to become ‘activated’. You need to form new neural networks in the brain to ‘activate’ its nerve cells and receptors in the brain. You do this by imagining the best full body orgasm you can imagine, as vividly as possible, while massaging the area. This tells you subconscious mind what your intentions are, in massaging this area. Massive, mindblowing sexual pleasure.
As an aside, it is a fact that with patient, specific mind training like this, anyone can make any potentially erogenous zone into the equivalent of a clitoris. People who have lost all sensations below the waist can ‘re-direct’ their sexuality to their nipples, or ears, or any other ‘erogenous’ zone. These are all ‘potential’ clitorises.
So do not be disappointed if you don’t achieve a stinging, rock hard erection, and a long, smooth, continual, mind shattering, full body orgasm, as a constant stream of cum issues from your pleasure stick, the first time. Or even for several weeks, maybe months.
The trick is to EXPECT such pleasure. Associate, in your mind, the massage, with such pleasure. Set up self-fulfilling prophecies in your mind. Telling your subconscious mind, with these vividly imagined orgasms, and expectations, what it need to do. Read my other TROONATNOOR books if you doubt that this is how the mind works.
You need to condition your body and mind for the results you desire. And there are countless stories of men and women who initially felt ‘nothing’ in their vagina, or prostate, but who, after such ‘sensate therapy’ and patient, calm, regular massage and vivid fantasizing, suddenly ‘awoke’ their sexual responses, and never looked back. Enjoying mind blowing, full body orgasms as the reward for their patience, optimism, and ‘discipline’.
Focus on ANY sensations you feel while massaging, and after. Try to keep sexual thoughts in your mind all the time. Associate these actions with sex. With sexual pleasure. Imagine whatever it is that turns you on.
During the day, look forward to this massage, and to the ultimate pleasure it will soon bring you. Condition your mind to associate it with sex. With sexual pleasure. And soon it will.
With your finger pressing against the anal wall, against the prostate gland just on the other side of it, protruding into the colon, make a ‘come hither’ motion with your finger, ‘grabbing’ the interior wall slightly, and ‘pulling’ it backwards.
Try different motions. See what feels best.
Remember it is important to associate, in your mind, these actions with sex, and sexual pleasure. And to remain relaxed and breathing deeply. If you are tense, the nerves in your hips will interfere with the nerve signals being sent to the brain from your prostate, effectively blocking them. In more technical terms, the prostate nerves are ennervated by the pelvic nerve. So to reach full arousal and orgasm you will need to be fairly relaxed
You want the ‘pleasure centers’ of your brain to be activated by prostate massage. You want your unconscious mind to associate this massage with sex and sexual pleasure, and ultimately rock hard cocks and full body orgasms. So vividly imagine all these things. Teach your brain that ‘this’ massage should produce orgasm.
This is how people have developed ‘kinky’ sexual desires. They’ve unconsciously come to associate high heel shoes, or any other inanimate object, with sexual arousal, and sexual pleasure. Their first orgasms as a child or even infant we in the presence of red high heeled shoes, and so the unconscious developed a stimulus-response, and was ‘conditoined’ to associate red high heeled shoes with sexual arousal and intense orgasms. The intense orgasms of childhood which most adults so desperately seek, in vain, to re-experience. Like the junky always trying to replicate their first ‘high’. The adrenaline junky trying to re-live that first ‘rush’.
What we are doing with prostate massage is taking a potential sexual organ, and realising its potential. We are consciously programming our minds to fully realise this orgasmic potential. It is all about association. Stimulus response conditioning. And encouraging the body to increase the number of nerve endings, and their sensitivity, in the prostate. As you would with the female ‘G-spot’. Or in the case of frigidity, the actual vagina itself.
If you chose to use any sort of ‘tool’ other than your finger, ensure it has a flared base that is much wider than your sphincter is ever likely to become. Otherwise you can end up in a doctor’s surgery, like thousands of others each year, having something removed from your colon. Simply because it got ‘sucked up’, or pushed in. The vagina has a length limited by the cervix. But your colon is ‘open ended’, and can ‘accommodate’ objects that are quite long.
If you use a tool, find something smooth, and easy to insert. It does not have to be thick. Thinner is better. Go for something about the thickness of your finger. You can dip it in some soapy water to lubricate it, and first insert your lubricated fingers into your anus, to ‘loosen things up’. Experiment by first cooling this, so the metal is cold. This can provide greater stimulation.
Once you are confident you have located the prostate, massage it. One good sign that you have ‘hit the spot’ is the feeling that you need to urinate. What is happening is that you are placing pressure on the urethra nerves and bladder, sending electrical impulses to your brain saying 'I have a full bladder and need to pee'. If you refer to the diagrams you will see that the urethra passes through the prostate. But you don't really need to pee. Remember that you took a pee before beginning the session. Just ignore the sensation and continue massaging your prostate through the anal wall.
As you massage, think vividly arousing sexual thoughts. Stimulate your penis, stroking it, associating the two sets of actions, that in your anus, and that on your penis. Teach your brain to associate the two. To associate sexual thoughts, sexual arousal, and sexual pleasure, with both. To associate sensual pleasure with both, even if you are not feeling particularly sexual. Focus on ANY positive sensations that appear. Both before the session, during the session, and after the session.
You may, out of the blue, start feeling sexually aroused in your prostate, and penis, and think back on your recent prostate massage session. This is all a part of the sensate therapy you are undergoing. All great signs. Consider them as signs of much greater things to come. Make them off as ‘successes’.
Don’t expect the full experience after a few attempts. It will take time. Accept that. Focus on every little positive experience you have along the way. This is how to set up positive, self-fulfilling prophecies. Positive expectations. Focus on the positive. On the expectations of great things to ‘cum’, literally.
Once the conditions are set up, and the neural networks are in place, the receptors set aside, the nerves become actuated and activated and active, and begin transmission, you can look forward to the most intense, drawn out, mindblowing orgasms you’ve ever had. Simply from prostate stimulation.
You can look forward to enjoying the same sort of ‘multiple orgasms’ you thought only women got to enjoy. ‘Dry’ orgasms with no ejaculation. Completely satisfying. Leaving you laughing with unendurable pleasure, just like that girl did the last time you gave HER multiple orgasms. Remember? She began laughing, pulling away from you, the pleasure just too intense to endure, her body spasming from pleasure, long after you have stopped even touching her.
Giving a male partner sexual satisfaction from prostate massage is easier than him doing this for himself. A partner has both hands, and mouth, free, to stimulate the prostate internally with a finger or tool, to stimulate the external area between the scrotum and penis (the perineum) with fingers and mouth, and tongue, and stimulating the penis with fingers, mouth, and tongue. The mouth in this situation can be used as an ‘extra pair of hands’.
Note that some ‘external’ vibrators stimulate the prostate by massaging the perineum. You can knead and massage the prostate externally in the same way, by manipulating this area between the anus and scrotum. Tickling the scrotum can also be arousing, as can be the massaging of the very base of the penis or ‘R spot’. Of course wanking and sucking the penis shaft and head are typically stimuting.
And don’t forget the power of sexual talk and fantasy. The use of words to arouse. The use of breathy, sexy, intimate talk.
And don’t forget that prostate massage is often recommended as a way to maintain a healthy prostate, and general bodily health. ‘Milking’ the prostate free of any semen and seminal fluid that has built up, after long periods without ejaculation, prevents bacterial infections which can lead to prostatitis, an often painful inflammation, swelling, and infection of the prostate. The prostate gland secretes a fluid that makes up about a third of the liquid a man ejaculates. Usually ejaculation is associated with orgasm, however if a man is not sexually aroused, even during normal sex, he can ejaculate without any real sexual pleasure.
Men over 70 have a 50% chance of prostate cancer, possibly due to the absence of sexual activity which would otherwise lead to a ‘release’ of built up, stagnant, fluids in the prostate. So ‘milking’ the prostate fluid, even with no intention of brining sexual pleasure, is very common in older men, for purely medical reasons. Even the Pope would engage in this practice, for health reasons. The massage increases blood circulation, taking a hard, enlarged prostate, and over time producing a soft, healthy, smaller prostate.
I would imagine this procedure will also help reduce the need for frequent urination, as the enlarged prostate would not longer be placing pressure on the urethra, misinforming the brain of a compelling need to urinate, when the bladder is in fact far from ‘full’.
The Pope’s own doctor would probably inform him that prostate massage normalises blood circulation in the prostate gland, improves muscle tone of the prostate, and provides correct outflow of secretion. With regular ‘evacuation’ or ‘ejaculation’ of the prostate fluid, any bacteria present don't get a chance to multiply and infect this gland, and the rest of the body.
That said, for some individuuals, prostate massage may carry with it a few risks. Remember I am not a doctor, so do not take anything I have written as medical advice. If you have any doubts, or prostate troubles, be sure to approach your doctor for advice before engaging in prostate massage or other stimulation.
The act of milking the prostate may cause any existing infection to spread to other areas of the body, so this technique is NOT recommended for men who have a disease of the prostate or acute prostatitis, or any other sort of acute inflammation of the glandular tissue of the prostate gland.
A session of 3 to 5 minutes is recommended. So using a ‘toy’ may be more practical for some people than using their fingers.
However if you lift the toilet seat, and sit directly on the porcelain 'rim' of the toilet, you can easily access your rectum and insert different fingers, to vary the massage, and stimulate the differently located nerve endings of the prostate, without fatiguing your hands and fingers.
Keep a cup of warm soapy water to insert your fingers into, to keep them lubricated, and to rinse them off when you change fingers and change hands. Of course avoid touching your lips, nose, or eyes until you have given your hands a good clean, using liquid soap and water. Liquid soap is more hygienic as a soap bar may retain some bacteria after you have handled it.
Some men enjoy a rock hard erection and multiple orgasms after only 7 sessions. Others require months of patienct ‘discipline’.
But while you are waiting for the most intense, drawn out, whimpering, moaning, mindless, full body orgams you have ever had, over and over, consider that in olden times, when a rich man had a harem of fillies to satisfy, it was common for the ‘stallion’ to hire a specialist to regularly massage his prostate, as a way of ensuring his potence, and ability to fully ‘service’ such a large ‘stable’ of ladies.
Look for all my novels, books, and guides, online, starting with LULU.COM
Please Go Vegan, ‘For as you do unto others, so shall be done unto you’
Happy Next Lives

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