God protects his people: For Hezekiah did what was right and held fast to the paths of David. Ben Sira 48:22

in protects •  2 years ago 

The wisdom teacher Ben Sira dedicated part of his book to the study of wisdom in the history of the people of Israel, and with this this teacher wanted to make it clear that wisdom is not only a theoretical science, but it is also a science that has left a clear legacy in the history of humanity.
For this reason, among the examples that Ben Sira left us, is the life of the great king of Judah, Hezekiah, a man whose courage recalled the fight between Goliath and David; the Kingdom of Judah, a small kingdom in the Middle East, defeated the greatest power of its time, the Assyrian Empire, the Goliath of empires. Hezekiah, in imitation of his ancestor, David knew how to win fighting in inferior conditions, because he had a special power, the spiritual gift of fear of God (constancy, firmness, devotion, equanimity, and stability). God protects his devout people.
This is how Ben Sira tells us how the most difficult moment for King Hezekiah came about:
"During his reign Sennacherib led an invasion
and sent his adjutant.
He shook his fist at Zion
and blasphemed God in his pride.
The people's hearts melted within them,
and they were in anguish like that of childbirth" Ben Sira 48:18-19.
It was then that King Hezekiah put his trust in God, and firmly knew how to establish leadership in his people, he knew how to wait with the help of the prophet Isaiah, and his action bore fruit:
"But they called upon the Most High God
and lifted up their hands to him.
He heard the prayer they uttered,
and saved them through ISAIAH" Ben Sira 48:20.
With this, the master Ben Sira wanted to make a message clear to us, the purpose of wisdom is to protect life, and those who make wisdom their way see their lives prosperous and blessed, because wisdom is precision and accuracy in decision making, and Hezekiah was a clear example of this truth.
With these beautiful words Ben Sira summed up the greatness of Hezekiah:
"For Hezekiah did what was right
and held fast to the paths of David,
as ordered by the illustrious prophet
Isaiah, who saw truth in visions." Ben Sira 48:22.
God protects his people. For Hezekiah did what was right and held fast to the paths of David. Ben Sira 48,22.jpg
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