The Key To Protecting Your Money

in protectyourmoney •  3 years ago 

Have you ever gone through a significant paradigm shift? You know, the sort where you believe you know everything there is to know about something...

But then you learn something new about that "something" that completely shifts your viewpoint and stance on the subject. If that's the case, you'll understand precisely what I'm talking about.

You now understand that anything this significant does not occur on a regular basis. But there was a part of you that wanted it did. Right?

So, what if there was a near-magical, top-secret way for you to be assured that your money was completely protected...
and you were certain that nothing awful would happen to you.

What if your money grew exponentially without you having to work a single minute longer or burn a single calorie more? That would be fantastic, wouldn't it?

And, on top of that, every time you were confronted with a challenging circumstance, you knew just what to do to obtain the breakthrough answer you required?

Did you know there's a scriptural concept you may embrace on faith and witness unfold right in front of your eyes?
It's as follows:

"...Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house, and try me now in this, if I will not open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be space enough for it," declares the LORD of Hosts. For your sakes, I will rebuke the devourer, and he will not destroy the products of your ground; nor will your vine shed its fruit before its time in the field," declares the LORD of Hosts.

Malachi 3:10,11
What a powerful statement. You will be blessed if you simply tithe what you receive. Your whole estate will be safeguarded. This is far superior than any type of insurance available anywhere!

Furthermore, not only will you be protected, but the Living God (Creator of the Universe) will open the windows of heaven upon you, pouring out so many blessings that you will not be able to receive them all!

Isn't it amazing? So, what exactly are you waiting for? Pay your tithes now!

Take a look at this. "Stand on your head for 15 minutes every day at 6:00 a.m., and you will dramatically multiply the amount of money you make each week," the Living God could say to you right now. Would you go through with it? I'll tell you what, I'd definitely do it.

So, why do tried-and-true notions seem so tough to grasp? It's as though they're right in front of our eyes, concealed. All we have to do is open our eyes to see them.

Take a peek around with your eyes open. You might be shocked by what you see once you get started.

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