Praise to the ancestors of Israel: Counselors in their prudence, seers of all things in prophecy. Ben Sira 44:3

in prudence •  last year 

The teacher of wisdom Ben Sira dedicated a part of his book to praise to the ancestors of Israel, and he did this to demonstrate to the readers of the book that the good reputation, that is, the glory, that comes from the good actions is a form of immortality. Remembering the great events in the history of God's people is a way to motivate and inspire others; wisdom always seeks to teach what is most excellent for men.
The praise of the ancestors begins by teaching that glory, which is a spiritual gift, is transmitted from the most high to men who fear God:
"I will now praise the godly,
our ancestors, in their own time,
the abounding glory of the Most High's portion,
his own part, since the days of old" Ben Sira 44:1-2.
And Ben Sira gave us a description of these glorious men, some like David performed great feats, others were famous for their wisdom and science like King Solomon, others for their prophecy like Daniel, Ezekiel and Isaiah. Men who should not be forgotten but remembered through teaching.
With these words continues the teaching:
"Subduers of the land in kingly fashion,
renowned for their might,
counselors in their prudence,
seers of all things in prophecy,
resolute princes of the flock,
lawgivers and their rules,
sages skilled in composition,
authors of sharp proverbs,
composers of melodious psalms,
writers of lyric poems;
stalwart, solidly established,
at peace in their own estates" Ben Sira 44:3-6.
And Ben Sira, in addition to remembering them, taught that God blessed these men with the best, not only did he benefit them while they lived but also the blessing followed their descendants:
"And for all time their progeny will endure,
their glory will never be blotted out" Ben Sira 44:13.
The teacher of wisdom with this teaching reflected on the beauty of wisdom, and how when this wisdom is transmitted to men it beautifies them in every sense; in resume, men are mortal but the deeds and wisdom that the wise men of Israel demonstrated remain forever.
Praise to the ancestors of Israel. Counselors in their prudence, seers of all things in prophecy. Ben Sira 44,3.jpg
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