The algorithm for sorting into pairs

in pseudonympairs •  5 years ago  (edited)

When the event begins, people are in index[registry[msg.sender]]/2, floored.

uint[] index;

function register() {
    registry[msg.sender] = index.length;
    uint link;
    if(index.length != 0) link = getRandomNumber() % index.length;
    index[index.length - 1] = index[link];
    index[link] = index.length-1;

the first person to register is placed into index[0]

the next person, into the position person one was at

index[0] = 1 and index[1] = 0

the next person, into either position of the two previous people

one example, index[0] = 2, index[1] = 0 and index[2] = 1

this here is more or less the code to immigrate. it hitchhikes on the shuffling of the pairs.

uint[] index;

uint[] borderPatrol;
uint immigrants;

function register() {
    uint link;
    if(index.length != 0) link = getRandomNumber() % index.length;
    registry[msg.sender] = index.length;
    index[index.length - 1] = index[link];
    index[link] = index.length-1;
    if(index.length%2 == 0) {
        if(immigrants < index.length/2) { 

function immigrate() {
    if(borderPatrol.length == 0) immigrant[msg.sender] = immigrants;
    else {
        uint link =     getRandomNumber() % borderPatrol.length;
        immigrant[msg.sender] = borderPatrol[link];
        borderPatrol[link] = borderPatrol[borderPatrol.length - 1];
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