Effective Therapy For Someone Experiencing Mental Illness

in psikology •  7 years ago  (edited)


Although not the main cause of death, according to Dr. Vijay Chandra, Health and Behavior Advisor of WHO Southeast Asia Region (WHO-SEARO), mental disorder is the main cause of disability (disability, disability) in the most productive age group between 15-44 years.

Mental Disorders (Schizophrenia) is a type of psychiatric illness that is now increasingly prevalent experienced by people, especially in urban areas and require special therapy to handle it. In recent years, our clinic has seen many patients or families complain of problems related to psychiatric disorders or schizophrenia, which in turn has increased significantly each year.

Schizophrenia or in Indonesian schizophrenia, is a disease that is often discussed many people today. Yet not everyone understands this type of schizophrenia, in this case the patient is often referred to as a demon-possessed person, a life filled with enormous fear, feels that there is a torture that the sufferer cries out in pain without any reason. Also famous for its violent and uncontrolled attitude.
Characteristics Here are the characteristics of people who experience mental illness, namely:

Withdraw from social interaction
The sufferer begins to have the desire to be alone, to have a very high imagination, and to enjoy the solitude. Too enjoy the solitude can trigger the emergence of fantasy-fantasy. If those fantasies turn into real perception and belief, then the sufferer will begin to speak for himself or with his fantasy.

Difficulty orientating time, place, and people
The patient has an inability to remember where he is and what time it is. People with this orientation difficulties happen because their memory only revolves around the thinking issues and loses the ability to recognize time, place, and others.

Experience memory loss
When the patient is asked to perform simple calculations, he is not able to do so easily. The easy calculation becomes a difficult task for him. In addition, the patient also so can not recognize and remember the names of people who never knew.

Ignore the cleanliness and appearance
A person who is mentally ill ignores his or her cleanliness and appearance. They regard the appearance and personal hygiene as unimportant. In fact, some people with mental disorders to some who do not wear clothes and wandering everywhere.

His feelings are always changing
The sufferer may experience a very rapid mood swings. The rapid changes that make it difficult to control. A very mild stimulus can also make them angry or sad excessively.

His behavior is strange
Many of the strange behaviors that a person shows when he or she is experiencing an interruption or mental illness. For example, shutting himself in a room, talking to himself, laughing to himself, excessively angry with a mild stimulus, pacing back and forth, walking without direction and clear goals, and crying abruptly. Reluctant to do nothing
The mental sufferer tries not to do anything even angry when asked to do something.

Types Of Therapy For Mental Illness

Therapy this one has the intention that the patient is able to re-adapt to the social environment and can maintain and care for themselves. This therapy is very important for every patient type of personality and mental disorders so that he can improve the side of independence in him.

There are many people with mental health problems can not if not helped by the people around him and this is what causes dependence for the sufferer. This therapy will help the patient not depend on anyone so that the patient does not become a burden for his own family. Patients who take this therapy usually still have to continue to take medication therapy.

Psychotherapy is a type of therapy that is certainly also needed by everyone who has mental health problems. This method is one of the most frequently chosen alternatives to overcome one's psychological problems in order to restore the patient's mental condition as well. Just look at some of the psychotherapy methods below before deciding which one is most appropriate.

Psychodynamic Therapy
This type of therapy is a therapy that prioritizes the method of speaking openly with the patient. In this way, the patient will be made very comfortable chatting with the therapist and finally the patient is able to express the contents of his thoughts and feelings without any interference from outside.

When the patient feels comfortable in the process of exposure of his mind, usually the patient's behavior patterns will be seen unconsciously during the course of therapy. The therapist can finally make a conclusion on the source of the patient's problem that causes depression. Once the source of the problem is detected, the therapist will perform altering the patient's abnormal behavior.

Dialectic Behavior Therapy
This therapy is a therapy whose goal is to help patients with depression and tend to behave strangely. With this therapy, the therapist will try to explore the extreme thoughts and behavior of the patient. After that, the therapist will teach the patient to develop his interpersonal skills by imitating it so that normal behavior can return.

Cognitive Behavior Therapy
For a mental illness solution, this therapy is also required according to the circumstances of the patient because with this therapy usually the patient's mindset can be changed from negative to positive. From there then patient behavior is able to change for the better and no longer relapse.

This therapy is not long-winded and very practical, it just requires cooperation between the patient and the therapist in which the therapist needs to observe and then make an evaluation of patient behavior based on the tasks provided. Usually patients with mood disorders, phobias, and anorexia are the most suitable for this method of therapy with a period of therapy for 7 months.

Interpersonal therapy
This type of therapy is usually the solution for those who suffer from depression because of interaction problems with others. Abnormalities in interaction will be dissected through this therapy, about what are the causes and how to cure it in order to get back to normal. For 20 weeks, therapy needs to be done by the patient with the aim that there is an increase in interpersonal skills

To treat people with other types of mental illness, then drug therapy or psychopharmacology is a powerful way. Therapy through the administration of drugs usually has a purpose in order to eliminate the clinical symptoms of impaired neurotransmitter function in the patient's body. Provision of drug therapy is usually done in a long time, can be months and even up to years.

Psychoreligious Therapy
Just as the name implies, you must have already guessed that this therapy is therapy psikoreligius where this therapy is in the form of religious rituals such as prayer, worship and also there is also climbing the praise of the Creator, study the scriptures, and religious lectures. Spiritual experience is needed by people with mental health disorders. Believe it or not, with this therapy the mind of the sufferer will be familiar with the divine light later on.

The rehabilitation program is still included in the method of mental illness therapy as it is usually done in institutions or rehabilitation institutions in a mental hospital. There are various activities in this therapy program, such as group therapy with the aim that the patient can be free from stress.

Group therapy is also directed to the patient so that he understands the cause of stress so that it can be better treated. Through artistic activities, religious services, skills, recreation, farming, certain courses and physical therapy as well as exercise is customarily applied to the patient.

This kind of therapy usually lasts 3-6 months with evaluation of at least two times, namely just before the evaluation of patients participating in this program in rehabilitation therapy and the evaluation of patients post about to be returned to relatives or society. In the rehabilitation program, family support is necessary and most important in making patients recover quickly.


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Love your post, upvoted! It reminded me of this guy last July:

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Hero 2: Edward Snowden
Hero 3: this guy