The Importance of Surrender | #1 - Psychedelic Experiments on Finding Reliable Constants within a Widened Sensory Palette

in psychedelic-insight •  5 years ago  (edited)


Recent experiences on LSD have again re-emphasized the importance of surrender for a non-sticky state of mind characterized by tranquility and ego-vision-detachment - the 'ideal' state of existence among all states I have yet experienced.

The thing about that state though is that it is fundamentally different in that it cannot be acclaimed through a linear progression or the usual mind hacks. Rather, any linear progression towards wanting to flow in a non-attached way may quickly turn into a well-disguised hangup that crescendoes into fear quickly and powerfully.

If there was any linear advice I would want to remember for most easily transitioning into a state of flow it would be this: to simply let things go.

All things. All thoughts. All intentions, all models of what is happening, all judgments and perceived pressures on the individual as they come crashing in like waves on a shore, no matter how noble, how malicious, how fearful, how benign. Waves come and waves go, they crash, they make a splash but there isn't much point in giving them too much credit of being serious or even perpetual (as the ego will do its best to convince you of while in the usual sticky state of illusory control).

In this, this state of letting everything go is rather like meditation - allowing yourself to let the mind wander, and consistently and easily let it become empty again - though the severity of this type of "action" on lsd seems much more... intimate; dare I say profound and consequential than sitting somewhere quieting the mind as in "popular meditation".

When - on this special... hypersensitive state of mind like the one reached through even minute doses of clear lsd... and one can let all thoughts and interpretations go as they come... one can most effortlessly reach a... temporary plateau of being where the flow becomes so easily discernible, the path so crystal clear, the red thread so easy to follow that... it becomes temporary second nature to let everything else go more easily that is yet to arise in awareness or the mind. The state of non-attachment (especially with other people) and all sorts of other situations that occur while in this most magical state of awareness becomes pure bliss as one can really start to let oneself fall into it wholly, in utter trust .

It's like everything flows suddenly, completely and unmistakeably - the moment everything is surrendered as it arises - with confidence.

The thing about surrendering is that transitioning to it (as the brain hemispheres harmonize and the effects of the lsd slowly start to morph the psychonaut's awareness) can be rather rough. I have the strong suspicion and sense that this is because surrendering is diametrically opposed to our common mode of awareness and to our usual perception of reality. We think we constantly do things, move things, push things and that everything is basically a cold dead equation without any inherent capacity for wisdom on the grander level...

And so I find that for wanting to reach a state of surrender - to reach the flow state of existence through experiences like an lsd trip - it is impeccable to also surrender the tough come-up rather than trying to evade it; just like you would weather a gush of rain on a stormy coast while taking a walk knowing full well that you went out because it was supposed to become a good day for walking today, eventually.

Let the weirdness come. Then let it go. It's alright.

On the come-up, or deep into the experience as clingyness and attachments may try to reassert themselves, make a simple mind hack model of it if you must.

I found the "my brain is merely synchronizing hemispheres and getting used again to the sense of my mind's filters turning off - it will wear itself out and the sea will calm itself into a beautiful scene"-concept highly useful.

It may seem rather redundant to say so, as this differs little from what some of my greatest spiritual teachers have taught me over the years... but on a psychedelic experience the importance of surrender as being the only truly reliable constant to get "hung-up" on cannot be overstated when aiming to reach a state of bliss and non-sticky experience of oneself and the universe as it manifests itself within our visible and sense-able plane of existence.


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