My experience doing a "heroic" dose of psilocybin mushrooms.

in psychedelic •  8 years ago  (edited)

This is an account of my birthday trip 2 years ago.

So, a few years ago my birthday consisted of a camping trip where I invited a ton of my friends. I rented out 3 spots at a beautiful campground in Florida, the name escapes me...I think it was named after like...and astrological sign? Well regardless of the exact name of the campground we got 3 spots just to make sure we had room, we brought a ton of beer and also a lot of shrooms. Way more than I had expected. O_O There were like 10 people there at least and everyone was tripping by the end of the night.

So when I get asked how many grams I want I decide to try asking for the "Heroic" dose according to Terrance Mckenna since it is my birthday and all and surprisingly my friend willingly hands over 5 grams. I eat them immediately. It should be noted McKenna suggested doing this dose in darkness, alone. I was far from meeting all these requirements but that is fine.

So, we started a fire, and hung out drinking and telling stories and what not. Typical campground sorta stuff. My friends are all an affectionate bunch so there was a lot of cuddling going on. I decided I had to go on some sort of journey at one point when I was really starting to trip hard. I told friends not to come with me. "I have to do this alone" I said.

The Singing Alien Trees.

I walked on a path leading to two fern looking trees. Man, I wish I was better with botany. I sat under these trees and this is where the most intense experience of my night occurred. First off, the trees were singing in almost human, but strangely alien ways. They were communicating with each other and myself. I sat there just listening. I felt a bit scared because of how overwhelming this experience was but I decided not to leave and to keep sitting. I was sitting underneath one of the trees and the leaves were engulfing me.

In front of me, was a cleared off dirt area that became sort of a stage. I don't recall exactly what I saw aside from typical trippy visuals but it was more as if I was being injected with a ton of knowledge which I assumed to be due to these singing trees. In that moment, I felt I was seeing all of the beauty in humanity simultaneously with all of the darkness and cruelty. Like all of humanity, history, and time was just playing out all at once somehow inside of me and around me. I felt like these trees were trying to show me this and it got so intense that I cried.

At that point I decided I couldn't take anymore and I got up in a really huge rush, dropping my fuzzy monster hat, and rushed back to the campsite where I tried to explain my experience to some friends. I still felt like I needed alone time so I move just a little bit away from my friends and lay on a clear grassy spot underneath a really huge tree. The leaves of the trees around me and branches entirely covered the sky above me, excepting from little bits and pieces peeking through between the leaves. I remember they were moving so much and I felt like I was looking at a kaleidoscope. I felt very euphoric. I was humbled by the beauty of nature in that moment and stayed there for at least 30 minutes just looking up at trees.

The Aftermath

Once my trip started to wear off I found myself feeling really depressed and not like communicating. Shrooms generally don't have a come down but the past few years the few times I have done them this has happened to me. I realized it is simply that I am normally clinically depressed and constantly anxious. When I eat the shrooms I feel so elated, and euphoric and when it wears off and I am jolted back into my depressed, anxiety-ridden brain it can take a bit of time for me to cope with reality. I eventually went into a tent to lay down, and cuddled with a friend until I was able to fall asleep.

Oh, and it is worth noting that it was night time during this trip. I also smoked marijuana throughout the night. I normally don't smoke because it tends to cause me extreme anxiety but I felt comfortable, safe, and happy enough to do it in this case. Especially since it could contribute to my trip.

all images from pixabay

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Cool story!

Glad I saw nothing like that while tripping. XD #seizure

Id like to try shrooms but im kind of scared of possible effects. But everyone that I know that tried them say that its an awesome experience.

I have only had one bad experience in my time tripping, speaking only of shrooms. More bad trips with LSD. O_O It really has been an overwhelmingly positive experience for me. If you have a good buddy or a few of em and you're in a good mood it will probably be magical. :)

thanks :)

I've never had a single bad time with shrooms. They are an incredible, otherworldly experience. They really force you to get to know yourself if a way that isn't possible without them. Keep set and setting in mind, and I encourage you to do as much research as possible before trying them.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Friends definitely help. Especially experienced ones. It makes you feel a lot safer. Definitely have a better trip with friends. Also get the giggles a lot more

This is so interesting and similar to the experience I have had the only time I tried LSD! I had promised myself that of all drugs this would be the one I'd be trying if I ever came across any.

The results were so extremely similar in spite of being an entirely different chemical compound! ;) That seems to be underlining a few facts of life doesn't it? It sure opened a door that could never be closed since then. Staying away from drugs allows me to stay positively high in spite of the world's madness around me.

Opening ourselves too much to your natural vibrations has multiple positive effects, but the clash with every day life can be devastating. By empowering yourself with love and tons of voluntary positivity, you'll do great, as long as you surround yourself with the right type of crew, close to the mother, positive and freeing.

All for one and one for all! Namaste :)

It might have to do with the fact these compound effect some of the same neuroreceptors in similar ways. Disclaimer: I'm not a chemist and have only very basics knowledge about chemistry.

I know the quote below isn't talking about aliens but I too had some "alieny" or higher power feeling to a lot of my trips.

"As you can see, psilocybin is quite close to DMT in its structure, and thus fits smoothly into the receptors. LSD is sufficiently different, which explains its more alien qualities."

I do find it really interesting that so many people share similar psychedelic experiences. Really peculiar. I stay away from drugs now myself for the most part. :)

Thank you for sharing your experience.

Humanity by and large shares similar brain chemistry. You can really only combine so many chemicals in so many different ways. I ate mushrooms and went bowling and played laser tag last night. The laser tag was more intense than I was really expecting.

heroic doses are the best doses.

They sure are. :D

It definitely takes some courage to take that heroic dose! For the come down, that happens often because you gradually return to normal reality, which is definitely null in comparison to the hypersensitive state of a psychedelic trip.

Great post! I love Terence and Dennis' work! Very interesting stuff.

Yepp, I figured out that is the case for me. Especially since my normal state is depressed and anxious. haha :) Still completely worth it though.

Thanks! :D

i don't smoke much when i trip, because it messes with my short term memory. it basically induces a black out. before i know it, the trip's over. i remember it being intense, but few details, and little to take back to reality with me...

Oh boy, I wouldnt smoke either if that were the effect. :O

Yeah! They are fleeting memories. These alter state of consciousness are so far removed from our day to day reality that they are difficult to bring back with us. I find that a lot of time the intense memory came back to me months later when I would do much lower dose.

I sometimes fall into deep trance for a couple seconds every now and then. This must be because those trip were so intense. It's cool to see people discussing about those substance here. I hope to see more.

Nice post 😉

We share this experience too. I ate more than 7g on at least 5 occasions. 3 times I lost track of day to day reality for more than 3 hours. Each occasions were the best and most scary experiences of my life. I'll most probably share them some day. Take care Laura!

Wow, that does sound intense. I have never done 7 but I bet it would be intense. 5 was my highest. I did more LSD than shrooms in my life. But that 5g experience was amazing. I hope you do share them! :)

I never did LSD and I don't think I ever will only due to the uncertainty of take a substance of dubious provenance. At less with mushroom it's a look trickier to be fooled.

I'll most probably will share my experience due to them being so life changing. I also think everyone should tried them at less once.

I really recommend buying an ehrlich and marquis test kit. You can get both with strips and test charts for about 25 dollars on amazon. Biological drugs such as weed and mushrooms are easy to tell potency by looking at or smelling, but with your synthesized compounds the senses fail. I super recommend LSD, my best advice with dealing with though is that you can always add too, but it is very difficult to take away.

Thanks for the info!

I really can't advocate enough for them. As well as LSD, it is fairly cheap and just an excellent mind opening time.


Well, you have a Campfire story.... why don't you come to the 3rd weekend now of the weekendly -


and hang out, every Friday nite thru Sunday nite!

Oh boy, I didn't know about SteemitCampfire. I will check it out. ^_^

Please do and drop in and out over the weekend Ms. Laura.

I am not sure exactly how it works but I will check your page and see what it's all about! :)

Great story, sounds like the Heroic Dose worked out. You can never beat being alone and in nature with psychedelics, well with someone watching you of course, so you don't fall off a cliff or something!

haha yeah I was glad to have my buddies but the most memorable psychedelic experiences occurred when I went off alone. However, really heart-warming buddy time happened at the campfire. Even though, looking back I am no longer friends with at least 3 of those people. ( ._.)

Well, ya did it right, friends close by, but not right there with you the whole time. Makes you feel better too, knowing you have help there if ya need it.

Definitely, I have tripped entirely alone but only once or twice because I did not like at least having someone in another room, or if outside, nearby. :)

Really interesting blog. Literally could not stop reading was hooked!! 🍄

hehe thank you :D

That sounds so intense! I've done shrooms before but never at a "heroic" dose. Definitely have to try it next time. Thank you for sharing @lauralemons!

Excellent story!! I'll be following !! Happy Trippin! 🍄