Take a Trip: Making the Case for Psychedelics to Cannabis Consumers

in psychedelics •  7 years ago  (edited)

I write about cannabis a lot because cannabis is great. I am, however, shocked to see that many cannabis consumers have never ventured into the world of psychedelics and they are really missing out. So, I just wanted to throw the idea out there and let these poor uninitiated souls know that there are great experiences waiting for them if they are willing to seek them out.

There is a strange kinship between psychedelics and cannabis. I would not classify cannabis as a psychedelic drug but I do think it is psychedelic adjacent. Cannabis can take your mind to some weird and playful places and if that is where you like to go you will really enjoy psychedelic land. It is different, to be sure, but there is a familiarity for cannabis consumers there and it is a place you want to go.
(Image credit: freeimages.com)

Psychedelics are very intense in a good way. I would use the analogy that if cannabis is like riding the teacups at Disneyland then a good trip is like riding a roller coaster. Sometimes we want to step-up the the intensity of our experiences and psychedelics are a great way to do it in relative safety.

Psychedelics are like nothing else and it is an experience that you want to have. I have written about this aspect of these drugs, so rather than rewording something that I put well to begin with I will just quote myself here: There is a profound change in your thought process and reality seems to change with it. In a sense, you don't feel high at all. It is as though everything is different but also, somehow, as it should be. You accept the strangeness of it all and roll with the trip as you venture inward. Your thoughts manifest themselves as abstract patterns while the environment around you distorts and takes on unfamiliar shapes. You feel as though a curtain has been lifted from your eyes and you seem to see the "real"reality that hides behind the limitations of our perception. It can be both exhilarating and terrifying, like being a child again on your first day of school, knowing that your world has changed but not fully understanding how. It, strangely, feels like coming home despite everything. There is a sense that you have come to a place you have been before and where you can expect a warm welcome.
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If you are cannabis consumer and you have never had a real psychedelic experience, do yourself a favor and take a trip.


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Psychedelics hold a valuable place in society and for the individual's inner development.

For me psychedelics and cannabis go hand in hand. Won’t ever trip without weed because if something goes south it helps to ground me I feel. On the other hand if the drug isn’t potent enough weed is a kind of spring board of sorts. Great post.


I tried LSD for the first time a year and a half ago, one of the most intense experiences of my life. Found it a bit much, but loved the afterglow, and glad I had the experience.

Resteemed by @xtdevelopment! Good Luck!
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Cannabis is awesome.
In Japan it was decorated in a shrine a long time ago.

This post is resteemed and upvoted by @bestboom

I don’t use Cannabis anymore but I did like the ideas that seemed to flow when I was under its influence. I use mushrooms every few months. Certainly could see how a Cannabis user would fall in love with psychedelics.

maybe it's because I'm older, but promoting psychedelics??? a lot like promoting drinking and driving... eventually it ends in a crash, or worse!

What about weed? I know this question is off the hook but a teacher once told me weed enhances one's learning capacity if taken in the right amount.... Since from what I read here, I can trust you, I wanna know how true that is?

I think it stimulates your brain but simultaneously makes it harder to focus, it might have a positive effect when trying to learn a multi-skill, like learning a language, but it might inhibit your singular focus involving something like mathematics for example.

Reducing the amount of stress might work positively for some people while others might perform better under pressure. This probably reflects in the effectiveness for a particular individual as well.

I think research involving alcohol showed to be effective in learning a language in small amounts.

I can't say if it helps you learn. Maybe it is because it relaxes you so you learn eaiser but it can make you forgetful too so you might still want to study sober too.

Well really that was helpful, cause I was actually thinking of giving it a shot but since it might make me forgetful, then hell no, I ain't trying, thank you @artisticscreech

Haha. no problem.

Oh definitely! An acid trip without a joint is like a tap without running water :)

Easy skanking!