Why I Recommend You Take A Journey With Mother Ayahuasca..

in psychedelics •  7 years ago  (edited)

Why I Recommend You Take A Journey With Mother Ayahuasca..

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Ayahuasca is an Amazonian plant mixture of the ayahuasca vine (Banisteriopsis caapi) and a shrub called chacruna (Psychotria viridis), which contains the hallucinogenic drug dimethyltryptamine (DMT). This creates altered states of consciousness, lasting between 6 to 12 hours after ingestion. Ayahuasca is used primarily as a medicine and as a shamanic means of communication, typically in a ceremonial session under the guidance of an experienced drinker.

It's Different Than What You Read/Watched About

I have been learning about Mother Ayahuasca for the last 7 years. Watching documentaries, reading about it and learning to talk with the plant before actually having a session with her. I decided to wait that long before ingesting her because I was already so sensitive to Marijuana, that I wanted to take my time to get to know her. My time finally came on March 3, 2017 in Acapulco, Mexico at an event called Anarchapulco. I thought I knew what to expect because I had been watching so many documentaries and reading about, but let me tell you, IT WAS NOTHING LIKE ANYTHING I READ OR WATCHED. So when you have those expectations, just know it will be different. I can't even describe how different it was than what I thought it was going to be and I'm actually happy about that. Although it was my first session with her, I thought it would be a lot more violent and scary..And I'm sure there are many sessions like that, that I have heard about. I just haven't had one of those yet.


My first experience was beautiful ( I have a feeling my next one won't be as beautiful, but maybe thats what I am just creating.) The reason I decided to do it, was for healing and cleansing my consciousness and releasing old wounds that I haven't been looking at. I wanted her to sit me down and MAKE me look at these, whether it took all night or not. The first thing I noticed was my back was out of alignment. She told me she needed to repair it. I felt all these little beings working on my spine like construction workers, repairing my bones and realigning my back and my shoulders. She told me I was sitting in a slouched position and I needed to sit up right and by me sitting slouched, I haven't been receiving all the amazing information and people in my world that I could be.

She Is An Actual Medicine Healing Spirit

(BTW, Ayahuasca, came to me as a mother spirit and thats what I see her as, so when she spoke to me it was a very feminine voice through the medicine and I completely know the difference between her and someone else. So that is why I am calling it a her/she, because she literally was a physical entity for me that was connecting and healing my brain and my body.)

She sat me up in the correct position, with a straight back and I felt my spine was longer than it was before, my shoulders were back and she said "This is the position I want you to stay in!" Throughout the session I move back to my old position and she would say "What did I just tell you, sit up straight." And it was a very firm, motherly, loving approach for me. Of course there were times she got loud, but it was in a gentle loud way of showing that she cared for me and wanted me to be the best I could be on Earth and as a soul in this body.

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Mine was right in that grass patch in a circle of people with two shamans :)

She took me down tunnels inside my head of situations and events I needed to look at. My mother and relationships with men was a big one that came up for me. How I need to appreciate her in a way I haven't, how she didn't have a family the way I do. How all she is looking for is love and not just daughterly love, but motherly love since she didn't have that. Sometimes I have looked over that. Mother Ayahuasca showed me our whole ancestor lineage and where certain things stemmed from and why I was brought up the way I was brought up, and it had nothing to do with my mother, and had everything to do with how everyone was raised throughout the family. It was pretty powerful to witness.

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Path we could walk if we needed

Ayahuasca Is The Medicine That Can Release So Much Trauma

I remember during my session, screaming in a dream like vision saying "Ayahuasca needs to be legal for everyone, this is the medicine that will cure everyone in the entire world!" Its a serious game changer when it comes to medicine, and some people may be scared of the visions that come up, but that is your life and why run away from your life and cover it up with Pharmaceutical medication that is just harming you even more. Ayahuasca is a plant medicine given by nature to us and she wants us to use her healing properties to save our planet and the human consciousness.

I have been feeling her call big time again recently and I know when it is my time to go, I will go. I never push my time with her, I know when the time is right she will fully make her presence in my life. I could go on and on about my journey, but I have some videos that you may be interested in and watching instead. My journey was about 10 hours long and it was probably one of the most intense and beautiful experiences of life of releasing and letting go of so much inside of me. So Excited to be with her again, I know there is so much for me to connect with still.


I really do suggest anyone who is interested in this, or feels the call to connect with her in your own sacred way, please be with a shaman at a ceremony and create a safe place for yourself. Please research places to go and don't just go anywhere (if you research you'll understand why I said this.)

Also Be Sure To Check My Last Article By Clicking The Image Below :)

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Instagram - @SapioSexualPoetry & @AwakeAliveAware

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I will write a post about my ayahuasca experience as well. I have a friend on the Big Island of Hawaii that learned shamanism in the amazon over a course of 13 years. I am curious if you purged during your first experience?? I did not see you mention it. I only ask because the mother told me so many things. I took my journey over a course of 3 days at my friend Chris' meditation retreat. My first journey was kinda similar to yours and very loving and nourishing and rewarding. My second day went a little different and my third day was well...

Yea, I love the post. I have been reading your work a long the way. You do great posts with tons of info. Thanks for another good read.

The Last Sage

lol I shit my brains out. For a solid 3 hours of the journey. Most violent release ever. Some people puked but my mine was the ther end. I totally want to read your experience!

I followed you- like your stuff

Hey thanks a lot! I have really enjoyed your content as well. I am a mental health counselor amongst many other things so understanding a little fraction of our minds is always wonderful to me. I will get a post written soon.

And yea the purge... I discovered both ends violently...

The Last Sage

haha it was a very interesting process! Im excited to see more from you. Ill keep updated with your writings :)

Very nice article, but no time to read all of them. I'm at work. 100% upvoted from @chanthasam

Thank you! :)

Great post. I reached out to a tribe who recommended I dont try it because of a history of concussions that caused epilepsy. I use medical cannabis to treat my condition and they said this is another reason they do not want me to try it. Its unfortunate. Maybe when I'm nearing the end of my life

@rawpride I have used cannabis for years. I feel like ayahuasca would be a whole different journey tho!

Yea cannabis is way different than ayahuasca. I felt a lot better on mother Ayahuasca than marijuana, but thats just my opinion. That is a little unfortunate. I don't know how that would be on your consciousness. While at the same time, I feel she would be gentle to release that from you, but I am no healing doctor in that world so please don't take my advice on that. You keep healing yourself with what you know works! :) Marijuana is just as much a beautiful spirit as ayahuasca is.

@awakealiveaweare I have been wanting to do this for about 4 years now but I have just been waiting for when it will appear inside my world you know?

Do you think I should just continue waiting for it to pop up or go somewhere that has it? <3

Definitely wait for it to come to you. You will distinctly hear her call, I know that. But as you get closer with her she will begin to speak with you and already be connecting with your energy before the session even starts!

@awakealiveaware Love this! <3

@awarenessraiser I was just about to ask a similar question to you but I was maybe thinking of sourcing it first and keeping it until I feel that the time is right. This is something that has been a desire of mine for years also but not something to rush into. I feel now that I have the awareness for it and also have dealt with a lot of unconsciousness so I don't fell any fear or resistance towards it. I feel my time coming soon.

@conditionedminds Yes I feel the same way. The time is coming soon!

Upvoted and resteemed :-)

Thank you!!! I appreciate it

@awakealiveaware, we have Ayahuasca nights in Goa, India where I live. I have been contemplating in participating in the ceremony since a very long time, perhaps a couple of years now. Somehow I am unable to muster enough courage to do so.
I am scared if I would be able to handle it or not.

I feel like you could handle it if you do it. Definitely only go if you feel ready for it though :)

@awakealiveaware, I like your blog. Looking forward for more posts in this subject. Let's all go Psychedelic 😊

Very nice - my time with aya changed my life. It blows open ones aura, and reconnects one to nature and what is real :-) @waykiwayki

this is very true! Glad you had a mind opening experience as well!

Great to read this now, after talking to you before the experience.

Beautiful Encounter, so grateful she was gentle with you, each encounter is unique in its teachings, (depending on space, place and community). The lessons and blessings arrive in accordance with your readiness. Nothing to fear. This in alignment with what she (I call her Grandmother) showed me in that dream I mentioned a few months ago .... welcome to the other side!