How To Turn A Bad Trip Into A Good TripsteemCreated with Sketch.

in psychedelics •  7 years ago 


I have been taking trippers for a few years now, and in that time I've had a few dark trips. I've also found a few methods which work very well in turning a bad trip into a good one, some of these things may seem common sense however its easy to forget when your tripping hard! So without further or do imma gunna get into the methods.

Deep Breaths
Just take long inhales through the nose and out the mouth, this is a natural relaxant as it slows your heart rate, which calms you down.
This is one of the points I was talking about being common sense, however when your freaking out and panicking, it is easy to forget to just stop and breath.

This one kind of ties in with the first one. But just try closing your eyes and concentrating on your breathing, this can take your mind off any negative thought loop, as your mind can only concentrate on one thing at a time.
If you still find your mind is trialling, another technique which also works is counting in your head to 5 as you inhale then counting to 5 as you exhale, this keeps your mind only concentrated on one thing.

Warm Shower
I found this to be one of the best methods when trying to turn a trip. You can also use this hand in hand with the above two methods. I've also found that showers for me bring the high down to more of a comfortable level as you feel way more relaxed after them.

If all else fails just stop, stick on some Bob Marley and spark up a spliff. When tripping anything from music to the environment can affect your trip . So having happy chill music can put you in a better headspace when tripping.

All these methods help but the best way to stop a bad trip is to prevent it from happening. To do this make sure your in a comfortable environment such as your house or a familiar place. I've done trippers in unfamilure places a few times and the majority of the times I end up wandering about completely lost haha.
Thankyou all for reading!

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Those tips are spot on. I would also add as an important one to go into the experience with the firm decision to face everything that the plant presents to you, don't try to avoid it, as you cannot escape it for the next few hours! The best thing is to have the conviction that no matter how dark and difficult it gets, you will face it head on, knowing that it is a valuable learning experience and that everything will be fine in a short time

Great tips and advice!