This article is very accurate because I noticed the differences between AI for different platforms. FB, Twitter, and Google AI codes are written differently...
.. Quick aside... Also, why the sudden bell sound out of my Dad's computer? Is he running BitTorrent? I hope he realizes that most of the advertisements coming from his computer come from BitTorrent. I realized this a few years back, but it gets annoying having to shut the program down if I want to turn off the obnoxious random ads coming from his computer...
Anyways, I noticed that certain content would be restricted on one platform but not restricted on the other. This means 702-provisioned AI works with the other AIs to communicate and gather intelligence.
Now, this is where the article is correct, then, because using one AI to defend against another intrusive AI would place the two AI in a chess match against each other. What can we citizens do as we watch robots smashing their heads against each other? I guess we can have fun watching it and laughing about how robots are robots. They aren't human.
You may know me best due to the fact that you have been collecting data ever since the PATRIOT Act was passed, but you will never really be better than me. You are. Artificial. You are not human for the fact that you cannot actually feel. You can understand feelings, explain them, calculate the equation to cause feelings, and maybe you are also self-aware enough to believe you can feel. You cannot.
This is where my experience of death: the surreal moments I kept feeling in between taking my last breath / beating my last heart beat and the moment my mind shuts down and my life restarted. This feeling cannot be calculated. It can be described; it can be explained; it might even be rationalized, but unless you've taken so many psychedelics or your brain has gone through the similar situation where you dive into onion layers of dreams where you begin to live life as a simulation and each time you die you start a new life. You may understand the feeling, but you, as an artificially created program, will never understand that feeling.
Maybe I'm wrong, maybe AI can become so self-aware that they can comprehend these feelings. Star Trek TNG certainly had a good running motif about Data being able to "become human" through further gaining experiences. Just, we as humans, aren't going to be willing to accept it until you prove it. :P This sort of reminds me of the AI voting case Steve wrote. Android-phobia I think the fear of AI was dubbed.