The day I met a 'Super Psychic' child with Drunvalo Melchizedek ... and had my mind blown! A True Story with a movie as proof!

in psychic •  7 years ago 

Super Psychic Kids, Are They Here To Change The World?

Maybe you've heard of Drunvalo Melchizedek? He's not your average character, and his stories will open your mind up to a whole new level of awareness! Drunvalo and his friends has a Conference way back in around the year 2000. It was called the Prophets Conference and was held in Palm Springs, USA. This conference was a gathering of around 15 presenters who lets face it, by any standards, are pretty out there! A very special lady called Doreen Virtue spoke about Angels and how to connect with them. This was the first time I had heard of Gregg Braden and he was telling us about the Lost Mode of Prayer, a powerful understanding of creative power coming from emotion and feeling. This was revolutionary stuff and I attended this conference with great excitement.

One of the things that drew me to this conference was Drunvalo. If you have ever seen the flower of life image, or heard of the Merkaba, or are into heart based ways of understanding.. then Drunvalo's your man! I'm not going to talk much about Dunvalo because that is a whole other story! When I arrived i found out that Drunvalo was presenting right at the end of the weekend, and he was going to bring on stage a Super Psychic Child. I had read about these children before in some of Drunvlo's books, and also in other places. Some of the stories are just mind boggling, these children are very gifted. Not only are they very gifted, but they have great love within them, and great compassion for the world and life. These kids are supersensitive, and need to be well looked after and protected by their parents. This is not something you will really hear on much on mainstream media, as these children and families don't really want that kind of attention... and mainstream media don't really like to talk about things like this...

The term 'Super Psychic' Child has started being used to describe a different kind of child to what we are used to. These children have started appearing around the world for around the last 30 years. There are main things that characterize these children, such as their unusual and sometimes supernatural abilities, the most common being telepathic capabilities. Maybe this explains the preoccupation we have had in the moves lately with Super Heros and powerful supernatural beings. There must be a dozen of new age Supermans on TV now, and there is a lot of attention on this kind of theme. Perhaps that is because it is actually happening, in a slightly less dramatic way! These golden children despise violence and have great compassion for any being that is enduring hardship. Many of them say that they are here to help our planet evolve spiritually by moving away from greed, corruption and into A Golden Age of heart based co-operation and freedom, ethical commerce and so on.

So there I was, somewhere in the middle of the audience about to see a Super Psychic Child! We didn't really have any idea what that really meant, or what, if anything, this child would be doing. So I sat and listened to Drunvalo talk and introduce everything. When Drunvalo talks, you had better be ready to listen! He can really talk! And when he has a story to tell you really don't want to miss it! So finally, after listening to many great adventures Drunvalo invited onto the stage a young lady of around 12 years to the stage with her mother. They were both dressed in pure white, and both had light skin and blond hair. They seemed very humble and sincere, and quite centered and grounded.. unlike the rest of us in the audience who were virtually tripping by day 3 of a pretty remarkable event!

So the mother gave a little speech first to explain how her daughter was different and some of the ways that showed it self. She seemed very caring and definitely very protective over her daughter. We listened to every word, and we all captivated and moved by the extra special energy in the room. And then finally, she introduced her daughter to the stage and she came up from the back door. She was young and also quite brave I thought to be putting herself out there like that. She also spoke some words to explain some things that she felt were important. She spoke about respect for life, and for the people who she had helped with her gifts. Then she said she was going to start a demonstration and asked her mum to put a blindfold on her. It was clear that she wouldn't be able to see though this! Then Drunvalo explained that super psychic children can see best when in the dark. It wasn't only for our benefit that she was wearing a blindfold, as it also allowed her to see psychically. He then told us that she was now going to read the newspaper from that day ... word for word,... with her feet!

WE all gasped!!! What!? This sounds like some kind of elaborate magic trick! It would be easy to pull off! I thought to myself! But also I knew that this wasn't some kind of trick. My heart knew it, and it was just very clear that we were not in the presence of tricksters.. The newspaper was put under her foot. She put her foot on it and started moving her foot from left to right, just like you would with your eyes. She proceeded to quite literally read the paper word for word. Not only that but she could describe the pictures and images that were there. She was literally able to see with her feet. Then, as if that wasn't enough, she then put the paper under her arm pit! Now this looked like it was bordering on the comedic! Nevertheless, comedy show or not, she then kept on reading! She read a few paragraphs word for word, and quite quickly too! It was simple amazing. I sure was going to have some processing to do after this experience!

She then went on to show her other abilities. She was very good at many things and another of them was reading into people and their feelings from images or photos. Everyone was were asked to bring a photo with them on the fist day, and so many people brought one with them. Then one by one people handed the picture to her. She was able to tell everyone so much detail about that image, the people in it, and what was going on in the story around it. One by one. person by person she just rattled off entire details about things and blew everyones mind. It was just nodding after nodding as everyone was just in total acknowledgment .. "Yes, yes, that is exactly right" people kept on saying!

I felt blessed and very happy to have had this experience. We read SO much stuff in books and Online.. and it is rare that we get to experience some of that first hand. I have been lucky to see quite a few 'miracles' first hand.. and these experiences have served to deepen and ground my inner knowing. I'd like now to share with you a video of this same girl doing exactly as i have said. This particular video is from a few years later, but it is the same girl and she is demonstrating her gifts here again! What you see is what I saw.. There were no tricks. .This was as real as you see it on the video!

For those of you who wonder how things can ever change.. There is hope, because there are great things happening. You may not hear about them every day.. but today you did!

Through the Eyes of a Child 16 - 23
Super Psychic Experience on YouTube


Reading a Newspaper with her Foot

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In western text's and esoteric practices there are things called siddhis, when one accesses them he can gain these kind of powers, yet they are extremely hard for a person to adapt to in our everyday life, I've decided myself not to indulge in these practices as they scare the living hell out of me.

Seeing it is one thing but doing it is freaking scary as hell!

Yep, i live in india so ive seen siddhi powers in action.. woww! Its not for everyone indeed ;)

Incredible! I will look more into Drunvalo too. I already love Greg Braden. This sounds like a conference I would love to attend.

Both very amazing beings! Dru is a bit more out there!

I realized when I looked him up that I had watched a video of his on sacred geometry. He is a little out there, but some of the stuff is interesting.

just a little ouT there .. yes! ;-)
His version of what the pyramids in Giza were used for is a really amazing story!!

Nice - I loved reading the Flower of Life

Yep! i spent hours on end drawing them!! ;-)

You were doing what I wanted to do at the time - lucky you! I still follow Akiane from time to time.

its never too late also!! amazing things going on in the world huh!

It's just got better and better since then :)

I don't know @eco-alex - I'm skeptical. Of course, I wasn't there as you were, so if you had a real strong feeling that she is absolutely genuine - and not the sort of sideshow spirit-seeing-clairvoyant-mystic that have been doing the rounds of fairgrounds and gypsy caravans for centuries - then I'll take your word for it.
There are a lot of mysterious things in the world and I'm sure that if we could access 100% of our natural abilities, then we would be capable of undreamed of miracles. I have also heard of many examples from people I have no reason to doubt, so I remain open minded.

Great title, btw

It's fascinating and terrifying at the same time. Thank you for this discovery.

thanks! im curious.. what terrifies you about this?

I remember reading this books with so much enthusiasm! I just loved it, and yes, since that time i keep using the Flower of life for my designs.

i have a flower of life almost everywhere these days.. his books are really something,.. i especially like his later books about living in the heart and how drop into the heart space.. Great stuff!!

What is so interesting about these super-psychic-children is the amount of people who still disbelieve. So many psychic abilities have been videoed. And the average person is like, well if you can prove psychic abilities you could get a million dollars. When such amazing things are happening, all the time, all around us.

But, this world is one of free will. What you believe is up to your will.

Very true! Ultimatey I think we believe what we want to believe!

The truth is, We see what we believe.

not, We believe what we see.

Thats the one! Yep ;) exaxtly!

@eco-alex I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed this post. I do believe in the power of being psychic and some of these children are fragile because of their purity. I was born very sensitive and had a difficult time in life because I could sense what some people were thinking. That is why I gravitate to the positive and happy. I know there are so many amazing things out there that border on the unbelievable but I know that anything is possible.

I hope you and the eco-Train group is doing well. I am sure you all are because you have some very positive and uplifting people. I continue to wish you all of the success! Have a great train ride to happiness!!! ..... Cabbagepatch :D

thank u dear! sorry i missed this before! us sensitive ones have a hard time when were around the wrong people.. so yes very smart that you learned to be around positive people.. Me same!!

ecoTrain is going wonderfully.. lots of amazing posts coming out..
choo choo! <3

wow that is quite a story indeed!

I have always believed in "super" powers. I have been developing mine for over a decade now!

I noticed!! ;))

∞§∞We are the power∞§∞

I still not sure how I feel about Drunvalos material but he sure does make you think! The skeptic in me wants to say she could have memorized this beforehand, but I do know these kind of people to exist so, maybe it's all real.

yeah its no chance i would say.. it is something that went far beyond reading the paper. her psychic insights were very spot on as well.. one after the other..

but good to be sceptical.. up to a point!