Second Sight, Diorruing, Yoga Sutras

in psychic •  7 years ago  (edited)

Diorruing is a figure from Irish mythology with the ability of second sight.



Fenian hero, friend and attendant of Fionn mac Cumhaill, member of his Fianna, and a son of Dobar Ua Baíscne. Diorruing is credited with clairvoyance concerning both events happening concurrently at a distance and those that will occur in the future (i.e. second sight); he need only shut his eyes and look into the darkness at the back of his head. At the beginning of Tóraigheacht Dhiarmada agus Ghráinne [The Pursuit of Diarmait and Gráinne], Diorruing tells the aged, lonely Fionn of the one woman in Ireland most worthy of him, Gráinne."

What is described here above is a form of meditative yoga found in the Yoga Sutras Of Patanjali in the verses concerned with clairvoyance(second sight).

The first verse of the yoga sutras identifies yoga as stilling the mind. Yoga is derived from the word to yoke. Some interpret this as union with the all however it can also be interpreted as simply the act of stilling the mind. Some people still or silence the mind through repetitive drumming, some through mindfulness of body, some by watching the breath, and some through mantra. Osho described meditation as "being the witness on a hill".


In the book The Cattle Raid Of Cooley, the national epic of Ireland, a woman with second sight was mentioned named Fedelm. She had learned second sight in Scotland.

Here is a link regarding lore associated with second sight in Scotland

From the link:

"John Gregorson Campbell, a Gaelic-speaking Scottish minister at Tiree who compiled material collected in the 1850s and 1860s into the posthumously-published volumes Superstitions of the Highlands & Islands of Scotland and Witchcraft and Second Sight in the Highlands & Islands, suggests that the Gaelic name for the phenomenon, dà shealladh, means literally ‘two sights,’ rather than ‘second sight’: “The vision of the world of sense is one sight, ordinarily possessed by all, but the world of spirits is visible only to certain persons.” That said, the “object” or “phantasm” seen – though often a recognizeable likeness of a living person – is at best colloquially described as a “spirit,” according to Campbell, as these taibhs, as they are known in Gaelic, were thought to present themselves completely independent of both the seer and the person whose likeness they bore. Those possessed of the faculty of second sight, believing themselves of sound mind and the apparition an external reality, “were compelled to believe in doubles, or semblances, that move in a world that is neither that of sense nor that of spirits” (Campbell 2008: 241)."

The quote above describes the Norwegian concept of vardoger"

Vardøger, also known as vardyvle or vardyger, is a spirit predecessor in Scandinavian folklore.[1]

"Stories typically include instances that are nearly déjà vu in substance, but in reverse, where a spirit with the subject's footsteps, voice, scent, or appearance and overall demeanor precedes them in a location or activity, resulting in witnesses believing they've seen or heard the actual person before the person physically arrives. This bears a subtle difference from a doppelgänger, with a less sinister connotation. It has been likened to being a phantom double, or form of bilocation. In Finnish folklore, the concept is known as etiäinen."øger

What we see here is that psychic faculties among the Scottish and among the Norwegians are virtually identical. This indicates that the celts and the germanics are either identical ethnic groups or at least cousins.

The concept of vardoger reminds one of the biolacations performed by Padre Pio while he was in prayer. "Where attention goes, energy flows". Our thoughts travel through the universe, consciousness is non-local. Our minds are not bound by space or time, our consciousness and hence our energy can travel anywhere in space and anywhere in time. We can even pray to affect events in the past(retrocausality). We can comfort loved ones in past events they have experienced through talking to them in our prayers now.

There are 3 dimensions of space, the fourth dimension is time and the fifth is mind. Space and time are nothing to the mind. This is why second site exists. Space and time being nothing to mind is also why all beings have the capacity to engage in distant energetic influence... telepathic influence. Evil spells are bad works spoken to someone from a distance in such a manner that they are not consciously aware anyone is speaking against them. To call someone stupid even if they are smart, though it appears to be a wrong statement it is in fact a curse because words carry creative power. We are all God or gods and hence all words are the word of God. In the beginning was the word and the word was God, etc... I am not a christian though. I do not believe in "turning the other cheek". I do not believe in "loving ones enemy". Hate ones enemy, love ones friend. That is the way of nature. Pagans are in harmony with nature. I am pagan. Pagan means natural.

While Padre Pio prayed his vardoger visited those he prayed for. This is why it is really bad if someone hates you because when people hate you they are sending toxic mental and emotional energy to you and if your aura is not strong you may be at risk of being affected by those negative vibrations. This is why people seek to be protected from the evil eye. The evil eye is any attention, even attention within the imaginations of others.

If we imagine a flame, if in our minds eye we see a flame upon someone that performs the effect of a magic spell that burns their soul. This is the mental equivalent of using a voodoo doll against someone. It affects the energy field due to consciousness being non-local. This is why all movies are movie magic. People affect society through the movies they make in magical ways. All art and literature is magic. Society imitates art. Artists are gods. Artists are magicians.

The rune for god is called Os. Os means mouth in latin. This means that having the ability of speech makes one a god. God created through words and so those with the ability to speak are in the image of god by possessing the faculty of language. Os means us in icelandic. This is called word synchronicity. Synchronicity is the product of the way energy and sound and consciousness resonate through the universe. Everything produces magical resonance which results in synchronicity. There are no coincidences.

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Very interesting connections everywhere. We have definitely lost our knowledge but it is slowly coming back as humanity wakes up again to our consciousness again.