the crazies aren't as crazy as you think

in psychoanalysis •  9 years ago 

San Francisco is a trip, and as you might know, there are lots of "crazies" here. You know, people who scream to themselves, or at you, on the street.

The first instance was arriving from the BART, into San Francisco, from Oakland. I took 30-40 to situate my stuff, look at maps, plan bus route, etc... all while some guy was screaming "white honky faggot cut you bitch" etc... then talking to the lady next to him, after said "honky" had moved on, and talking about the psychological implications of how he was acting. How the assailed reacted, how the assailant did x or y and received this or that action based on the level of vitriole/aggression/words utilized.

It was very calculated; I watched him do it to 8 different people, and listened to the conversations with his friend about how "this" action will create "this" reaction, in most.

To be fair, he tried that game with me when I walked up from the BART, and I smiled at him. He quickly stopped.

Get weird, motherfuckers.

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Hey @nevyn.. welcome to Steemit.. btw we have a meetup next Thursday if you're around:
Hope you can make it!