Songs are very influential for the development of child psychology, because children will more easily absorb and understand their environment in playing and singing. Before we discuss about the influence of songs for the development of child psychology, we must first know the process of development of child psychology.

Child Psychology Development Stage
First, at birth (1 month) - 1 year. At this age the child is not familiar with environmental conditions other than his parents. Children tend to know parents by using the senses to touch and see. The child will wonder and try to get to know the family environment and the desire to continue with the parents is very high. Parents who more often hug, hold and even breastfeed children will provide a sense of security for infants that affect the development of child psychology. This sense of security will make the child forget things that twist and try to think of new things.
Second, at the age of 2-3 years. At this age the children begin to be active to know the environment, curiosity for new things is very high. At this age children tend to play more and do things that are seen or imitated from adults. The mental and psychological development of children today is very vulnerable, by parents should allow their children to do anything but remain in the supervision indirectly, do not get used to prohibit and snap on children because at this age will hamper the process of mental formation children .
Third, at the age of 4-6 years. At this age the child begins to recognize the environment through images and media words. The development of child psychology today is the most significant, where this period is the beginning of the formation of the logic of children. Children begin to recognize the meaning of the environment, know the playmate, limit or act spontaneously, weigh the action until it begins to envision the environment, which will establish trust in the children.
Song's Influence on Child Psychology
A good song for the development of child psychology is certainly a children's song. At the time of the development of children's reasoning power, tend to prefer to learn while playing and or singing, where the song will develop mental and motor representation of the child because through the song the child will sing and move. In addition, children will tend to digest more content faster than songs, understand and shape their imaginations about environmental conditions according to the flow of songs. By him, in addition to the beauty of music and songs, the contents of the song is instrumental in the formation of child psychology.
However, in the present condition, we see in the television media the dominant song is an adult song, hardly ever appear the impression of children's songs. The dominance of this adult song in the media will have an impact on the development of child psychology, where the child will always digest and imitate the adult song. Today, the majority of adult songs contain romance, infidelity, broken hearts and others that when ingested by children will have an impact or impression dragged into the imagination of adult life. Of course this is very concerning, plus the media has no control over the intensity of adult songs even the government seems to let the media to broadcast anytime and as often as possible without giving space on the child's song to be displayed.
Therefore, it takes an active role of parents to guide the children at home, and trying to present the children's songs. Children's songs today are virtually nonexistent, but parents can still find songs of past children whose qualities can indeed build the development of child psychology. The songs of ancient children contain much moral cultivation, the introduction of basic lessons, the to environment provides a basic logic suitable for the development of child psychology.
So this my post about the influence of the song for the development of child psychology, let both supervise and help the process of growing child psychology, because the development of child psychology vulnerable at an early age and very impact on his life in the future.