Haha well I've never fished in my life @realtreebivvy, so I'm useless there.
Yeah I'd agree with your explanation, there are always exceptions to the rule and you can delve deeper into the theories which clarifies things and can also confuse things. 😯
Tho you can breed the wolf and minimise the violent temperament as we see in dogs...it will always be there.
Yes, the acting on our "animal side" can be influenced by our environment. But there are exceptions to the rule everywhere we step.
Freud does also talk about how abuse or parental mistakes influence the person.
Eg oral fixation seen at age 0-1give or take. Freud believed that if the infant has a bad experience with transitioning from breast feeding to 'solids' they can become fixated with things in their mouth.. Nail biting, finger sucking and smoking are a few examples. You may be able to go further here and say it can affect personality as it can be seen as an anxious responese..anxious person. He also goes on about 6-12yrs and that answers the social contact aspect with same age people.
I work well under Freud's work as I can see how right he is about the id, ego and superego creating your character from experiences.
My superego, use to control a lot of how I was (which can be as damaging as the id) .. However through learning these principles over time I was able to change some of my personality and I had to change my environment to succeed.
@nolnocluap has posted the second one which explains more on the id ego and superego. So if you want to learn more have a look. I may see you in that thread too.. 😊