RE: Your Reality Is NOT What You Think It Is

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Your Reality Is NOT What You Think It Is

in psychology •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hey, awesome post! They finally let me on Steemit (it's Rach).

"It’s weird to think that you’re not actually interacting with the world and that your entire reality is a figment of how you interpret it."

I want to propose that we do actually interact with the world in some meaningful way. That is to say, my entire reality is not only a figment of my own interpretation. Through our collective perspectives, it seems we are able to perceive the whole pie. Or at least we agree that a pie is there, even if we disagree about what exactly it's made out of or how it tastes. We can also agree that it is made out of stuff and that it does indeed taste. So in a sense, we do perceive actual reality, because what is actual (in form) seems to simply be consensus minus subjective interpretation.

Just some thoughts... curious what you think :)

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You made it! So glad to have you here Rach :)

So... Yeah I hear you there. I think I could have been more clear regarding that. The main point I am trying to make here is that life is much more subjective than we assume. When we make assumptions that we are all having the same experience, then it can be a disempowering thing, especially when those assumptions arent necessarily resourceful. "Man life is shit" (is it shit? Or is your life perspective just shit?)

I believe we do have a collective perspective. Thats what intuition is for. As we develop this ability as a collective I believe it will be more apparent. However, in terms of physical senses, I dont think we share experiences in the same way.

I think we're on the same page here? Might be a matter of semantics. Thanks for sharing this. Looking forward to reading your stuff!! :)

I think we are. Just coming at it from different perspectives, perhaps. ;)

It'd make sense considering I tend towards thinking that life is much more objective than we assume. The extreme of subjectivity would leave us unable to communicate with one another. But because there are objective similarities at play... ie. we are human, we use similar sound frequencies to communicate, we see a roughly equivalent spectrum of visible light, etc, we are able to experience common ground. Definitely more than we could with a honeybee that sees in ultraviolet light. So because of things like this I tend to focus on how we have a lot more in common than we think.

But I think you are focusing on something else anyway, and it is very true. No two people experience any sense exactly the same way. And certainly not how we process it on meta-levels. It's definitely interesting and useful to think about how much of what we perceive is not necessarily "what is" because it reminds us that we can shift focus to other data sets. We can become aware of the data sets we have been conditioned to notice. Like say, you grew up with piles of shit surrounding you that you had to avoid or else you might die of disease. Looking for that sort of data may have had an objectively useful purpose at one time, but maybe it doesn't anymore. And there's the subjectivity of it all. It seems like all we ever do as individuals is look at data sets we find most relevant to ourselves at any given time. And that is a really powerful piece of self-knowledge that can help us break out of limitations we believe are objective, but really are subjective.

Look forward to reading more of your stuff too! :)

Exactly! And wow how crappy would it be if your mind automatically looked for piles of shit each day lolll

My main qualm with trusting objectivity is when we assume that what was communicated was actually interpreted in the way it was meant to. The words, descriptions, and metaphors I convey to you can only go so far as you'll have your own meanings and interpretations for those, which may be similar to my own, or totally different.

So in the end, the meaning of objective communication lies within the response you get.