Revelation Is Horror - Why We Run From Truth More Than Ever - The Wisdom of H.P. Lovecraft

in psychology •  7 years ago  (edited)

"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents... some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new Dark Age."
~ H. P. Lovecraft

This has always been one of the most chilling paragraphs I have ever read, because every day I find it to be more true. The more truth comes out, the more the people cling hard to their illusions out of fear. Nearly no one wants to admit that we live in an extremely chaotic world, and that order was never, and increasingly, isnt.


Some take the truth to extremes, building on wacky conspiracy theories that they dont realize are so fantastical and unrealistic. But Alan Moore did a great job of expressing why this is.

"The main thing that I learned about conspiracy theory, is that conspiracy theorists believe in a conspiracy because that is more comforting. The truth of the world is that it is actually chaotic. The truth is that it is not The Iluminati, or The Jewish Banking Conspiracy, or the Gray Alien Theory. The truth is far more frightening - Nobody is in control. The world is rudderless."
~ Alan Moore

Now, I am not saying that there are no conspiracies taking place. There are countless conspiracies in action, but there is hardly an order among them all, and this is something that bothers people. They dont like to confront the bounds of their ignorance.

But the world seems to be more exciting when we are ignorant. We get to spend our days being surprised, offended and overwhelmingly fearful, a reactive and unconscious soul dead-walking in herds, believing mainstream media and allowing pop culture and Hollywood to train our senses more than the real world, to entertain ourselves to death; numb us to life.

Then there are the "unfortunate" few of us, unmoved by the electronic hallucinations, sad and appalled at the multitude of people made to forget who and where they are in relation to the all, people walking over cliffs and eating poison at every turn, and bitching out loud the very things their unconscious actions birth.

Now more than ever, we have the ability and tools to know well enough, but most choose to look at the sun over what it is luminating. They choose screens over self, worshiping "stars" that are not even real, blue pilled, left-hand pathed, idolizing false light creations, and thus complete ignorance to natural order and truth.

Many people think my understanding of this is self defeating, and all the reason to blue pill myself some more, escaping into the cult of positivity, but I realize that while...

"The ignorant and the deluded are, I think, in a strange way to be envied. That which is not known of does not trouble us, while an imagined but insubstantial peril does not harm us. To know the truths behind reality is a far greater burden."
~ H. P. Lovecraft

And then...

“I am only about half alive—a large part of my strength is consumed in sitting up or walking. My nervous system is a shattered wreck, and I am absolutely bored & listless save when I come upon something which peculiarly interests me. However—so many things do interest me, & interest me intensely, in science, history, philosophy, & literature; that I have never actually desired to die, or entertained any suicidal designs, as might be expected of one with so little kinship to the ordinary features of life.”
~ H. P. Lovecraft

Im doing just fine. I may not jump all the time, constantly triggered and dumbfounded at every "news" story, but dont let my stoic nature fool you. I just see through and deeper into things. One is no less "alive", just because they are not constantly reacting to things in the common fashion.

And this truth may just be the greatest, that nothing scares us as much as our own ignorance, for it is a darkness with no end, and from where all perceived horrors arise.


With love,

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I used to think it couldn't possibly get better than reading Lovecraft's fiction.

Then I acquired a four-volume set of Lovecraft's letters, and learned the error of my ways. This man's genius was nearly incomprehensible when penning his stories--reading his reality is the very definition of 'next level thinking'.

Love the writing!
I strongly feel that actually living life without trying to be clever about it is the true path to happiness.
Perhaps those so called ignorant people actually understand the fact that there is no path to happiness in terms of trying to pursue what this life is all about,
Instead these ignorant people just live, they breath, take care of their families and just make the most of it.
Calling fellow human beings ignorant is ignorance itself, it shows that clever people you are quoting think they have figured the world out themselves.
Yet they have isolated themselves by doing so..... very clever!

Ignorant people may laugh or cry because of instincts, for no particular good reason, perhaps they laugh because they don't worry about it being funny. Perhaps they cry just because they feel like it for no good reason,

Perhaps life should be like that.

It is for good reason why so called smart people are generally less happy.

It seems we have been given the tools to make something of this planet, yet we keep wondering why and how this place can exists and to what purpose?
The more we think about the more it drives us mad.
Perhaps we are the very cause of this chaos, by thinking to much and acting too little.

I say stop worrying about it, enjoy learning new stuff but don't make your life work out of it, for as it is unlikely we will figure it out.

Can you imagine spending your whole life trying to figure out how a certain God particle works and perhaps you will then find out in the afterlife that it was all a simulation. The world might not even be real.

In the meantime let's focus on the things that may reduce entropie.
Like helping each other, showing love and be less damn greedy!


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

"Calling fellow human beings ignorant is ignorance itself, it shows that clever people you are quoting think they have figured the world out themselves."

No one here has implied that anyone "figured out the world". Everyone is ignorant, as I stated at the end, and some people are more ignorant than others, and sadly, willfully so. There is nothing ignorant about pointing this out, about making it known to more people, especially those unaware of their ignorance.

Now I understand your sentiment, but I can also flip it just as easily. You say that "smarter" people are less happy, and this is generally true, that higher intelligence is less happy, but who is to say that just because you are happy all of the time, that you are in the right? What if we are meant to feel everything, and the majority of people spend their lives trying not to feel the natural world, and thus lose in the attainment of spiritual advancement? There are actually many enlightenment philosophies that support this sentiment, that a life of true raw feeling and suffering for the truth is the ultimate way.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Fair point, I am just saying they think they figured it out. Calling others more ignorant is a pointless and ignorant remark from the philosopher that wrote it. It doesn't make these people less ignorant if indeed they were, by pointing them out. So why bother, it has no equity whatsoever. In fact by adding negativity one could argue entropie becomes worse so why do it? Why increase chaos to the world if you are already trying to get to gribs with it.

It always shows ignorance to think that others are more ignorant in my opinion and need telling.
That is just an opinion as I think we simply shouldn't be worried about the ignorance of others.
I have no truth like any other, I just have an opinion. Also I liked what you wrote, I just replied to it with what came up to me.

We can either keep thinking this world is a nasty peace of chaos or we can try and make it a bit better.
You are asking what if, we can argue that with everything.
I am not saying close your eyes to all that is chaos and all that is pain. I just think that we should start with ourselves and help as much as we can rather then worrying about how ignorant others are.

I really do believe negativity creates negativity, entropy is connected to it.
Reducing negative intent, increasing love and sharing seems the only thing that works in this world.
Perhaps we are not meant to live in peace and harmony but the fundamental law of physics seems to suggest we are.

This doesn't stop you from feeling everything and maybe we should. I just prefer to think in solutions rather then chaos. As long as my atoms are holding eachother together I think I am not yet in a full state of chaos, although my mind sometimes is!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I dont believe in "negativity". No one can say anything negative, because a negative comment is really no comment at all. What you mean to say is a comment that causes bad feelings to arise, but that doesnt mean the comment is untrue. That is what is important. Is the comment true? Are some people so ignorant that it is working against them? I believe so. We are increasingly falling into virtual realities, into an outthereness, and falling away from self awareness.

Some people may feel bad, but thats how the truth works. Just because people dont like how the information feels, doesnt mean it shouldnt be expressed. We live in a world of increasing and ever ingeniously contrived comforting lies, and the truth needs to be said in anyway it can. It can actually be as foreceful as it wants, and it doesnt need to dress itself up because people may not like how it feels. There is no time for that.

So unless its veracity is in question, there is never a justified argument against expressed observations. We need that shit more than ever. Let the feelings flow. Truth bombs are the only bombs that have good collateral damage. And good medicine rarely tastes pleasant.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Well whatever one wants to call it, when was the last time you approached a stranger and got anywhere by mentioning something he doesn't like.
His natural reaction would be one out of two things, ie. all of the things you think you re trying to achieve by telling the so-called truth, will not achieve anything.

Telling people the truth only works when you know the truth and unfortunately none of us do, so no point policing the world with a self-made up ruleset.

What is the endgoal just words? Are we really solving this issue by talking eachother straight or should we put our pens down and show people life can be different by action of our own hands.

Like I said, only very few things work in this world. Forgiving, good intent, friendship, love to name a few. Those are made up words just like everything else but we feel what is meant by them and we know the universe connects with these feelings.

That's what I figured out in 38 years of roaming on this planet

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Fuck peoples feelings if they dont like the truth. And unlike you seem here, like another "new age" type who believes that "no one can know truth", I actually know some things. Yes, I know some things for sure, without a doubt. It is possible for men to know the truth of matters.

I also know that our capacity for speech is divine, and that reality is vastly spoken into existence. Words matter. They literally matter, as they vibrate. I know what speech can do, as Ive seen it deliver heart attacks, implant memories, re-animate memories, hypnotize, turn people into violent maniacs and creative lovers.

You ask "when was the last time you approached a stranger and got anywhere by mentioning something he doesn't like."?

Who cares? Am I trying to get something? Or am I just doing my duty in helping align those around me to the truth of the matter at hand. I speak truth not to get something in return. I just know its the right thing to do, even as painful as it may be to others, and as lonely a road it will be for me.

Ive been hitting on women my whole life, and I know that I can get further with them by lying and exaggerating things. I used to be a person who was concerned with "getting somewhere", but now Iam more concerned with being somewhere, in alignment with the truth, wherever it is.

I dont know it all, but I know some things. I know the truth of some matters, and if I sense that I am in a place where people are lacking an important truth that I have, I will share it. I dont care how they feel after, because nearly every important truth I ever discovered came at the uncomfortable destruction of my own illusions.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I am not really a new age type of person, or atleast I think I am not,it is a little too easy to put everyone in a certain bracket based on what they say. This is what could happen when your brain wants to write down truths and by being observant you can be biased into thinking somebody is the way you think he is, because you know things.

I actually like this sharing of info with you so please don't think I am trying to counter everything you say, I mostly agree with what u say. I also mention things to people when they perhaps don't like it, but I do also overthink the consequences of my behaviour and what the outcome of my actions could be.
so-called truth is often very subjective and based on your environment, upbringing and how you got out of bed on any random day.

It could be true that my way of thinking is "new age" but I haven't studied enough to know what new age encompasses as I see no benefit in it,
Most people on earth haven't got the time to figure out what is truth instead they worry about living and providing for primary needs, truth is not that important it seems as life continous without it.

I am simply trying to do what I think works best for everyone, admittedly I fail every day to be my best self. At least I think I am, but how do I know for sure.
I am not saying you shouldn't share truths or the stuff that you know, but there are more ways to skin a cat. Tactical ways to share a message.
Or do we always have to be blunt about it?
You can call someone ignorant, but like you said words vibrate, perhaps you could have found a better word to make your message vibrate.
Maybe I misunderstand what you are trying to do here, I will read your posts again, I do find it fascinating as I believe you are onto something.
But how do you distinguish between speaking your mind versus speaking the truth. How can you trust a wandering mind to speak truths ever?

You seem to not care about the effect or ripple your behaviour causes, you just do what you think is right. I am not convinced that this is the best way unless you trust yourself enough to know you are right, which is close to impossible as nothing is ever 100% right, you might be highly likely to be right though.
Unfortunately those who explode themselves on busy marketplaces think they know the truth, trying to own the truth seems dangerous sometimes and unnecesary.

Like I said knowing something doesn't mean it is right ever. Half truths, we seem to live in a probabilistic world that allows us to guess what will likely happen or what is likely true, but putting a truth on it, I think is unnecesarily dangerous, Because even the strongest theories will be proven wrong over time.