Debunk-Tuesday – Does Alcohol Kill Brain Cells?

in psychology •  7 years ago  (edited)

Every Tuesday I am going to address one specific myth, urban legend, conspiracy theory or piece of pseudo-science. This time it’s about the common conception, that alcohol will cause your brain cells to die.


A student’s life

When I had my first biopsychology seminar a few years ago, the docent gained for a short moment some impressive fame as she told us, that it is indeed a common misconception that alcohol causes your brain cells to die.
Imagine all of us students thinking “AAAYYYEEE! Next day tequila party! We got this covered.”

Well, as I said: it was only a short moment of never-ending happiness. Although she maybe was right about her claim, she still warned us about the dangers associated with alcohol abuse. Damn it. Could have been such an amazing day.
Frankly, I have no idea, who came up first with the idea of dying brain cells caused by alcohol, but this was something, I heard trough every stage of my life. There is an incredibly amount of people who still believe this, and it seems like a good idea, to shed some scientific light onto this matter.

Before we start I need you to be aware of something:
There is quite a difference of how alcohol affects an adult brain in comparison to an adolescent one. Since we are, of course, all responsible adults who would never encourage children to drink alcohol I will not refer to them either.

Life’s not fair

When I started my research for this article, I had this idea in mind which my docent told me back in the days.

“Alcohol doesn’t cause your brain cells to die.”

And so, at first, I wanted to show you the misconceptions about cell death in your brain caused by alcohol consumption. But, life’s not black and white and so is this issue.
There are, indeed, some studies which suggest moderate (!) alcohol consumption can be beneficial to your health. If you want to read more about it, I suggest you to check out this article by @lesshorrible.
But because I’m a grumpy guy, I am here to make you feel guilty and miserable with every ounce of alcohol you drink. Take this!

Jokes aside, let’s dig deeper into the neurotoxicity of alcohol abuse.
As you probably have noticed by now, I am consistently speaking of “alcohol abuse” and not just “having a drink”. This is mainly due to the famous statement made by Paracelsus a couple of hundred years ago:

Sola dosis facit venenum.

Thus, the more you are exposed to a certain substance, the likelier it becomes that you will suffer some kind intoxication and related damages. Dawson et al. (2005) (1) are defining a risky drinking pattern for men (more than 14 drinks a week / more than four a day at least once a month) and for women (seven drinks a week / more than three a day). So, if you happen to see some similarities to your own behaviour it might be a good idea to consider changing it.

Let's kill some neurons

Your brain is an amazing little thing. It contains about one trillion nerve cells (neurons) which are responsible for thoughts, decisions, mood, attention and so on. Every one of these neurons is supported by ten other cells, so-called glia cells. Both types can be damaged by chronic alcohol abuse (2).

If you start to chronically abuse alcohol there are some severe consequences quite likely to happen. First, it starts with moderate deficits (mood, behaviour, decision-making) but can lead to such extreme conditions like the Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome (3). The first one is a quite unpleasant state which includes confusion, disordered gait and visual abnormalities caused by a lack of thiamine, while the latter is characterized by anterograde amnesia (you are not able to obtain new information). No one wants to experience that.

But even without these extreme conditions, it seems to be evident, that your brain undergoes significant changes during chronic alcohol abuse. Harper and Kril (1993) (4) were able to show the enlargement of cerebral ventricles (cavities inside the brain containing cerebrospinal fluid) as well as sulci (furrows on the cerebrum’s surface) in most alcoholics. These enlargements represent a reduction of brain mass, which was proven in postmortem studies weighting the brains of alcoholics. The cause behind the reduced mass of the brain is most probably connected to a combination of neuronal loss as well as their reduction in size. You are able to fight this though, if you start to stay abstinent for at least one to five months. But don’t get too excited: dead neurons stay dead.

One of the most affected brain area is the frontal lobe of the cerebrum (responsible for initiation of motor activity, integration of behaviour, intellect and emotion) (Jernigan et al. 1991) (5). The reduction of both grey and white matter as well seems to happen to alcoholics. Compared to non-alcoholics there was a 22-percent reduction of neurons inside the superior frontal cortex and motor cortex (Harper et al. 1987) (6).

In addition to the general shrinking of brain regions, chronic alcohol abuse can lead to the loss of some nuclei (certain structured neurons). The most in-depth studies are about the cholinergic nuclei in the basal forebrain and as far as research can tell, this area is heavily affected by alcohol abuse as well (Arendt 1993) (7) and is involved in a lot of important physiologic functions. But not enough, other nuclei suffer significant cell loss as well, like the locus ceruleus (Arango et al. 1996) (8) and the raphe nuclei (Baker et al. 1996) (9). The first one is mainly involved in information processing and learning while the latter affects mood regulation, sleep, behaviour (like drinking alcohol) and thinking patterns.
All of them suffer from alcohol abuse and start to decrease. I told you, I’m here to ruin your day.

Another one? Sure.
Some animal studies were able to show, that long-term alcohol abuse is not always needed to damage your brain. Just a few days of intoxication can result in a neuronal loss in certain areas of your cerebral cortex (Collins et al. 1996) (10). Damn. fda.jpg

Quick brain snack

So, there is no myth after all? Brain cells do indeed die from alcohol?
Well, yes and no.
Since there are definitely too many people drinking too much alcohol (damn you, mirror) it is important to be aware of the consequences.

You can indeed use alcohol to make yourself dumber (sometimes this can appear like an incredibly attractive option), but to achieve that you have to drink heavily and consistently. A few drinks here and there (few does not equal every day) will probably not hurt you (so much) and your brain has some amazing recovery capabilities.
But still, if you ever had the thought that you might drink too much – you are quite likely right about it. This does not mean, that you have a chronic drinking problem but to reconsider your habits a bit.
I am not the one, who is going to tell you to live your life perfectly sober all the time, but you should always be aware of the consequences, if you choose to have a few more drinks.

Stay responsible and you will be alright. Ignore it, intoxicate yourself over and over again and you will at some point realize (or maybe not, because you are too dumb by then):
Dead neurons stay dead.
(I’m so much fun at parties.)

Feel always free to discuss my ideas and share your own thoughts
about the things I’m writing about. Nobody is omniscient and if we all
walk away a bit smarter than before, we’ll have achieved a lot.
Thanks for reading and stay healthy.

Make sure, to check out #steemstem for more science related content.


(1) Dawson, D. A., Grant, B. F., Stinson, F. S., & Zhou, Y. (2005). Effectiveness of the derived Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT-C) in screening for alcohol use disorders and risk drinking in the US general population. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 29(5), 844–854.

(2) 10th Special Report to the U.S. Congress on Alcohol and Health


(4) Harper, C.G., and Kril, J.J. Neuropathological changes in alcoholics. In: Hunt, W.A., and Nixon, S.J., eds. Alcohol-Induced Brain Damage. NIAAA Research Monograph No. 22. NIH Pub. No. 93-3549. Rockville, MD: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 1993. pp. 39–70.

(5) Jernigan, T.L.; Butters, N.; DiTraglia, G.; Schafer, K.; Smith, T.; Irwin, M.; Grant, I.; Schuckit, M.; and Cermak, L.S. Reduced cerebral grey matter observed in alcoholics using magnetic resonance imaging. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 15(3):418–427, 1991.

(6) Harper, C.G.; Kril, J.J.; and Daly, J. Are we drinking our neurons away? BMJ 294(6571): 534–536, 1987.

(7) Arendt, T. The cholinergic deafferentation of the cerebral cortex induced by chronic consumption of alcohol: Reversal by cholinergic drugs and transplantation, In: Hunt, W.A., and Nixon, S.J., eds. Alcohol-Induced Brain Damage. NIAAA Research Monograph No. 22. NIH Pub. No. 93-3549. Rockville, MD: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 1993. pp. 431–460.

(8) Arango, V.; Underwood, M.D.; Pauler, D.K.; Kass, R.E.; and Mann, J.J. Differential age-related loss of pigmented locus coeruleus neurons in suicides, alcoholics, and alcoholic suicides. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 20(7):1141–1147, 1996.

(9) Baker, K.G.; Halliday, G.M.; Kril, J.J.; and Harper, C.G. Chronic alcoholism in the absence of Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome and cirrhosis does not result in the loss of serotonergic neurons from the median raphe nucleus. Metab Brain Dis 11(3):217–227, 1996.

(10) Collins, M.A.; Corso, T.D.; and Neafsey, E.J. Neuronal degeneration in rat cerebrocortical olfactory regions during subchronic “binge” intoxication with ethanol: Possible explanation for olfactory deficits in alcoholics. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 20(2):284–292, 1996.

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Alcohol damages your brain cells by making you fall down and bang your head really hard.


You got a 19.15% upvote from @bearwards courtesy of @jmehta!

This post has received a 1.85 % upvote from @boomerang.

I doubt it, it can kill brain cells by drinking alcohol, since alcohol is a depressant chemical, depressant mode are more likely are the one that causes brain cells death.

Studies clearly indicate that alcohol is neurotoxic, with direct effects on nerve cells

Reference (2)

You are free, to check my sources. All of them state quite clearly, that the neurotoxicity of alcohol is indeed a problematic issue :)

Hello! Great post @egotheist!

In our first issue of DaVinci Times we addressed the topic of nerve cell regeneration. For this reason, our team decided to assign you the prize for the article of the day.

You will soon receive our upvote for your post! Our vote is still small, but we hope to grow fast, and to be able to help all our wonderful STEM community.

Immagine CC0 Creative Commons, si ringrazia @mrazura per il logo ITASTEM.

Greetings from @davinci.witness and the itaSTEM team.

Hi again @egotheist! Promised I'll be back ...

Thank you again for your very thorough review of the “biology” of alcoholism and its devastating effects on the body.

I am intimately and painfully aware of the havoc addiction wreaks on an individual and their loved ones.

I have come to discover that the drug or the drink are just symptoms of a deeper and very much an "inner" problem. The booze actually isn’t the problem. It’s the addict’s inability to stop before and especially after the first hit, toke, drink. For the alcoholic “One drink is too many and a thousand isn’t enough.”

Physically, emotionally, psychologically spiritually, alcohol affects the alcoholic differently from a “normal drinker”.

Is biology the cause, the effect (or both), of the bodily devastation?

These are just random thoughts in response to your article.

Thanks again for your insight!

Thanks a lot for your thoughts! :)

I have come to discover that the drug or the drink are just symptoms of a deeper and very much an "inner" problem.

I agree. Many times (not always) the abuse of alcohol is a result of serious problems. But the abuse makes it even worse in the end, thus makes it incredibly hard to break out of this cycle :/

Is biology the cause, the effect (or both), of the bodily devastation?

I think it's both. Maybe you start drinking, because it makes you feel good. At some point, you can't be happy without a drink anymore and slowly your whole life crumbles around you, because you can't control your addiction anymore. In my opinion, it's important for family and friends to provide support at this point and to get help for the alcoholic without being judgemental.

Hier fehlt mir die eindeutige Antwort :P trotzdem upvote
weil sehr schön auf die pathologischen Bedingungen eingegangen
Ethanol ist in vivo nicht neurotoxisch aber es hängt ja ganz scheinbar mit dem Alkohol zusammen...wenn ich noch richtig im Bilde bin gibt es einen bekannten Pathomechanismus. Vielleicht kommt ja noch wer drauf.

Das Leben ist nicht Schwarz-Weiß, man! :D

Soweit ich die Forschung dazu überblicke, sind die exakten Mechanismen dahinter aber noch nicht genau klar. Die Korrelation scheint allerdings sehr eindeutig zu sein.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Die Korrelation scheint allerdings sehr eindeutig zu sein

ja das definitiv, Korrelation zwischen exzessiven Alkkonsum und Löchern im Bregen. Bei Wernicke-Korsakoff braucht es eine Alkoholiker Kariere von der Jugend an. Der Alkohol selbst ist es nicht (klar statistisch gesehen und bezogen auf den Vorgang kommt es durch den Alk). *widerspreche dir ja gar nicht. Will hier nur kleinlich sein. Aber wenn ein Stoff neurotoxisch ist, muss er direkt Neuronen töten, was man mit physiologischen Dosen Alk nicht schaft. Ich resteeme mal. Vielleicht sehen sich die Toxikologen genötigt :D

Studies clearly indicate that alcohol is neurotoxic, with direct effects on nerve cells

Zitiert aus Quelle (2) - ich gebe zu, dass ich mich bei meiner Schlussfolgerung auf das verlassen habe, was ich aus meinen Quellen herausgelesen habe^^
Man hätte die Mechanismen eventuell noch etwas detaillierter erklären können. Eine meiner Quellen (die ich aber letztlich nicht verwendet habe), sagt dazu u.a.:

Thus, ethanol through both systemic and central nervous system mechanisms induces a proinflammatory cascade in the brain that contributes to neurotoxicity.

Siehe hier

Aber gut, eventuell melden sich die Toxikologen dazu nochmal :)

Upvoted and Resteemed by : @Clickbaster , Seeya and Have Fun !

Your expose is masterfully written! Your research is impressive and your knowledge on Alcohol and Alcoholism is extensive. I have Upvoted, Resteemed, and I'm Followng. I want to hear more.

I have a lot to say on the subject and I'd like to spend a little time on my response.

"The dose makes the poison" ... I'll be back

Thanks a lot for your appreciation :)

Nice informasion..

Hello @egotheist. I know that you have to be a pretty heavy drinker for the bad effects of alcohol to happen. But I've always learned that alcohol is particularly damaging to the developing brain. Which is why young children shouldn't drink alcohol. Perhaps you found something on this topic while researching?

But I've always learned that alcohol is particularly damaging to the developing brain. Which is why young children shouldn't drink alcohol. Perhaps you found something on this topic while researching?

This is correct. Although I said, that I'm not going to cover the topic with this article because children are not my audience and I expect adults not to buy their children alcohol. Alcohol has quite heavy negative impacts onto the developing brain.

So drinking a few beers to a coding session to encourage my creative problem solving capabilities is not going to hurt me that much?

I am not saying that I do that everytime, but sometimes cold, dark beer somehow helps me with solving some algorithmic problems. (I have no bloody idea how does it work, through)

Very interesting article, I am waiting for more. Cheers!

Well, I'd still not recommend it doing it regularly, but if you stay within a reasonable limit, it's probably alright.
Personally, I don't like to drink alcohol while trying to work/being creative - in my experience I can achieve way more with staying sober during this time.