Why is your God the only true God?

in psychology •  9 years ago 


I have so many questions to religious people because I find it so very unreasonable to first of all believe, than to believe that my God is the only true God. Then not wanting to find out more, not wanting to understand and not question everything. Instead live in fear today and hope for a better life after death. All reasonable people must see that this is an unconscious insane behaviour caused by brainwashing. Haven’t religious people heard about logic?

Let’s break it down: Believe, to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so. You hear for your self, it’s no point. You either know or you don’t. For example: I believe I can lift that coffee cup, no I don’t believe it, I know it. Do you feel the difference? Believing is worthless, knowing is key! I believe the sun will rise tomorrow, no I fucking know it! Go do your homework, do some research. You will quickly find that all religion are the same, all gods are the same. It’s just used to suppress people.

Then we have the living in fear today and hoping for something better in the afterlife. Let’s break that one down. Fear: False evidence appearing real. Yes, all psychological fear are an illusion caused by an anxiety gap from now and some future moment. All you ever have is the present moment, it’s the only thing that exists, so face it once and for all, fear is an insane behaviour! You can always handle the present moment, I mean you’re here today so you must have up to now. Hope: To hope is hopeless. To hope for something is insane and totally useless. Can you hear how weak it sounds? When you hope for something you are telling yourself that you secretly doubt it will happen. I hope I can do this or I know I can do this, which one would you choose?

I understand the brainwashing and myself have been brought up as a Jehovah's Witness for the first 15 years of my life. But what I can’t understand is that as an adult not wanting to know more, not question everything, not wanting to understand and just simply buying everything without ever thinking for yourself. Shit, there’s so much more to life! We’re all God, we’re all connected, we’re all one! It’s 2016, time to wake up!!

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Skepticism and rational thought appreciated.


Most people don't do logic. They rationalise instead, and imagine they're 'thinking'. It's sad and pitiful, and dangerous.

I like your thinking. Beliefs and faith are for lost-sheep. Only science (as in personal knowledge, not as in 'modern science') is worth anything.

I like JWs, not the religion of course it's a cult, but the people are usually decent folks... I offer tea when they come round. I've nearly converted one of them to the religion of relentless logic, another couple years and his soul will be mine (Mwahahahaha)...

I really hate the weakness of the 'Christian' religions, TBH. It's the happy slave / happy crime-victim / enabler of evil / wait for Jeezus to come and save my sorry ass - idea that's so destructive

I realised you can easily prove God exists by logic, even though "they" say you can't... E.g:

Thanks for your reply, interesting article you written. Haha go get him!

Haha so true!