Why the Unawake aren't Just Stupid Sheeple but Victims of Mental Illness

in psychology •  8 years ago 

Many of the informed population often wonders why it is so difficult to wake others up. Some of us get frustrated with these seemingly stupid individuals and mock them as just being stupid sheeple. This writing will clarify how these individuals are the victims of multiple mental illnesses. These mental illnesses don't only inflict the sleeping masses but also effects the waking masses as well. The population of the United States have all been victimized through Gas lighting and indoctrination causing the majority of the population to have multiple mental illnesses at once. One of these mental illnesses being Stockholm Syndrome. Stockholm Syndrome is a illness that inflicts people who've been abused or held hostage and causes the individual to sympathize with their abusers or captures. Another one of the illnesses that Americans are inflicted with is Normalcy Bias. Normalcy Bias is when a person faces a disaster or dangerous situation causing the individual to under estimate the danger of the situation that they are in, along with the possible consequences. Another mental illness most Americans have is Cognitive Dissidence. Cognitive Dissidence is when a person holds contradictory beliefs.
I am guilty of looking at some of the people who are sleeping and saying that they are just dumb down sheep who will get what they deserve when things go really bad. But, is this really the case? I don't think so. Rather I feel that the people who have been presented with information warning them of probable disaster and the fact our government is largely responsible for the probable disaster are inflicted with Stockholm Syndrome. Their minds simply cannot wrap itself around the idea our own leaders would do anything to bring harm to the citizens of the United States. This of course is not the case. Our leaders take all kinds of actions that bring harm one way or the other to the population. One such example of our "leaders" bringing harm to the population are the various trade treaties that send employment away from our country to the counties of favorable conditions, such as low labor costs. Another example of our "leaders" bringing harm to us is the various regulations favoring big biotech companies such as Monsanto. Monsanto is the worlds leader in genetically modified, well everything. It has been proven by scientists in Russia that the genetically modified food is extremely harmful, yet our "leaders" do everything they can to endorse and cover up the harm such foods do.
Another mental illness most Americans are inflicted with is Normalcy Bias. We all hear the warnings of pending financial collapse, intentional poisoning of the population through the food, water, air, and an encroaching growing police state. Some of us see the warning signs as clear as day but others struggle to come to terms with their very real situation. The sleeping pro establishment are the biggest victims of Normalcy Bias. They are the section of the population who believe those who are attacked by the establishment are some how criminals thus the action of the state is justified. This segment of the population doesn't realize on the first day of 2012 40,000 new federal laws took effect and only God knows how many since then. Keep in mind that the 40,000 laws do not include any state or local laws passed and only represents laws that took effect January 1 2012. These people don't realize they break these laws on a regular basis and could end up being labeled what they hate most, a criminal. This is where the symptoms of Stockholm Syndrome comes into play. These people will justify their arrest saying I broke the law so it's my own fault. Saying things like the police were only doing their job. Is it really their fault? I don't think so. How can anyone commit a crime they don't even know exists? These victims will say ignorance of the law is no excuse to break the law. This of course is their Stockholm Syndrome talking. Some of these people get inspired by their arrest and start the journey to awakening.
Finally, we come to people who are aware of the situation we find ourselves in at the present. They know about the various vulgarities and crimes committed by the state and its enforcement class but still cling to the idea these institutions are our rightful rulers. This is done, even though more times than not the actions of the state and enforcing class goes against their political, moral and religious beliefs . This condition is known as Cognitive Dissidence. Which is an individual holding conflicting beliefs. The clearest example of this are those who claim to follow Jesus. The logical person knows that the teachings of Jesus are in direct conflict with the actions of the state, none the less the so called follower of Jesus will stand by every evil deed committed by the state. Another example of Cognitive Dissidence are the people who swear that they value the constitution but at the same time they justify every unconstitutional action taken by federal, state and local government along with their enforcement class. These people are in favor of locking others up for years for simply possessing a mind altering substance or a firearm.
Most of the people I have referred to are inflicted with all three conditions and are not even aware that the conditions exists within them. Even though they are inflicted with these disorders and we should always have empathy for them, we should also recognize the danger that they pose to those who are truly awakened. Morpheus pointed out in the movie, The Matrix, that those inside of the Matrix are their enemies even though they are the very people they are trying to save. Until those people are saved they must be considered the enemy because they are still apart of that system. The same holds true in our present situation. Just because the unaware are inflicted with these mental disorders they still value the system and do fight to protect it. Until these people fully realize just how bad the system is and speak out against it without conflict they too are apart of the system and thus the enemy.
After 12 years of indoctrination at school and even more years of T.V. programming it is amazing any of us have made it out of the Matrix.

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Damn it.

I think you mean cognitive dissonance.

Well put. I'm an expert on awakening people but never looked at it from your angles/the way you did. People need to realize that just because we conspiracy truthers believe stuff they can't does not make us crazy. Nobody is crazy because of what they believe unless they have delusions. And that is extremely rare. Children are not insane for believing in Santa. They are belief retarded. Same with adults. 9 out of 10 are belief tards! Not crazy. How much the going into denial part is responsible for them not being able to accept truth... is difficult to gage unless you really know that person. Plant seeds people, use math facts for explaining chem trails, or fluoride is just poinson useless for teeth etc. DONT get too frustrated, and DONT argue, give them slack, tell them they have a point or two so they will want to talk with you next time. But if there is no next time like a stranger at a bus stop or something, then just plant as many seeds as you can. How to awaken friends and family without losing them. That is the name of my page on FB. Its the best of its kind ever written. I put tons of hard work and psychology into it, enjoy...... psssst its tempting to argue aggresively.... don't let yourself. Just learn from the experience.