Manipulation of people.

in psychology •  9 years ago  (edited)

The last time the web is increasingly discussed the problem of manipulating people to impose other people's opinions and views, transformation of society as a mindless mass. We offer you a list of the most common techniques and rules that help to convince, have inspired and strongly influence people, as well as ways to protect themselves against social manipulation.

Social proof, or the principle of social proof

In the USSR people first get up in the queue, and only then wondered where she leads. "If all these people are waiting, then the goods are good" - everyone thought. The very existence of the queue signaled the value of the proposed product. Thus the principle of social proof was shown in Soviet society. Based on a herd instinct, he is imitating the behavior of the majority and is a safety function of the brain, freeing the latter from having to handle the extra information. It is in the nature of it lies the mainstream.

Especially effective is the principle of social proof works when a person is in a confusing or ambiguous situations, and he has no time to really understand it. "In any situation, do not clear how all» - Social Proof once solves all problems. When we want to buy a new gadget and scratching their heads over which model to choose, the decisive criterion for us are often the reviews and ratings. The principle of social proof is deeply taken root in modern business. There is no need to prove the potential client how product is good enough to note that the majority thinks.

Today, marketers are strongly recommended to site owners and different page counters not to advertise if reading them modest. A large number of subscribers - the best sign of quality, and also the reason to subscribe. This also applies to site traffic.

Another painful example of the use of the principle of social proof - skits and humorous series. Viewers often complain that their annoying background laughter after each joke. Nevertheless, efficiency of the method is not reflected. People used to rely on the reaction of others in determining what is funny, and often react in earnest, and its accompanying laugh track.

By the way, Social proof was the basis of occurrence of certain professions. For example, the claque - a man who for a fee comes to performance, the loudest applause and shouts of "Bravo!", Or the classic example - the mourners, "set the mood" at the funeral in Brazil or the Philippines.

Сommunal reinforcement method

This technique places in common with the previous one, but, in contrast, focuses on changing the human persuasion, rather than behavior. According to this principle, with multiple repetition of the same thesis (ideas, concepts) within any group, its members eventually accept this claim as the truth. American academic and writer Robert Carroll points out that repeated judgment need not necessarily be true. It believe regardless of how it was proved theoretically or practically. Moreover, it is believed that people take for granted, without critical evaluation, any group values, ideas, doctrines, if you identify with this group and do not want to pass for outcasts. This psychic phenomenon and a manifestation of conformism called indoctrination. The opposite phenomenon of indoctrination: "social autonomy", "critical", "non-conformism".

A colorful example of the method of group reinforcement are stereotypes, myths and legends, which wander from generation to generation. In addition, the technique is widely used and the media is an effective tool in the information wars. With dexterous manipulation facts and the various tricks voice media we impose certain beliefs by systematic repetition of the same ideas. To combat such tendencies in the curricula of some countries introduced media education course designed to develop in people of all ages, critical thinking.

Rule interchange

Rule interchange reads: a person is obliged to pay back for what he has given other people. In simple words - answer good for good. And since any obligation oppress, I want to get rid of them as quickly as possible. "Initiates" Therefore, the rule works and actively used by some. Such people may intentionally have a small service with the expectation that, in future, to address a larger request.

Fragment from the TV series


People say: "are someone's kindness." It is noteworthy that the knowledge of the rules of mutual exchange does not exempt a person from wanting to return their "debts".

Fragment from the TV series 

"The Mentalist"

Why give a free sample at the supermarket products? Why different companies distribute their guests pens, notepads and other souvenirs? And how to explain the free shares in bars and chewing gum after a meal in a restaurant? Employees want to make nice to customers? Certainly not.

Asking for help, or a method of Benjamin Franklin

One day, Benjamin Franklin had to make contact with a person who openly disliked him. Then Benjamin turned to the man with the request to lend him a rare book. Franklin was the most polite in her request and with even greater courtesy thanked the man when he agreed. After that they became good friends.

The essence of the method of the same name lies in the fact that people like to be asked for help. First, starting from the rules of mutual exchange, a person thinks that, if necessary, can count on the return the favor. Secondly, helping he feels it necessary and beneficial. And that, as they say, priceless.

By the way, it is believed that the first is better to ask for more than you want to receive. If you suddenly fail, the next attempt can be a real voice request, and this time the refuse is already uncomfortable.

Rule logic circuit

Psychologists have found that the desire to be or to appear consistent in their actions is an innate feature of a person, which often forces him to go against their own interests.

The fact is that in today's society is considered to be a sequence of dignity. It is associated with honesty, intelligence, strength, and stability. English physicist Michael Faraday said that the sequence is more valuable than the right. Inconsistent behavior is usually considered a negative quality, and accept for duplicity.

In order to force a person to act in a certain way, you need to run in his thinking mechanism sequence. The starting point in this mechanism of social psychologists call a commitment. A person who has assumed the obligation (even unconsciously), will do everything to carry it out.

For example, if a person is to recognize the best chess player in the city, it will more than triple to train after the incident, only to meet his obligation, and membership. Triggers the sequence: "If I am, then I have something, and then ...".

Positive reinforcement

Positive reinforcement - it is pleasant for the human consequences of his actions: praise, reward or remuneration that encourage a person to carry out these actions in the future.

Once a group of Harvard students spent an interesting experiment. In one of the lectures guys agreed that when the teacher will move to one side of the room - everyone will be smiling, and when the opposite - a frown. It is not necessary to have seven rocket scientist to guess what part of the audience lecturer spent most of the session. This experiment was fixed in history under the name "Verplanck experiment" and became a proof that positive feedback has on people educational effect.

According to the American psychologist Skinner, praise brings man more effective than punishment, which is likely hurting the person. Freud confirms the theory of colleagues and in the description of the pleasure principle emphasizes that the human desire to get positive emotions pushes it to perform actions that underpin them and thus are associated with pleasure. Consequently, the absence of a chain of "action - fun" deprives a person of motivation and desire to do anything.

Motivation by fear

The most powerful human emotion - it's fear. Therefore, to make a person do something, you need to scare him. This principle is built the advertising business. I wonder how many tons of descaling were sold after the contemplation of the cemetery of washing machines in the infamous advertising? The same methods used by the insurance companies. As long as the customer does not scare, he had not insure. And to make it all easier if statistics show him how many apartments are robbed, burned as many stolen cars. After all, if there is an opportunity to protect themselves against loss plus get rid of unnecessary stress, why refuse to help?

On the other hand, can scare, for example, a staff member in a way that will bring it to a termination. Because the wise leaders use the power of the mind with fear. As a rule, they put pressure on the fear of loss: "We consider your candidacy for promotion, but, unfortunately, you do not meet the plan ...". If you describe the human losses, it will take him to the proposed directive. According to one study, people agree with something twice as likely is the threat of loss.

Aikido method

The peculiarity of the martial art of Aikido is to use the opponent's strength against him. Adapted by a communications medium, the method used in the tense negotiations or situations of conflict and implies the return of his opponent as aggression in order to obtain the desired interlocutor.

Newton's law states that the force of action is equal to the strength of opposition. Consequently, the gross human opponent responsible than fiercely defends his position, the more the response of aggression gets in his address. The main principle of Aikido - win, second. In order to persuade a person to his point of view, first of all it is necessary to agree with him, with "mirror your" his style of talk and behave. And then calmly offer his own version of events. Thus, the person retains his powers, does not irritate the opponent and eventually won.

Slightly exaggerated example might look like this: "You are a fool. You're doing everything wrong. - Yes, I'm doing wrong, because I'm a fool. Let's try to find a way out of this situation ... ".

The principle of vertical

All of the known world dictators urged their opponents even before they start talking. They knew how to place his body in space so that the look in the eyes of the interlocutor "argument alive."

Firstly, they have always been upright on a level above those who spoke. It has a psychological explanation. The fact that the subconscious initially perceives those above, as the authorities. Our parents were always above us. And in fact they are our authorities for many years. This explains why many executives place chairs and tables in the offices so that their subordinates to look at from top to bottom.

Also for our subconscious person who takes a lot of space, it seems more convincing and right. Sweeping gestures, outstretched "T-shape" hands on the back of a chair or active movement around the room during the presentation - it all helps to grasp the maximum amount of space, and to grow in the eyes of the beholder.

Built-in voice commands

Built-in voice commands help create the initiator of the communication to the recipient a certain mood, trigger the desired emotion and, accordingly, to direct his thoughts in a given direction. Built message of - a fragment of the phrase that stands out gestures or intonation. At the same time the impact occurs on the subconscious mind of man, who can not pay attention to the very sentence.

Introduced in his speech positively stained vocabulary (words like "nice", "good", "happiness", "success", "trust", and so on. D.), We make the interlocutor feel more happy and successful. It does not matter, what is at stake and the context in which these words are used, the main thing - to allocate their intonation or gesture.

Spiral of silence

In the theory of mass communication, there is such a thing as the spiral of silence. Proposed by the German political scientist Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann, this concept is to ensure that people can share a certain point of view, but are afraid to admit it, because they think that they are in the minority. Spiral of Silence is based on fear of social isolation and begins to work at the time, when someone confidently express their views on socially important topic. Those who disagree with the heard prefer to remain silent and not to speak, because convinced that they are in the minority and are afraid of isolation.

There is a pattern that held a mature person can not be the fear of social isolation and are able to express their opinion on the public without looking back. These people move progress and stimulate the global changes. The other half of humanity is a guarantee of strength and stability in the society.

How to protect against social manipulation?

The impact on the subconscious - not such a simple thing. Do not take it as a non-critical "trash": that "threw", then "dropped". The subconscious mind is always first on our side and seeks to reject a hostile or we do not meet our goals of information. "Unprofitable" Therefore, for the "owner" of suggestion rejected very quickly. To circumvent this protective mechanism, handles almost always use "speed" method of pressure - you need to make a decision right now, there is no time to think! If you face a similar, in any case, do not take any decisions, take time out.

The healthy and balanced our way of life, the harder we have to use unseemly goals

Another popular way of manipulation - "false alternative". You offer to quickly select one of the options, and neither one of them is not in your best interest. For example: "You pay how convenient our miracle product - immediately the full amount or in installments." The option "none at all, I do not want to buy your product" - is not considered. Therefore, I advise to include "alarm" whenever you hear such an "either-or".

It is important to understand that the critical threshold of self-defense and can be reduced in the following situations:

  • physical discomfort: fatigue, hunger, thirst, stuffy, hot / cold, etc .;.
  • state of anxiety: justified or artificially fomented ("We run most, if not all will eat delicious, and we will not go!");
  • Overload the senses (eg, loud music, a strong smell, cramped and so on. d.)

The most striking example for all situations at once - selling in a large store. Stuffiness, jam, rush, combined with loud music and crowd noise - ideal conditions for the reckless spending.

Accordingly, the conclusions suggest themselves: the healthy and balanced our way of life, the harder we have to use a naughty purposes.

The best way to protect themselves from manipulation - awareness in relation to himself and to communicate with others. It is possible to develop, periodically asking myself questions:

  • What am I feeling right now? What are my physical sensations, emotions, desires?
  • Why should I take this or that decision (to buy, to help)? What I want to get a result and what to expect, whether these are real expectations? What motivates me now?
  • What do I want from life? What is important to me? Those decisions, which I accept, - lead me to a purpose or taken away from them? And by the way, this is exactly my goal or also imposed on someone?

The habit of asking yourself questions like, alone or in the company's psychologist - a kind of "inspection" of the mind and a good guarantee that you will not become a victim of manipulation.

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Translated from Russian.

transformation of society as a mindless mass.

Now without even reading the above post the first thing that comes across my mind is the Tavistock Method. This method capitalizes upon a person's desire to fit it, often with the implied thread of social censorship as the primary impetus of the group applying this method. So now I will read the above post to see if this is mentioned.

OK it was not mentioned but I want to refer you to a book called, " The 48 Laws of Power ". This book deals with the ever so clever methods of manipulation and power transfers employed by notable people in various historical settings. The methods employed by the principal characters in this book run the gamut from the basic sexual enticement for favor to implied mentions of duress and reward. Ron

@getonthebus, I read The 48 Laws of Power and found it both enlightening...and frightening. The ways in which we are manipulated can be so subtle as to fool us completely.
I was at a work conference earlier this week and our VP showed a clip from an entertainer whose work we will be promoting in the new year. (I work in publicity.) Everyone was laughing at the most painfully awkward of jokes and skits and as I looked around the room, I could see how many began laughing only after our senior team members led the laughter with loud guffaws. I felt a little sick at this obvious display of sheeple behaviour.

Great article man.

the first picture is awesome. like it a lot

several interesting topics to broaden the knowledge and ways of seeing life !!