Why the Masses Deny Evidence and Cling So Tightly to Lies

in psychology •  8 years ago  (edited)

Why does it seem so obvious to some that 9/11 was a inside job, while others continue to hold to the shifting sands of the Government's official story? I created a video that succinctly answers this question

With regard to 9/11 truth and a person’s attempt deal with the anxiety that’s caused by the startling consideration that there are actually rich and powerful individuals who masterminded the tragedy of that day (and profited handsomely in the years following) , the bottom line is this: we need to employ a steadfast determination in order to come to grips with the factual evidence that directs us to do a couple primary things:

1.) question everything
2.) keep questioning
3.) Don’t trust Governmental criminals
4.) And, of course….FOLLOW THE MONEY.

If we employ these very simple methods, especially when dealing with a criminal event…the clouds of cognitive dissonance will evaporate and our minds will begin to view things with clarity, self-evaluation and a healthy bit of skepticism.

Only then -- only when our minds change to look at things the way they truly are and not how we’ve been programmed to believe -- will our world begin to change for the better. But it has to start with you. I’m ready to start this logic-fueled fire…are YOU?

Enjoy the video!

I'm Brian, the owner and creator of the YouTube Channel HighImpactFlix and the HighImpactFlix Facebook page. My aim is to create useful, relevant, exciting and engaging content that will inform and IMPACT those who take the time to view it. Bottom line: I strive to make it worth your while to check out my videos!

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The backfire effect. Hold on tight to attachments to falsity and reject facts that contradict attachments.

Exactly. Just followed ya and left you a reply on one of your posts. Good stuff. Looking forward to more.

People don't want to believe that people so sinister run the country. Yesterday, my girlfriend was saying that Abraham Lincoln was a good president. I told her that he wasn't, and she said he freed the slaves! I told her that he was racist as shit and didn't give a shit about black people. She didn't believe me, so I showed her this great HighImpactFlix video about him and she didn't want to watch it! She didn't want to believe that he was a horrible president! I explained to her that it is important to know the truth, even if it is really unpleasant. That's basically why people don't question 9/11. They don't want to know...

Thank you @charlie.wilson It is very sad that people want the comforting lie instead of the harsh truth. Just followed ya man. Peace.

Thanks a lot! That is really cool! You may see some of your own videos on my page. I like to share things I really like, and I'm sort of a fan!

Nice to see you here on Steemit. I blog mostly about vaccines and the huge lie surrounding them, mostly how unsafe they are. I am encouraged by a mostly positive response here on Steemit, but there are many people who get so angry and upset just because you question vacccination. I have even been flagged a few times here because people think that I am spreading "dangerous" information. It is sad that they won't open their minds more on the subject.
Keep up your good work of making people think and question everything.