SIGIL I Command Respect, Part 2

in psychology •  7 years ago 


As I was redrawing this SIGIL I received a psychic download- that the woman I am portraying for Kate is her Higher Self. Her Higher Self does command respect, and she will have to learn to tap in to her Higher Self in order to gain access to the physical feeling of being respected...

Clearly there is a lower nature payoff for being a doormat...what could it be?

You get to be right- that life sucks, you suck, people suck- and hence you get to participate in your lower nature pleasure-seeking in reaction to that perception...

Tapping into and living in an experience of self respect and commanding others respect, is in fact, much more difficult and lonely - it is a stance taken by the Higher Self...

Kate - by declaring a desire to command respect will bring into her consciousness from her subconscious that choice- to live in Truth or to live in the confusion and distractions of self-lies...

We shall see if what she really wants... a quick fix or is she ready to evolve spiritually...

What Do You Think?

Read previous post to see SIGIL and how to make a SIGIL...

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in the concept of the Qur'an it is affirmed that if we are given respect by others then we must reciprocate the respect with a better or similar, thus the artistic side of the teachings of Islam

thank you for this comment. I look forward to what Kate will bring upon herself in terms of challenges by having this SIGIL in her consciousness...

Kate bisa saja membawa sutu hal yang baru yakni memberi perhatian kepada orang lain menunjukkan kalau kate seorang manusia sosialis dan bukan seorang yang tertutup
