The Re-levation of Re-solution

in psychology •  8 years ago  (edited)

We might have argued (and agree) there are strawman arguments to both sides.

We might not have argued that both sides are partially right.

We might not have argued that each side is wrong (and a perfectly middle or other way is best).

This suggests we could post a meme from either side and re-solve the arguments of those that support it.

Here we levate the rheomode “re-solve” with the implication that person(s) supporting the meme actually agree their argument is effectively null and void (this might imply some level of politeness on behalf of the initiator).

The rheomode implies this by pointing to the actual process happening in present moment, which cannot then imply the initiator THINKS they resolved the meme supporter when the supporter themselves still hold a fragmented understanding of the content/subject.

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