"The Secret" Is Not A Secret, But A Scam - The Secret Is You - "Law Of Attraction" Is Nonsense - Quit Your Magical Thinking

in psychology •  8 years ago  (edited)

If you think constructing a "magical vision board" will make your dreams come true, your desperation for a better life has gotten the best of your reasoning skills.

Vision Board.jpg

Vision-Boarders, these are your role models.

The only reason anyone thinks "The Secret" works is a combination of coincidence and garbage attitudes. The human brain is particularly bad at statistical analysis, and would not know a statistically significant sample if it got crushed by one.

If you have an attitude that promotes failure, you are likely to fail. If you suddenly believe in a ridiculous, provably false philosophy like "The Secret", and no longer have a garbage attitude, your results will improve. This has nothing to do with "The Secret" and everything to do with you engaging in some self-improvement on your own.

Frankly, it's no different than any other example of "faith". A belief that not only has no proof, but directly runs counter to all available proof, can be very comforting as it removes the responsibility of actually thinking or acting from the "mark".

Believe it or not, you can develop positive attitudes and habits without believing in nonsense that wouldn't have flown even 1000 years ago.

You would be much better served, and literally more psychologically healthy, to simply take credit for your own self-improvement, accomplishments, and grit rather than let some snake-oil salesman take credit and have you pay them for the privilege.

Magical Thinking.jpg

Does anyone think being inches from official autism is a good thing?

If you are a weak-willed individual who needs to believe in magical thinking, a diagnosable criterion for numerous mental disorders (such as Schizotypal PD), and "magical vision boards" to get things accomplished - well, knock yourself out. If that's what you need to do to function, then go with what works. But you should no more push your demonstrably false "treatment" on the rest of us than you would your Prozac prescription.

Sources: Slideplayer.com, Wikipedia, Pysch Education
Copyright: It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia

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I think the easiest way to change your life is to change your habits.
Even if you believe in your self or the Secret it does not help much if you are infested with addictions that drag you down.

You got it. That's why some people think "The Secret" helped them. Their own fallacious beliefs in it caused them to change their behavior for the better.

You don't need the book to do this. Change for yourself and take the credit.

People should believe in themselves not to magic. The secret is to want something badly and work on it very badly!

Agreed. That's exactly my point. Believe in yourself and your hard work, not in some author or a magical vision board.

Believing in the vision board is absolutely a diagnostic criterion for mental disorder. Any patient who told me they used one would get a note in my file under magical thinking.

This post really interesting @lexonical!! Thanks for sharing!! We need to stay positive and never give up to any challenges! Keep our secret into the mind!!

Agreed! Take credit for your own positive thinking and work. Don't give it to a vision board, that will literally slide you closer to insanity.

Seems your article has brought the thinking and successful people to the surface of Steemit! So thanks again for this post and I will follow everybody here!

Great! Thank you. I hope you stick around.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Great post! Maybe we should redefine "magic" so it doesn't involve the absurdities mentioned here. It may seem impractical although words can change their meaning over time. When I hear the word "luck" it's defined proper prep meets proper timing. Thanks for sharing.

I like that definition of luck. It's a much less magical word than most think.

You are just so right, @liquefy! How often have I heard from people that "I'm just lucky to have ..." what ever. I was NEVER lucky and your definition of luck meaning proper prep meets proper timing is spot on!

‘The Secret’ is like any religious belief, which in turn is like a penis: Just because you have one, it doesn’t mean you have to go out and show it off in public.

I'll have to remember to pass that one along to God when my luck runs out on my motorcycle =)

Exactly! :) :) :)

Nice post. Being positive is good thing, but what missing is ACTION.

I think if @stackin were here, he'd agree with you 100%!


You are right, @ionlysaymeep! Too many words written here, some good, some bad, so "meep" is so much more valuable, really! I like you!


Magic only works when you put great effort to keep everything on right place. Similarly, you have to show the positive attitude towards your goals if you want to turn luck in your favour.

I like to say luck is just a shorthand for "random statistical variance".

What you can do is put yourself in situations where that variance can play in your favor, rather than in those it provably doesn't (such as the lottery).

but sometimes having faith in god is also good

That's certainly true for many people. I was not implying that faith is always bad for a person. It comes down to what you have faith in, and what the message is.

For "The Secret", that faith is placed in a lying author who is sipping Margaritas in the Caribbean off of your book sales.

What for exactly? - I don't have faith in anything and yet I'm doing pretty good in life. Maybe that's why! ;)

Law of Attraction is a law of consciousness. There is an understanding to it that can implemented into bettering your life. It is just widely misunderstood and explained in so many different ways.

Laws (in this context, not legal ones) are scientifically replicable. This is not.

Hey I completely agree with you, I am just referring to the actual Law of consciousness. The promoted theory of LOA is a scam, nothing will ever get done without action in yourself. LOA is just talking about the mindset aspect as, you will not get anything you do not focus your mind on. When you do, it "magically" starts to appear.

Great post and blog, followed!

Yep, you got it. Sorry, didn't mean to sound combative.

I work in the psychology field and I think it can be very damaging to people's self-esteem and ability to accomplish great things if they credit all of their accomplishments to something like a misinterpreted "Law of Attraction" or "The Secret".

Taking credit for your small successes and snowballing into becoming the person you want to be should be the goal. For that, you need to operate in the land of reality not fantasy.

Yes I believe it is. When I first learned about loa/energy, I practiced and did everything spiritually/emotionally correct. Failed on so many levels for awhile until I expanded my knowledge on the subject by self experimenting and many years of learning from other experts.

Yes be in reality, have a plan, have goals, get educated, create awareness, clarity, and execute!

, educating, and execution is the only way!

^^^ I appreciate this dialogue!

Yes, @jasonsnow! It's the first time I really enjoy myself here on Steemit and not only that, it's great to meet at least some like-minded people. Following you as well!

Hey @lexiconical I just did a post regarding this topic we were discussing. Would love for you to check it out and hear your input https://steemit.com/story/@bitdollar/a-little-story-we-could-all-learn-from#comments

This is basically correct. But the Law of Attraction teachers simply always forget to recommend ACTION as well! And they charge money for doing a sloppy job!

Ya I can agree with that!

Well said and true. But this is exactly why these modern day snowflakes don't get anywhere with the pill boxes under their arm!

Any belief means: Not knowing. And it also means that people repeat utter nonsense day after day and then wonder why they get into trouble.

And then they push their misfortune on us and we have to pay to supply them with welfare and health insurance and "free" anything.

Anybody and I mean anybody who "believes" in anything and ignores the facts of life because of laziness is a burden to their loved ones and to society.

"Anybody and I mean anybody who "believes" in anything and ignores the facts of life because of laziness is a burden to their loved ones and to society."

Unfortunately, this seems to be very common with the younger generations these days, especially us millenials.

If you are a weak-willed individual who needs to believe in magical thinking, a diagnosable criterion for numerous mental disorders (such as Schizotypal PD), and "magical vision boards" to get things accomplished - well, knock yourself out.

In your Its always sunny reference, "the gang" makes vision boards of places they want to go and things to get.

Their strategy is to ONLY STARE AT THE BOARD AND HOPE. If a person is just sitting, gazing at their board, then of course NOTHING WILL HAPPEN, the power resides in your subconscious not the board.

Your brain is 90% subconscious. It is constantly scanning for the familiar and dissimilar.

If a person made a vision board, put pictures of hawaii beaches (thats where they want to travel) , they photoshoped their face onto a muscle bound person (they want to be buff)

then went about their day, their subconscious will be scanning for things related to those objects. It relates to the baader meinhof phenomenon. If you know what kind of new car youre going to buy, your brain will notice the same car model far more often.

-Seeing the pictures reinforces in your mind what you want

-Your brain scans intently through your senses.

-Youre more likely to know what you "dont want".

-They give off a higher amount of confidence which is noticed and helps to achieve their goal.

It ties in with "self fulfilling prophesy's"


I appreciate the thorough reply. I think you diagnosed well why this didn't go so well for the Sunny crew.

My real point is all that can be done without the vision board. All you need is discipline.

I have met people who think that creating the board has effectively accomplished all their personal investment into the process.

For anyone else, go with what works.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

great insights , there no secret at all but some people tend to believe in this shit just to relief themselves and always looking for an answer to wrong question so they're going to get no answer but failure , we're the problem and we're the solution , when we search for the solution in the outside world we won't find it simply because it's always within but we're not aware of it ,
you write in the title that law of attraction is nonsense i think it's not fit the topic. it's all about you get , attract what you believe and think of all the time ,in my view that's right you can't win if you think of yourself as a loser

But you should no more push your demonstrably false "treatment" on the rest of us than you would your Prozac prescription.

An oxycodone prescription might have some value to those people though. ;-)

I respectfully disagree with some of the attitude of this post. If nothing else, law of attraction is a good psychological trick to motivate people into bettering themselves.

I agree with you. I do consider it a trick to motivate people. Some people would do better to realize it's just a trick, but some wouldn't. As I said, go with what works.

Yes; I'd just like to leave it at the point that whether its a trick of the mind or a real manifestation of a change in reality, it'll get the job done to change your life to things that are possible or that we believe are :)

Yes, but the trick only works if it is combined with ACTION!

the trick is getting people to ACT yes ;)