THIS IS BS: Find Your Passion. Live Your Passion

in psychology •  7 years ago 

It has been a while (wow, three months!) since the last THIS IS BS post, and I thought it’s apt to add another entry into the series.

What is THIS IS BS? THIS IS BS is a thought/rant-piece series of my best (/poor) attempt to debunk some of the quotes being passed around that are either incorrect, misleading, or just plain bullshit.

If you’ve been to a few motivational seminars, you’d probably heard the pumped up statement, supposedly to pump yourself up…

“Find Your Passion. Live Your Passion.”

…because of that, you may look at your crappy job, the face of your boss that you just can’t stomach for another day, that piece-of-sh!t colleague whose larynx you just wanna crush for good, and decided “F*ck it! I am gonna find me a better job and live my passion!”

…because of that, you may look at your seemingly sinking boat of a relationship, the companionship that has watered down to epic mundaneness, that non-instagramable-couple-life, and decided “F*ck it! I am gonna find me a better partner and live my passion!”

Sounds familiar? Something you have heard others say before, or maybe you (more than once) said that to yourself? I am not gonna deny it: I’ve bought into that piece of BS advice before, and it just smack me right in the face.

Sure, before you go on and assumed that Maverick had turned jaded, or just behaving like that fox who couldn’t get that sour grape, or just in a b*tching mode, let me tell you why I think Passion Is Over Rated.


When the sun is shining bright, when the winds are blowing in the right direction, when the stars are aligned and your day’s like it’s taken straight out from a children’s fairy tale, passion is not needed. As a matter of that, in those times of unicorn farts and Midas touch, passion is seriously over rated.

Let’s face it, when you’re in a good mood, you can easily find passion in all that you do. Bills are being paid, conquests are being logged on your Facebook, your 4th selfie of the hour is being liked for the 93rd time… the good days indeed they are. And in the midst of it, you decided to find your passion, and to live it. You think off what you had always wanted in the world - what you wanted to see, hear, feel in the world - and decided, “Heck yeah, that’s my passion.”

Kid, you’re being euphoric.

Or maybe in those moments of bliss, you belt out a heck of a good song and decided your passion is singing. Or you scored your 7th three-pointer in a row and decided your passion is basketball. Or you wrote an epic post on Steemit and decided your passion is blogging.

Kid, you’re still being euphoric.

And you jumped into the boat of denial, with the train of justifications trying to make you so sure that those “passions” are gonna make you money, and you will live a happier life simply living your passion on a daily basis. You thought to yourself,

"Boy, I can do this all day! I’m so fcking good at this! This is gonna bring me fame and fortune, yo!"*

You know how people often say never to make big life decisions when you’re in an emotional state? Would be good to listen to them for a bit.

So, here’s the thing - fck your passion*. (Unless Passion is the name of that prostitute down at Madam Selma's Jungle Bar and you’ve paid for her "services".)

"So Mav, are you saying that all the motivational gurus are wrong? Are you saying that passion is crap and following it is bad advice?”

Not really. I’m just saying don’t count on your passion on a sunny day, in a state of euphoria. But there’s a place for passion, and it’s this:


When the road is long and the days are hard, when the light at the end of the tunnel seemed far and forever out of reach, when the world beast you down and kicked you to make sure you stay down, you will feel this tingling sense of strength coming up.

It’s like a fighter within, beaten to a pulp, blinded by the blood and sweat, limping from broken body parts, that is looking for that window of opportunity to nail that perfect upper cut.

It’s like the down and out artist, avoiding the landlord by sneaking in late at night, pawning off his wife’s jewellery to buy more time, cutting up his loaf of bread into slices so thin it dissolves the moment it touches the tongue, but still looking up with teary eyes, begging for his chance to play, and to be heard.

When your spirit is being tested and you still find the strength to persist for another day, that’s passion.

When you wanted to throw in the towel but remembered the age old advice - You can always quit tomorrow, just not today - and decided to give it another shot, that’s passion.

When you had to beg for a chance of your lifetime, that one lucky break that will pivot your entire life, that little nudge to push you over the fence, that’s passion.

The world may laugh at you, your loved ones may ridicule you, your friends may stay away from you, but if you still commit to your beliefs and persist, knowing that you’re doing is the right thing, hey, that’s passion.

It’s the energy from within that inspires others so much that it sends goosebumps down their spine when you talk about it. Heck, even you feel those goosebumps! When you close your eyes and think hard about it, it tears you up, trailing down your cheeks, to a smiling face. When you hold yourself tight during those tough nights, you feel the warmth, and you shiver with a sense of certainty.

Yup, if you’ve felt that fire, that drive deep within, you’ve experienced passion. And looks like you’ve lived it.


But Mav, what if I don’t want to go through those tough times just to discover my passion?

Yeah, good point, because any pain that is self-inciting is hardly healthy, and praying for shit to hit the fan basically just puts you between a drama queen and an avid trouble maker.

Here’s a suggestion - discover your purpose, and live your purpose. And I’m not gonna leave you hanging like some cheap-ass motivational guru who is making money dishing out advice rather than living them himself. So here are some coaching questions to help give you clarity. Take some time off in the evening, or get your partner or close friend on the activity with you, because it is in the clarity will you find your purpose in life, your place in the world, your passion for the stormy days.

  • What is something that when you say you want to do, sends goosebumps over your arms, shivers down your spine, and you feel yourself grounded in absolute certainty?
  • What’s a scene in a movie so memorable, so moving, that you had to widen your eyes and look up, so others won’t see you tear up?
  • What’s something that when you see others do, and deep down, in a totally non-cocky way, you know you can do better?
  • What’s the injustice in the world that causes your fist to clench up, that causes your heart beat to pace up, that causes your anger to fire up?
  • What’s something you would go to the end of the world to do, even if it causes you to go from riches to rags, from winning applauses to being ridiculed at?
  • What are your strengths that you and your loved ones can always count on?
  • What are your talents that leaves others in awe, that makes your parents proud beyond words, that makes your mentors bow to you in respect?
  • What are the skills you are willing to bet your life on?
  • What's one thing that you can never stop talking about, never cease learning about, and never back down when being challenged?

Looks like some heavy questions, eh?

Purpose, unlike other things is life, is something you need to find inwards, not outwards. Those questions are keys to help you unlock the doors to your true potential. And you wanna know one more thing? You must be honest because seriously, you can lie to others all you want, but you'll be a fool if you lie to yourself.


I wouldn’t say I had tremendous success in life, but I had the privilege of working with some of the world’s top coaches, best-selling authors and award-winning entrepreneurs. And along the way - over those long conversations we had when being stuck in a traffic jam, or behind-the-scene conversations that uncovers the raw and brutal truths of their success - I was fortunate to learn their success formulas and growth frameworks.

I tested it on myself, and also those who came into my life looking for a way out of their misery and confusion. I taught it to underprivileged kids, and tested it with my own 10-year old son, William.

I tried to live a life worth making an example of, so when others were to ask what were the tools I used, I have the strategies to share, and the stories to inspire.

So when @karinzdailygrind invited me to speak at one of her initiatives - LIVE YOUR PURPOSE - I knew exactly what I would want to impart during the sharing session.

In a nutshell, here’s what I intend to cover:

  • How to leverage on your unique Strength Formula
  • How to fortify your mindset to overcome the obstacles life throws at you
  • How to uncover the inner values that drives your every thought and action
  • How to channel your passion into side hustle projects that rewards you intrincally and extrinsically.
  • And get ready for some deep dive conversations that will give you a better perspective on things, and chart a map to your own unique success


It’s a community initiative started by our very own Steemian in TeamMalaysia, @karinzdailygrind, who wanted to get normal people like you and me to share their strategies to living their purpose. What are the habits they adopted? What are the questions they asked? What are the strategies they used?

In a sweet hybrid of TED-like talks and well-facilitation group coaching sessions, it’s purely non-profit. All the proceeds will be donated to a cause picked by the volunteering speakers.

Sounds like something you had always wanted to gift yourself but never got the chance? Life’s short, and here’s the registration link.

Of course, more info about the other speaker, @coachmelleow, at the event page as well.

Hi there! Thanks for stopping by. I mostly blog about Steemit Success Strategies, business, marketing, entrepreneurship, psychology, community and random thoughts.

Talking about Steemit Success Strategies, if you want to 10x your results on this platform, perhaps some of these guides will be able to help you.

  1. How to generate at least 365 post ideas for your Steemit Life (and possibly never run out of ideas again!)
  2. The 4 Big Cs of Steemit Success
  3. 8 Content Strategies to Excite & Engage your Steemit Followers
  4. 29 Steemit Post Types to Attract More Followers & Boost Your Popularity (Part 1)
  5. 29 Steemit Post Types to Attract More Followers & Boost Your Popularity (Part 2)
  6. Copywriting Magic for Steemit: "How To" Post Titles
  7. Copywriting Magic for Steemit: "List Type" Post Titles
  8. Steemit Success Strategies #1 - The Law of Requisite Variety
  9. Steemit Success Strategies #2 - Batching + Parkinson's Law
  10. Four + Four Free Tools to get more exposure for your Steemit Projects
  11. How to apply the 80/20 rule to your Steemit Life
  12. Steemit Experiment Report: 21 days, 21 minutes, 21 posts later, PLUS an 8-Step Guide on How to Write a Steemit Post every day under 30 minutes
  13. Case Study on Bid Botting - A Steemit Bootcamp follow-up module, a cheatsheet and why I probably won't use it

At least once a month, I run Steemit community events and training workshops with my buddies at #teammalaysia too. Some examples are:

  1. Steemit Bootcamp March 2018 - KICKSTART Your Steemit Success
  2. BoilerRoom 03.03.2018 | Let's Huddle, Hustle & Hack Out Awesome Steemit Contents!

I'm also grateful to be part of #steemitbloggers , SmartSteem and the sndbox.


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I have also want to debunk a quote saying " If you know you gonna die tomorrow what you will do today?" That struck me into my mind and i can't forget this quote alone maybe there's a reason that sometimes i remember this quote, once it gets in my head it really motivate me to do something, but it's only for a short term motivation, and after that it going back again from where i was. It's quite volatile and their is no consistency to my principle maybe i'm too young to find my passion.

Yet another good reality check! We all have our purpose in this life, what are you waiting for, go join the LIVE YOUR PURPOSE talk by @karinzdailygrind, @maverickfoo and @coachmelleow! Good luck guys!

Thanks for the kind words!

Good luck on the talk!

Thanks @roselifecoach! 😘

Most welcome, good luck!

Simon Sinek says, find your WHY.

Which is so true. If you get down to why someone is doing a crappy job, or willing to be away from their family for months at a time during the year, there is a very compelling WHY behind it.

It could be retirement, family, or moving to a new country to have a better life.

Whatever it is, it's a very compelling reason. It is your WHY....

Oh yes, I love Simon's work. Authentic, self leadership eh?

When your spirit is being tested and you still find the strength to persist for another day, that’s passion.

I felt like ranting sometimes, the things that I love doing are the things that I dread they stop too. My absence is steemit for the past 4 days is the reason that the "so-called passion" drained me. Do I hate what I'm doing? No. Why? because despite all the hurdles, despite the complications it got me in, I'm proud of what I am able to handle, and I turn those feelings of defeat and frustration into something I took pride in.

"I've Been Through Them and I survived! "
"No one among my peers is more crazy than I am!"
That's what I tell myself. Do i choose to have those situations to happen? No. They just came, unexpected, and I was unprepared.

*in case you are wondering what I was talking about, it has to do with my work/full time internship.
It was something happened that even my manager could not do anything about it. I have to take over the situation.

But when i see this quote ,

"Tough times don't last, but tough people do"

I clear my head and focus on what I could do. It wasn't easy, but it is possible.

Thanks for sharing. I think all of us have different ways to manage our stress and passion, but most important is the impact it gives us and the people around us at the end of the day.

you always write such inspiring posts. I find myself currently struggling with passion, purpose, and practicality. Do I keep getting jobs that just pay the bills so that I don't go into debt? Or do I take a leap of faith and try to pursue that passion? Right now I'm trying to force myself to pursue my passion even with my full time job, since as you said, those rainy days will come, and if I can't make it work then, it won't work ever. Thanks for sharing!

There are generally two schools of thought here, @corinneiskorean.

One, you go in full leap into your passion, and as they say, build the plane while you fall of the cliff. Risky, but the pressure will push you into rapid, massive action.

Two, you approach slower but with strategy. Start by asking yourself how much you need to survive every month, and multiple that by six. That should be your savings. In the mean time, start working on your passion a few hours a week, maybe an hour on weekdays, and the more on weekends.

I generally prefer the second, though the first will make you so desperate that you have no choice but to make shit work!

What a great post!
I applaud and thank you for that handy and honest piece of advice :)

all the best,

Thanks for the support! Appreciate it very much. ;)

Passion Is Over Rated.

Here's why for me. You can take your passion, like i did for vintage. 18 years ago, I made it into my full time job. I loved it, I still love it. BUT when the passion becomes your business, your livelihood, the center of your world at home and outside the home? Sometimes passion flys out the window. I want to punch passion in the face. It's pretty amazing I made it this far without wanting to punch it. But there are days I will be happy when it's not my full time job and I can enjoy it again!

Haha, perhaps sometimes it's good to keep passion as passion, hobbies as hobbies, work as work. At least will have our escapes, eh?

You have to find other passions. Can I make money gardening? Me personally, NO. So there ya go, I've got my passion that is my job and another side hobby passion ;)

Well, you can write about gardening on Steemit and make money ;)

So true!! Oh great, thanks. Another passion gone... ;)

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Excellent post I enjoyed reading it.


"Non-challenges become boring fast..."

Namaste, JaiChai

I enjoyed reading this. Really inspiring and insighful. It's a blessing when you make money and touch lives from doing something you passionate about.