Does Exploitation Work Both Ways?

in psychology •  6 years ago 

The other day I happened across an article on “freaks” of old, which led to a bit of learning about P. T. Barnum's circus and freak show. Exploitation is a word something that crops up a lot these days and I would certainly imagine that this would be classed as exploitation now. Yet the people in those shows very often retired after about 4 years of work with enough money to be comfortable for the rest of their lives. In today's terms, we'd class them as millionaires. The twins from the wild men of Borneo act, went blind from their condition as they aged, yet were able to employ carers and live in comfort to the ages of about 90.

It made me think, when it comes to exploitation, does it work both ways? Were the public exploiting them or were they, through P. T. Barnum, exploiting the public's fascination with strange things to make a comfortable life for themselves? Many of these people, couldn't earn a living in other ways, so not only was this a lifeline, it offered a lifestyle most of the audience could only dream of affording and they entertained people at the same time. General Tom Thumb, the tiny man, fell in love with and married a tiny woman he would probably never had been able to connect with had it not been for P.T. seeking these acts out for the circus. Tom Thumb was so famous that when he died his funeral was attended by thousands.

Some years ago I watched a documentary about an Indonesian man called the Tree Man. He had a condition where his body wasn't able to fight the wart virus and the warts grew so large and prolifically on his hands and feet that they looked like bark. Medical people did investigations and by the end of the documentary it was announced that they could give him a treatment which might help get rid of the warts so he could use his hands again. After much thought, he decided not to try the treatment so he could continue to be paid by the freak show and provide for his family because there was no guarantee of other work if he could get back the use of his hands.

Of course, today we have other forms of entertainment so no-one is going to go to a “freak show” any more. People with these sorts unusual conditions now, could only count on the welfare system or charity to survive if they can't work for a living and we have a new phenomenon where people might want to be disabled in some way in order to take advantage of the benefits of it. Perhaps you know of someone like that. They are officially blind so as to claim a full disability allowance, but can see better than you. Or they can barely walk and have a car provided for them with disability conversions, but can beat you to the buffet table even when it's up some steps. Then there are those who exacerbate their medical conditions in order to be able to keep benefits and have carers, even when it puts them in an early grave.

The sex industry apparently exploits women, but that porn star is living the high life and does it by doing her favourite pastime. Is she being exploited or is she exploiting a desire for porn and those poor suckers who are willing to part with their money to service that desire?

As a final thought, I realise exploitation does go on in these areas, but by trying to squash it out of existence, do we just push it more underground and make things worse? When we shame people for their desire for this and say it's disgusting or even criminalise it, then it doesn't disappear, does it?


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The concept of exploitation is inherently paternalistic.
You're unfairly taking advantage of this person.
What does that even mean?
Taking advantage of their ignorance?
You think you know their priorities better than they do?
Taking advantage of their circumstances?
Unless you've personally imposed those circumstances you've done nothing unethical, particularly (as you've mentioned), if the arrangement you offer can improve them.
Exploitation is an asinine concept.

Exploitation is an asinine concept.

It certainly seems to be becoming one they way it's being conceptualised lately. It often fascinates me how words can be moulded to become the symbol of something bad. Exploit in itself doesn't necessarily mean anything bad:


1. make full use of and derive benefit from.
2. make use of (a situation) in a way considered unfair or underhand

Then, of course, depending on how you're trying to define it, it can be unclear who is on the receiving end of exploitation if anyone is at all.

PS: I haven't heard asinine for a long time. I had to check it's meaning! :D Thanks, I love being introduced to new words, or even reintroduced to them.

Powerful insight shared here...

Thank you.