How To Stop Procrastination

in psychology •  8 years ago 

Don't read this article for one! I joke, I kid! There is little pieces of gold throughout which can help you overcome procrastination once and for all. 

Why do you procrastinate? 

There can be many reasons why we end up procrastinating some common causes include: self doubt, laziness, fear, failure or simply not knowing where to begin. 

But like there are many causes for procrastination there are thankfully many remedies for this annoying condition that we have all become victims of at one point or another. 

How to beat procrastination once and for all 

Here are my top tips for beating procrastination. 

Tip #1 

Break tasks down into milestones. Then break those milestones down into mini milestones. Then repeat. 

The smaller the tasks, the less daunting it is. You just need to start, and if you are achieving along the way soon enough you will be in a winning mind frame. 

Tip #2

Create a road map out of your milestones and create one which works for you. Some people are more visual, others like words, others need to hear it. Whatever your road map is. Create one from your milestones and in the format that works best for you. Seeing or hearing the big picture and each step is a nice reminder. 

Tip #3

Celebrate the wins! You must celebrate each win as you go. Without this, you will feel like there is no end / no destination. So as you tick each milestone off, give yourself a clap...literally. It's addictive. 

Tip #4

Rest is not procrastination so treat yourself to rest - your body and mind will work better if it is well rested. But you will be more inclined to keep on going if you are feeling good and fresh. 

Tip #5

It's not a race. Simply go at your pace and keep on going. That is all you have to do. Once you get into a flow enjoy the process and the ride. As the journey is more important than the destination. 

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And one more reason of procrastination is sometimes I've lost motivation in doing things. ;( But yeah, your tip #4 and #5 is quite true, sometimes a little rest can make me do things better when I continue. A good rest is good for long journey ;).

Ah motivation - just need that strong enough "why" not always easy - but agreed, rest is mandatory!

Great post upvoted and followed! Keep up the good work :)

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