Forgiveness ' Word of the Day

in psychology •  7 years ago 

Forgiveness Dice.jpg

I asked myself, What is the word I can give myself for my best living today? The word that popped up is Forgiveness.

What specifically came up for me shortly after - was the following points:

  • Forgiveness is specifically about Self First. This means that to really be able to give Forgiveness to Anyone at all...To have any ability whatsoever to do this - Stems from....rooots from this very giving to ourselves as the living of "Self-Forgiveness".

  • A cool indicator and cross reference point is: "If there is resistance to forgiving another....this is an indication of a point of seperation where there's being a grudge that's held in the form of a judgement." I realized that the only time I have resistance towards letting go and living a forgiving attitude and nature is when I am 'hell bent on holding on and fighting....which has generally been the case when there is a point of conflict inside of me that i haven't yet fully understood and become aware of." So - resistance is a great cross reference check point for further's in really developping a relationship in working/exercising/playing with resistances that we are easily able to question and challenge our very resistances.

  • Forgiving resistance is to directly engage with resistance in a way like a deep dive where you completely immerse yourself in and as your movement in the moment and there's no holding's a complete letting go and surrender....a vulnerability of yourself to be completely open in/as the moment/life Here.

  • Forgiveness is the gift you give for yourself.

  • Forgiveness is synonymous with Responsibility.


  • Forgiveness, is a follow through from the previous day word, Slow. The word Slow is extremely supportive for me. Gifting myself this word opened up small moments I may have previously just dismissed and limited my potential ability within. One such moment happened yesterday where i was quick to jump to a conclusion about something and what my participation will be - in catching myself in my own 'quickness' because i had the anchored support of the word Slow as my word to support my best living today - I was able to slow down and actually correct the misalignments in the conclusions I had prematurely drawn...and ultimately this resulted in a rather fortuitious outcome and it was like a kind of haha moment because i moved through a block that i had...i couldn't have fathomed the eventual outcome...but now in hindsight having walked that process it's like, well's so obvious...but just a moment ago it wasn't so obvious. This for me is a simple reminder and example of the learning process from unknown to known.

  • What was unexpected in utilizing the support of the word Slow was that the word was equally about speed, and responsiveness. Part of the support of Slow was recognizing when I was going too fast within myself in moments and that in actual fact, my best ability to participate in any given moment is from a starting point of being slowed down within myself - slowed down within myself - meaning; grounded, calm, cool, collected, alert, ready, and responsible.

  • Forgiveness and Specifically Self-Forgiveness is like the roll of the Dice in a way - it's a dice roll from the perspective that you are making a deliberate move to enable play. When there's blockages in the ability to forgive/self-forgive there's limitation in one's ability to move as "play". The roll of the dice is a play. The outcome is unknown. What is known for sure is that the roll of the dice is a play. It's a move that's made. It's a position that's taken. The future outcome is unknown in dice rolling as it is unknown in living of forgiveness - what is known is that Forgiveness itself is a 'great play'...'a great dice roll', and so by living self-forgiveness as 'great play here' - that's the seeds that are worth spreading....sowing....replanting Daily.

  • Slow Down to adequately share the Best Living of Forgiveness.

Previous Post in this Series of "Word of the Day"



















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  • What I like about this social experiment, is the fact that it's success is directly dependent on ordinary people everywhere - where there's a willingness to say,

"Yes - I accept a weekly payment for being a human being to cover my basic costs of Existing Here."





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