in psychology •  7 years ago 

Hello hello followers today I bring you a very interesting topic which is the psychology very few know about this topic and that is why I report to bring you this topic.

What is psychology?


Profession, an academic discipline and a science that deals with the study and analysis of the behavior and mental processes of individuals and human groups in different situations whose field of study covers all aspects of human experience and does so for purposes both of research as teachers and workers, among others.

Psychology different methods of study as they are:

Perception, attention, motivation, emotion, brain functioning, intelligence, thinking, personality, personal relationships, consciousness and unconsciousness. Psychology employs empirical quantitative and qualitative research methods to analyze behavior.


Other types of qualitative and mixed methods can also be found, especially in the clinical or consulting field. While psychological knowledge is frequently used in the evaluation or treatment of psychopathologies, in recent decades psychologists are also being employed in the human resources departments of organizations, in areas related to child development and aging, sports , the media, the legal world and forensic sciences. Although most psychologists are involved professionally in therapeutic activities (clinical, consulting, education), a part is also devoted to research, from universities, on a wide range of topics related to human behavior and thinking.

Functions of Psychology

Often people outside this profession wonder what is the use of psychology, what is its utility. They do not know that the fundamental role of psychology is to promote the well-being of people.



  • It supports the registration of behaviors to be able to know the problem behaviors and thus be able to explain them to the person who suffers them so that they can modify them.

  • Know the contingencies that keep our behaviors, know what alternatives to use and how to overcome our limitations.

  • Help overcome difficulties that arise in daily life, enhancing qualities, skills and competences and assume or mitigate deficits.


good friends here I leave another interesting fact about a particular topic I hope you like it I say goodbye😊.

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