How To Feel Fresh All The Time

in psychology •  7 years ago 

One of the biggest problems we are facing in this modern world is that many people feel lethargic all the time. Have you ever felt that you are too tired to function throughout the day even after having a 7-hour sleep? And not even your favorite cup of coffee helps you wash off that feeling of fuzziness and disorientation?

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This could be due to several reasons or some of your long-term habits. Lethargy can be a symptom of some diseases, and it also occurs when we keep exploiting our bodies unnaturally for longer periods. Eventually, after a threshold tolerance of our body, it starts deteriorating in its functions.

If you want to feel fresh all the time, start listening to your body*

The problem is that we don’t communicate with our body too well anymore. In fact, we force it to do the things we want to do like it’s our slave. For example, we force ourselves to stay awake with multiple cups of coffee when our body is begging to rest. We need to understand what our body tries to tell us when we feel uneasy because when we put more pressure on our bodies than it can take, it starts talking to us, such as, the pain you get when you start working too hard in the gym.

There are times when you know exactly what you’re doing to feel this certain way. For instance, you may be overworking late through the night, or staying up all night to have a fun weekend. But more often than not, we can’t put a finger on what is making us feel so tired all the time.

If you’re among those people who feel tired all the time, it’s about time that you push the Reset Button on your body and start anew.

Following are the things you can do to Factory Reset your body, just like you do when your cell phone becomes slow :

Fixing up your Sleeping Pattern

The most common reason for a symptom like this is that you’re not getting enough sleep that a normal routine would require you to take. The problem is that you cannot stay awake the whole night and decide to sleep double the hours the next night to compensate for that. Our bodies don’t work that way. The time of your sleep that you spent being awake once lost cannot be brought back. The next day your body will only need the same 7 hours to recharge, but since you missed your sleep a night before you may not feel as fresh.

Without sleep, you not only feel tired, in fact, it has far stretched consequences. You will end up with more toxins in your brain that are supposed to wash off when you sleep, which causes difficulty in perception, cognition, thinking and makes you feel confused, disoriented and sad. It also increases the risk of getting fat, falling into depression, heart diseases and hypertension (high Blood pressure). With this being said, it’s easy to perceive why we can start feeling chronic fatigue without getting proper sleep.

Apart from not sleeping enough, some people even spend 10 hours in bed and still manage to get up all lazy and tired. Oversleeping is one thing, but this condition commonly occurs when you do not care enough about your sleeping patterns.

You can do the following things to retune your sleeping habits:

  • Be consistent
    Choose a sleep schedule that suits you best and stick to it on a long-term basis. The best hours to sleep are early during the night and best time to wake up is early in the morning. Respect the schedule even on the weekends.
  • Stop being a Panda
    You may be as cute as a Panda is, but once you’ve had enough sleep through the night, you don’t need to nap during the day. Some people find power naps helpful, while others hate it. Doctors even linked it to your genetics. But whatever the case is, it fragments your sleep and you might end up feeling like The Hulk when it’s time for you to snore.
  • Stop snoozing
    Once you’re up, get up and get off! If you can’t fall asleep, simply leave your bed and start your day ahead. Staying awake in the bed, whether it’s at night when you can’t sleep because your brain is running a marathon, or whether it’s in the morning, will only make you feel less fresh.
  • Don’t sleep Unstable
    Make sure that the room you’re sleeping in is secured from light, noise, and anything that may disturb your sleep. You should be comfortable with the temperature, your bed, and everything to make you happily doze off.
  • No late hour caffeine
    Stop drinking coffee right before the evening.
  • Drinks and smokes
    Smoking stimulates your brain activity and charges you up. Make sure you avoid alcohol and cigarettes anytime close to your sleeping hours.

    Doing these things shall fix up your sleeping routine.

Eating Habits

The way you eat highly effects the way you feel. In the same way, eating the right things can make a huge difference in making you feel re-energized. One of the best ways to fight fatigue is to eat a healthy and balanced meal. Once your body starts getting the right kinds of nutrients in the right amounts, it functions optimally. You can make use of a mix of protein, whole grains, dairy, vegetables, and fruits.

An easy way to go about eating the right way is to consume enough calories for your age, weight, gender, and activities. Not too much, not too little. Try to incorporate fruits and vegetables into one-half of your meals, and the other half could be whole grains. In terms of dairy, go for a low-fat meal. Minimize your processed protein intake and go for lean meat, fish rich in omega-3, nuts, and seeds. Avoid sugar as much as you can, since an increasing number of doctors now call it white poison. Always make sure to have a healthy fulfilling breakfast, remember to keep yourself hydrated, and instead of snacking all the time go for periodic meals at regular intervals.


Make sure you incorporate exercise and physical activities into your schedule if you have a sedentary lifestyle. You should at least aim for a 30-minute walk if you sit all day at work. Other enjoyable activities may include swimming, biking or tennis.
Also, try to incorporate things into your routine to break the monotony. Take some time out to do the things you’re excited about.

Kill the Stress

If you are really committed to being fresh all the time, you will have to kill the stress from your life completely. It’s important to understand that there will always be problems in life and it’s alright. We should start looking at life with a fresh new perspective that we’re going to overcome the problems we are facing. And it’s important to realize that stressing over it will never help, or provide any substantial benefit, but only make the situation even worse. Stress will result in physical and emotional lethargy and fatigue. It will change your body chemistry in prolonged stressful periods and eventually damage your health.

To overcome stress and start fresh, you can try to first identify the reason for your stress because without knowing what you’re fretting over you may never be able to solve it. The best way is to write it down. Once you’ve realized the problem, look out for patterns and reflect upon them in terms of your capacity and how much you can endure. Find out in what instances you were not able to bear the amount of stress. Once you have figured it out, start practicing the magical word of “No” for the things that are beyond your limits. Avoid the people and things that make you feel stressed. And find someone with whom you can talk about your concerns and seek advice from. A sincere advice can do wonders. Start looking at the things differently and more practically, rather than reflecting on them emotionally. Understand the process of how things go and what you should be doing to get along with it. Don’t worry about the things you cannot change, since it’s not in your control. Instead, do what’s in your control to protect yourself from any harms of it. Start looking at things from a bird’s eye view instead of a first-person victim’s perspective. Look at the situation from the opponent’s POV, which will help you realize that it may not be such a big deal. Finally, stop holding on to grudges, and forgive all the people who are forgivable. This will only give you immense strength, more than you can imagine.

Medical Issues

Most obviously, there may be some medical reason for you to feel lethargic as it’s a symptom of many problems. Although, some medical issues are only due to some bad habits and wrong routines therefore by following the above-mentioned strategy you most probably can get rid of some common medical problems.

However, there are some more serious medical conditions that shouldn’t be neglected at any cost. Therefore, it’s recommended that if you don’t feel any better even after following the above-mentioned tips, it’s sufficiently a reason for you to get yourself checked by a doctor with your symptoms.

There may be conditions like lack of blood (Anemia), anxiety, chronic fatigue syndrome and depression, which can be improved by following the recalibration steps. However, other conditions like thyroid disease, intolerance to certain food, cardiovascular disease, urinary infection, glandular symptoms, vitamin deficiency and pregnancy are some common medical conditions that should be addressed by a specialist.


Feeling fresh is essential to have a productive day and work to the fullest of capacity to reap maximum benefits. Moreover, in order to enjoy your life and cherish each moment you need to be fresh and happy. Therefore, start valuing yourself and appreciating yourself for all the hard work you do, and realize that you are incredible and you deserve great treats!

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Very informative post! Sometimes we all need a little reminder of thing we know already and for me it did work! Our body is our temple.
Thanks a lot for sharing!

Great advice, thanks!

I agree Baby ,,,, life is always beautiful

Lo mejor es hacer lo que mas nos gusta y nos hace feliz. sin dañar a nada ni nadie.

Well, i must reborn to apply all advices. But, nice Post. Hugs

You brought up a great point about fixing the sleeping habits. I used to take naps during the day and then wouldn't sleep so well at night. The next day I would feel lethargic and not want to do much. I have started a consistent sleep schedule now at night and don't sleep during the day so I am feeling much better. Great post!

This is one of the best pieces of advice I have heard in a long time, "If you want to feel fresh all the time, start listening to your body".

I think so much can be accomplished in the health and wellness aspect of our life if we simply listen to our body. After all, our body is pretty damn smart ;)

Great post @Steemhealthcare!

I work in shifts :(... one..quiting is not an option most of jobs are like that...healthy food is expensive and sometimes hard to think positive and move on :)

Well a lenghty but an awesome post. Actually i sleep alot and still fell sleepy at any time and at any moment,so it seems I must stop being panda